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Skyward Sword- Why Do People Hate It So?

Aug 12, 2015
Around here you don't hear people complain about TP motion controls,cuz a real Zelda fan will play the GC version over the Wii version. Usually simply cuz they don't care for motion controls. Lack of Traditional controls ruined SS, it would be a respected Zelda game, in stead of a Zelda themed motion control tech demo. The whole game was base aroud the controls unlike TP on the Wii, where it was the same game as the GameCube version, so you didn't have a game based on motion controls just the same game with motion controls as a bonus. Which was still cools cuz the motion controls was not what TP was based on like Skyward Sword was. So the motion controls didn't ruin TP like it did with Skyward Sword.

That might be true, but what I'm on about is something different - people saying the motion controls plain don't work. It's fine if you don't like them, and I can understand how you'd be frustrated with the game if you didn't like that way of playing. But saying the controls are bad when there's much worse is just wrong.

On the other hand, that comment about real Zelda players playing the Gamecube version is just stupid. So I can't be a real fan if I don't want to buy a Gamecube just to play one Zelda? Really??


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
That might be true, but what I'm on about is something different - people saying the motion controls plain don't work. It's fine if you don't like them, and I can understand how you'd be frustrated with the game if you didn't like that way of playing. But saying the controls are bad when there's much worse is just wrong.

On the other hand, that comment about real Zelda players playing the Gamecube version is just stupid. So I can't be a real fan if I don't want to buy a Gamecube just to play one Zelda? Really??

No I wasn't Implying you not a real fan for preferring TP on wii, just that your a minority, choosing to play the motion control version of TP and live Skyward Sword when itnot even a game ofen iyhoughr motion contrpls
Sep 21, 2014
It's less about prefering to play it on the Wii, and more like a necessity. I do have a Wii. I don't have a Gamecube.
Well, it's back compatible. You just need a controller, really. And the game itself, of course.

But I think it's more prudent to get away from the idea of "real fan" this or that, and just say that the control scheme for GC is the way it was meant to be played, because that's the hardware the game was designed for. It was shoehorned onto the Wii, which is why it feels inferior. Soul, I can see your'e new here, so please try not to judge SOT too harshly: we get a lot of people saying that TP sucked because its controls sucked from people who've only played the Wii version (and thus did not get a true scope of how tight that games controls actually are if you're playing the intended version). It's a defense trained into him by ignorant people saying ignorant things.
Aug 12, 2015
Wait, so I could have bought the Gamecube version and played that with my Wii U? I apologize in that case, since if that's true that statement makes much more sense. Sorry if I was coming over as rude.
Sep 21, 2014
Wait, so I could have bought the Gamecube version and played that with my Wii U? I apologize in that case, since if that's true that statement makes much more sense. Sorry if I was coming over as rude.
Oh wait, do you have a Wii, or a Wii U? Because you said Wii first. But you just said Wii U this time.

And honestly, you can probably score a gamecube at a GameStop for about 20 bucks.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Around here you don't hear people complain about TP motion controls,cuz a real Zelda fan will play the GC version over the Wii version.
wow can we not? i was over the "only a real fan" thing like in early high school

No I wasn't Implying you not a real fan for preferring TP on wii, just that your a minority, choosing to play the motion control version of TP and live Skyward Sword when itnot even a game ofen iyhoughr motion contrpls
have you not seen the prices for tp on gamecube? if you compare the two there's not much of a choice to make
unless you softmod a wii to play gamecube games...


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
wow can we not? i was over the "only a real fan" thing like in early high school
Fair enough, sorry. I really didnt mean to come off like that guy. I guess I just meant that traditional gamers, or the greater portion of gamers would prefer traditional controls. Also I feel that it would be unfair to judge Twilight Princess by the Wii version; considering that controls are usually something considered when judging how good a game is. The "only a real fan" comment was kind of stupid, and did not come off as I had intended.

have you not seen the prices for tp on gamecube? if you compare the two there's not much of a choice to make
unless you softmod a wii to play gamecube games...

when speaking of price... I dont know. Im just basing it off of its original price. Not the collectors price, which is just terrible how the name Zelda automatically means you are paying 80 bucks at least no matter how good or bad the game is. However the softmod option IS there, and it really is not that difficult too do... what so ever.
May 4, 2014
What is an Arizona Granny supposed to look like specifically?

TPs motion controls work the way you need them too, they're not sensitive and not forced on everything. You want a game that makes SS' controls look perfect? Try Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz. Worst game I ever played on the Wii.

Ah, so I'm not a real fan because I don't own a GameCube? Not everyone has a ton of money or space for multiple consoles you know. I dont act like I'm a superior fan, because people first played the first two Zeldas on the GBA and not the NES like I did.

I don't like Skyward Sword because the motion controls don't do what I want them too, theyre awkward and are forced on everything, I hate the stamina meter, the overworld is boring as hell, the pacing is bad etc.

I like its charming art style, I enjoy the quirky characters and there are three excellent Dungeons.
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Now I know I may just get hung up on that too much, but I'm currently playing Twilight Princess for the first time and I honestly find that game's motion controls way more obnoxious. Whenever I whip out the bow or something similar I am greeted with a message telling me to point the Remote on the screen, something Skyward Sword doesn't do. The pointer is incredibly sensitive, and I actually had to adjust the sensitivity to the lowest setting to make it at least kind of work, though I still find it very hard to aim. The sword works alright, though it offers nowhere near the freedom Skyward Sword does. Seeing as Twilight Princess is five years older I can't really criticize that of course.

I'm really wondering how people complain about Skyward's motion controls so much, yet I rarely ever hear the same criticism about Twilight Princess, which controls much worse in my opinion. From aiming to sword swinging to flying, Skyward Sword does all of these much better. There are many good reasons to dislike Skyward Sword, and I don't want to force my opinion on anyone here. But citing the motion controls as the reason when Twilight Princess seems to get away with it doesn't make sense to me.

Twilight princess's motion controls are not forced and are very basic and easy. It simply replaces the attack button with a flick of the wrist and the aim function with the pointer. There is a learning curve with SS and many did not like that. You wont have many that will have any difficulty playing TP on the other hand.
Aug 28, 2015
Liking games because of the franchise they are in is not a good way of going about things.
That wasn't exactly my point. What I was saying was of all the Zelda games I've played (LoZ1, ALttP, LA, OoT, MM, OoS, OoA, WW, MC, TP, SS, ALBW) there is not a single one I dislike. They all have flaws, but I have fun with all of them still.

Maybe I should get this forum back on SS. Here are all the things about SS that annoyed me or that I disliked a bit:
Fi was a cool character, but since she constantly wants you to talk to her she gets annoying. I can't defend that, even if it doesn't bother me as much as I'm quite patient.
I wish that there was a bit more to explore in each area. Skyloft is great, the Faron and Lanyru regions are really interesting, but Eldin is really linear and there is only one inhabited area other than Skyloft. None of this was game breaking to me like for other people, but having a bit more content would be cool.
I wish there were more fantastic dungeons in this game. there are 7, and all are great. But usually 8 or 9 is the standard, so an extra dungeon or two would have been nice.
The robot carrier SUCKS. The section before the Fire Sanctuary is really the only part of the game I dislike.
Parts of the song of hero seem like padding. Okay, they are padding. They don't bother me too much, but it delays getting to the final silent realm and the Sky Keep, which are both great.
The trees look awful. I have to say it, they look like paper.
I wish 100%ing the game wasn't so annoying. It's not as bad as Wind Waker or Ocarina of Time, but still. I would sooner 100% Twilight Princess, Majora's Mask, and A Link Between Worlds.

Here are some things I really like about SS:
All the dungeons are FANTASTIC. Not a single one I dislike, and they are all enjoyable to go through with great puzzles and atmosphere.
I like a lot of the puzzle elements of the overworld. Some examples of this are the Lanayru Sand Sea, (the Lanayru area in general) the Deep Faron Woods, and the puzzle before getting to the isle of songs.
Ghirihim is my favorite Zelda character ever, and one of my favorite video game characters in general. His fights are cool, but can be quite frustrating if you suck.
The Loftwing has great controls. If there was more stuff in the sky, it would easily pass Termina as my favorite Zelda world.
Skyloft is so lively! Of all the starting areas it's my favorite, because of all the people, the bazaar, the layout, and everything about it. The only starting area that I like as much is Outset Island from Wind Waker.
The art style is beautiful. This might be due to the Wii U's up-scaling, but I think this is the best Zelda art style. Other than the paper trees.
The story is quite engaging, and many of the characters are entertaining as well. There's Groose, Zelda, Fi, Ghirihim, the Mogmas, the Kikwis, the Water Dragon, and many more.
All the bosses are pretty good. Even Mike Wasouski's waifu can be annoying if you don't kill her right. Honorable mention to Koloctos.
The motion controls work. I must say I'm quite indifferent to them, but they don't detract from the experience.
My turn ;)

I don't know what it was with SS but it never excited me. The reveal trailer didn't do anything for me which is impressive in its own right i since i lived through the Wind Waker reveal fiasco and still ended up more excited for Wind Waker (gawd that initial reveal was foul) than i ever was for SS. I'm not against Cel-shading (Wind Waker is my favourite game of all time) but SS looked 'off' Link didn't look 'right' to me, the character designs didn't thrill me either and nothing stood out to me as being exciting... probably because the newest and most interesting feature seemed to be the ability the roll bombs... (something which was horribly annoying to do in the end product).

From its reveal to its release and all the footage i saw in between, SS never once got me excited to actually play it, which is odd for a Zelda game.

Now, I'm also not against motion controls... I don't think the Wii had a good first party library but that wasn't down to me thinking that it was because the games were motion controlled. I just don't think the games in general were very good in the Wii generation, so keep in mind that I'm fine with motion controls when you read the next thing i'm about to say...

Playing SS was such a damn chore! We'll get on to the design in a second but bloody hell those motion controls!! Not that they were unresponsive (though i was having to re-calibrate nearly every time i stayed in first person for longer than ten seconds), but they were just so over-used and so underwhelming that it just made things a chore. Its fine with items like the bow and arrow and the slingshot, items that you manually aim, but when the motions controls invade items like the whip and items created for the sole purpose of being operated specifically by motion controls (like the beetle) then it starts to feel as if SS is not just including motion controls but banging you over them at every available opportunity, at which point the controls begin to become invasive. Not to mention that the bow (thanks to the dual use of the nunchuck) and the whip were really irritating to use, especially in timed puzzles or when you're surrounded by enemies.

The game design to include motion controls didn't seem as thought through as it could have been either. Fighting with the sword felt very tacked on, take the enemies in the Lanayru Mining Facility Dungeon, so many enemies had glowing blue 'slash here in this direction to defeat' lines on them, it felt like i was following a child's first DIY book where you needed to cut along the dotted line with safety scissors... The bokoblins didn't change their fighting styles either, (nor did the Stlafos despite how many extra arms they had), they just gained more annoying weaponry like those electric... things they carried later on which was disappointing.

As for level design (and i do mean 'level') SS has to have some of the most boring locations I've come across in a Zelda game. TP had some open spaces with very little in them but at least they felt like they were part of a bigger organic world and didn't feel out of place (plus at the time of release they were good places to appreciate the lighting in TP and some of the distant scenery), but SS's puzzle laden levels (which become available like levels in a Mario game and are even selected like such), like the motion controls, kept reminding me that i was playing a video game and not a piece of escapist fantasy. Having only three different locations was annoying too, I found myself moving through SS waiting to see more provinces open up but they never did, I literally spent all of SS asking myself 'where's the rest of it?'. To have only a forest, desert and volcano didnt even feel like decent choices, I'd have preferred a water province as opposed to a desert area for example, and having to revisit each place three times was dull, even though there were 'new' places to visit within each province (sometimes, unless you're doing a Silent Realm quest in the places you've already visited, or looking for your stolen items in the places you've already visited) a desert is still a desert and a volcano is still a volcano so the 'new' places didn't feel as new or exciting or as interesting as they should have...

Of all the dungeons in the game i only really enjoyed two, the Lanayru Mining Facility and the Ancient Cistern, but in my opinion those two dungeons are instantly trumped by the worst dungeons in the likes of Wind Waker, OoT and TP, so they're nothing to write home about in the end. The timeshift stones were also overused in my opinion, to the extent that I'd audibly groan when I came across one.

As for the bosses... SS has some of the worst bosses in Zelda history. I think the only bosses in other Zelda games that are worse than the ones found in SS is maybe the Anglor Fish from LA and the Chu Chu from Minish Cap in the first dungeon, though he was a fun fight.... Really, SS's bosses were horrible, both to fight and to look at. Tentalus was both annoying to fight and to look at (and made me want to watch Monsters Inc). The Imprisoned was god awful in every respect, a pinecone with toes in the worst possible place to have a boss fight. The other bosses just aren't worth wasting space to talk about (especially since Ghirahim fills in for an absent one)... Though Koloktus, perhaps the game's best boss is, to me, an overrated boss and again is trumped by some of the worst bosses in other Zelda games, much like the dungeons.

The story felt like filler too, I liked the plot that played throughout the first three dungeons, a chase-like narrative which saw Link catching up with Zelda and Impa little by little which gave a good sense of progression, but then it just became filler... Yes, other games like Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past and Twilight Princess full-on stop the narrative and plot until you've cleared enough dungeons, but while SS is more story driven it just can't keep the narrative relevant and it caves into filler, prove yourself via the three sacred flames to forge the Master Sword, then prove yourself again for the song of the hero... it just doesn't feel like its needed. (And who said we ever needed a Master Sword origin story?)

Fi... her design was okay (her singing animation was god awful) but she has to be the most irritating, invasive and cliche companion to ever be by Link's side.

Mogma: Go to the volcano.
Fi: *ping* Master, there is a 90% chance we should go to the volcano.
Link: ... (I'm not deaf, nor ignorant! You always do this! shut up!)

She's just... ugh! And then you get to the end where the emotionless puppet suddenly has emotion and feels happiness, ah what a happy ending...

Ghirahim... was terribly written, he starts angry, ends angry, has little if any character progression and feels as if he's there just to waste time (and fill in for an absent boss)

Demise... who'd have thought that having Ganondorf crossed with Akuma would have made a crap villain? Especially since he spends most of his time as a mute pinecone with toes. By the time you face off with Demise you've technically already defeated him three times and dropped a floating island on his head. And since you're squaring off with him in the past, you know that even if you screw up Hylia will just re-imprison him anyway...

Groose... like Koloktus is another overrated aspect of SS, Linebeck in PH goes through a very similar transformation period and is more relevant to the plot than Groose ever became in SS. He isn't written all that well either, it takes four rather short cutscenes to 180 his character and they're rather bluntly done in my opinion.

What's left... Well, the flying (even though i love sailing in WW) was also a chore, flapping every now and again was irritating, I don't care if we have a 360 3D space in which to roam and fly about, there's less in the sky than there is in the Great Sea in WW, at least WW had something in every quadrant, however small, to be able to leave your boat and explore. SS has very little in the way of exploration in the sky and the rocks that do hide goodies have no roaming room at all. The Loftwing also feels very slow and terribly limited, I'd have liked to have been able to pull of some Starfox Style somersaults for example.

SS didn't have a 3D camera either, something that i miss terribly... it also doesn't have a day-night cycle unless you force it, which is odd since Ocarina of Time (a game on less powerful hardware) managed it with no trouble...

NPCs were dull and or irritating, like Beedle who now drops you out of his flying cabin if you don't buy anything. Beedle's flying cabin is another point of design contention for me... if i ever want him i have to go looking for him around the island and then waste ammo on ringing his bell (if you dont have the clawshots). At least in WW you knew where he was and could get to him quicker with no added effort...

The Lumpy Pumpkin, an obvious Lon Lon knockoff was less than fun too, especially the chandelier sidequest; steal a heart piece and break a chandelier, do fetch-quests (in which you are always rewarded) and then pay off your debt by being awarded another heart piece... crime pays, kids!

Ah, on the heart piece side of things, SS also has the least number of heart pieces to find in the overworld, you start with six hearts and are given heart medalions later on which bestow upon you a free full heart container... I never max out my hearts before the end of a Zelda game, yet i did so comfortably i SS.

One last thing that i don't like before i get on to the stuff i do (if there's even a point)... Remember in TP where every time you'd load your file, Link would always hold up a coloured rupee like it was something new and it would temporarily halt the action (especially if you were in the middle of a fight)? Well SS goes one worse with its treasure items. It not only shows you the treasure item like it something new every time you load your file but it then takes you to a sunscreen and shows you where it goes on the little treasure grid (along with the other 50 of the same thing). There are also way more treasures than coloured rupees, so often times the action is stopped more than once in the same fight for ten seconds before you can continue, its invasive, its horrible, its unnecessary.

It also probably goes without saying by this point that thee unconnected overworld and repeated boss battles also annoyed the hell out of me and made the game come off as lazy.

So, in my opinion, this is why i hate SS....

Now, bonus round; things i did like about SS.

The Island in the Sky and Fi's Farewell themes are pretty darn good...
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Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
That might be true, but what I'm on about is something different - people saying the motion controls plain don't work. It's fine if you don't like them, and I can understand how you'd be frustrated with the game if you didn't like that way of playing. But saying the controls are bad when there's much worse is just wrong.

Nothing personal, but that's the absolute worst logic I've ever seen.

"You can't say something is bad if there's something worse"

No. You can. Just because there are worse things doesn't mean that the thing you're talking about isn't bad.

Even assuming that TP's motion controls are worse (I doubt it) than SS's, that doesn't make SS's motion controls not bad. And considering that TP didn't force them on you for every mundane action makes them, by default, not worse than SS. Not to mention that the original and best control scheme for TP is and always will be the GCN controller.

There is no option for real controls in SS.

Basically, the entire game is a crapfest and sucks. I agree 100%. It's not just a bad Zelda game, it's a bad game. It's not just the worst Zelda game, it's one of the worst games I've ever played, period.

And by the way, I did read the whole thing.


For rent
Feb 16, 2015
Because people can't handle it's goodness(Minus the hand holding, but that's really the only problem I had with it...)


For rent
Feb 16, 2015
Even assuming that TP's motion controls are worse (I doubt it) than SS's, that doesn't make SS's motion controls not bad.
SS's motion controls were bad?

Huh, I played the entire game sitting down and only had to calibrate the Wiimote once or twice every hour or so, and they was really precise too.

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