Let me also start by saying that my intention was never to reduce your personal arguments to something that’s “trendy” or not relevant. I’m truly sorry if you took that last statement as something that was directly aimed at you, as it was hardly my intention at all. I was admittedly irked at mkwLM’s labeling of many other people’s views as “circlejerking”, as it’s very possible to also take that as a personal insult meant to degrade other’s personal opinions. The reply was aimed at him/her alone, and not at you at all, as I feel you’ve done a commendable job of attempting to explain your viewpoint in light of other factors and arguments I’ve also made.
Indeed, my intention this entire time is to highlight how many detractors of this factor in Smash have little merit to their arguments, and how many of them do indeed hold a double-standard when it comes to males vs females. I stand by my statement, that, in today’s industry, it most certainly is trendy to oppose any type of perceived “sexualization” against females while ignoring the same issue with males. Does this mean it applies to you as a person? Of course not, and I hope you understand that.
This was to oppose the false umbrella statement that I think “Smash can do no wrong”, which is, quite frankly, an almost insulting over-simplification of my argument that isn’t true especially concerning the aspects of Smash Bros that actually matter when it comes to how it is as an actual video game. I also never said that gender issues were mutually exclusive from gameplay issues when it comes to having a problem with either, but, as I said above, that many people in this industry and community hold the false belief that this gender issue is what TRULY is the main detractor of this Smash game, when there are other factors they should be concerned about as well, including but not limited to the ongoing “casualization” of the franchise that many think is occurring.
I truly am sorry if you’ve lost respect for me, and I think I should also include that I’ve had the upmost respect for you since I rejoined this forum late last year. If I’ve gotten too heated and personally insulted you, I deeply apologize for that, and I hope you understand that it was never intended in that way.