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School's Out: Recess Mafia Game Thread

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the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Music, do you not see WHY I asked Scarfed not to take a shot? I don't understand why you're so upset about that. If Scarfed had killed the wrong person, the game would be over, without any further discussion. Someone would have died without us having any say in it. Now someone will still die, but we get to discuss it. You really think that it would have been better to have him kill off someone in the night without any deliberation?

Also, it's not like I had any control over whether he listened to me or not... It's like you're blaming me for him not confirming himself. I'm personally very grateful that he offered us the chance to talk this over at the loss of his own personal innocence.

You're being awfully hasty. I highly advise you to unvote so that we can talk about this first. Why are you determined to end the game so quickly? We have nothing to lose by waiting.
However we have one more day due to the vig. It would be 2 to 2 and the vig has a 2/3 chance to hit a cult member.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Also let us think of who is left

My character (who I wont name due to potential of mod kill but the other lady/mellow) he is generly mellow and the only time that he was agrasive was when he got into a fight with the other part of the crew he is part of.
TJ who got recruited Gummy/ or HoT
Spenlie who fits the bill of who got requited as being aggressive but is most likely the vig who killed after the cult leader was dead ALiT
Gretchen who does not fit the bill of who is recruited normally. She can be verbally aggressive when she feels ignored and has shown to do so on multiple times on the show. Scarfed or HoT.
I do not know who the fith kid could be. My resoning for putting HoT down for both TJ and Gretchen is that
The reson why I bring up the ignore part is that the ashelys would ignore Gretchen


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Also let us think of who is left

My character (who I wont name due to potential of mod kill but the other lady/mellow) he is generly mellow and the only time that he was agrasive was when he got into a fight with the other part of the crew he is part of.
TJ who got recruited Gummy/ or HoT
Spenlie who fits the bill of who got requited as being aggressive but is most likely the vig who killed after the cult leader was dead ALiT
Gretchen who does not fit the bill of who is recruited normally. She can be verbally aggressive when she feels ignored and has shown to do so on multiple times on the show. Scarfed or HoT.
I do not know who the fith kid could be. My resoning for putting HoT down for both TJ and Gretchen is that
The reson why I bring up the ignore part is that the ashelys would ignore Gretchen

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Music, PLEASE unvote.

What do you mean by we have "one more day" due to the vig? We would have had this day whether the vig was in the game or not.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Since the vig is still alive if there is a tie then the vig has a chance to night kill who they deem suspsicus. In most games this is the case.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Music, if you do not unvote, the remaining two Cultists could jump on the bandwagon and cause a majority.

Seriously, why on EARTH do you want this game to end so quickly? What's wrong with having an extra day of discussion? I'm getting really frustrated here! XD

Also: why do you trust Scarfed more than me? You don't seem to even consider that he might not have used his ability because he could not. He roleclaimed just as I did, and my roleclaim has already been proven true at one point to you personally. LG has also confirmed me. You seem to believe that it's more likely that both me and LG took a huge risk by connecting ourselves and we're BOTH Cultists than just one person, like Scarfed or ALIT, are Cultists by themselves.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Also... You know what my role is, musicfan. Think about which character I probably am with that role. I don't know anything about the show, but I think it should be pretty obvious. And then compare it with your list.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Well TJ was inspirational to his friends so he could of given a speech.

Gretchen was a neardy inventer. Who could of created an invention to give me a negative vote.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.

Okay, I'm done. This is stressing me out for the dumbest reasons. Whatever. If the Cult decides to bandwagon, it'll be music's fault. At least I tried.

Also, music... considering I've never heard of the role "Inspirational Speech Writer", it's probably the latter.

So, Scarfed, where are you? :P


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
I'm not saying the role infact I don't know what role TJ would have. I'm saying his chracter is known for giveing speeches. These could lead to buffs or additional effects.

So I take you are Gretchen then.

Then I am positive that you are cult. If you are cult then so is gummy. If not you then it is scarfed and gummy.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
Scarf and ALIT I would really like some input.

ALIT if you could have killed anyone last night without a chance of losing who would you have killed? (aka who do you think is most likely to be cult)

Scarf who are your top two suspects?

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Oh my nyan. I just realized we're not in LyLo. Well, as long as the vigs don't get trigger happy.

I'm sorry, musicfan. Your vote is perfectly valid. XD No wonder the Cultists haven't bandwagoned yet!

However, my arguments still stand, which you stubbornly refuse to respond to. This is still no time for a hasty lynch, and I don't understand where your surety comes from. And though I KNOW it'll be pointless, I'll also offer this: I can easily be confirmed at night by using my ability again. LG cannot, since she hasn't roleclaimed. You seem more certain that she is Cult than me, so why are you voting for me instead? You say if I'm not Cult, LG still is... so WHY are you voting for me?

Scarf and ALIT I would really like some input.

ALIT if you could have killed anyone last night without a chance of losing who would you have killed? (aka who do you think is most likely to be cult)

Scarf who are your top two suspects?
^ Yes please. All of this, please.

At the moment, though, LG, I have to say, you're my best guess for one of the Cultists right now. Scarfed must be the other one, I guess... Though I appear to have missed something. ALIT is the vigilante? Does he still have his ability?

And if someone wouldn't mind explaining to me how musicfan is confirmed once more, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise I'm gonna go back and reread the thread to see if I can figure it out. It's not easy considering I don't know ANY of the characters... but yeah.

Assuming that musicfan and ALIT ARE confirmed... then yeah. Scarfed and LG are the last Cultists. Cool.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
EBWODP (or not probably)

Hey, another point! If LG was my Cult buddy, why was she so determined to get my lynched before my role claim?

Oh also, as a warning to any nightkillers, in case I die and one of you decides to go after LG... She has a redirector on her. She can't be killed at night. Don't risk it. Kill Scarfed if you must.

I now see why a vig attack at night would have been nice... especially from Scarfed. Whoops. I honestly thought we we in LyLo today.


Jul 1, 2012
Vote Count:

Heroine of Time (1) - Musicfan


With 5 left, it takes 3 for a majority lynch. Day ends January 9th 9PM EST.
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