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Rate the Last Game That You Played

Nov 30, 2021
Ori and the Will of the Wisps

I really liked the original and decided to try this after I bought it a month ago and just started playing it in late April and now I've 100% the game. This is a very good metroidvania. First I'll talk about the improvements from Blind Forest and the biggest one is definitely combat.

The combat in this game is much better. Instead of a ball of light that attacks the nearest enemy for you, you get an actual sword, which is your main ability. There are also other abilities, like a bow and a spear. Its still not as focused on combat as Hollow Knight is though, which isn't a bad thing. I mostly enjoy the Ori games for the platforming.

The game also uses side quests and their fine for the most part. There's not a ton of them which I thought was good. There are quite a bit of collectibles if you go for 100%, but surprisingly going for 100% is WOTW isn't actually very tedious especially compared to other games like cough cough BOTW's 900 korok seeds cough cough. I never stopped enjoying the game as I was collecting the things probably because most of the collectibles involve some fun platforming segments.

The platforming though is very good, which is something that was carried over well from the original which has very good platforming. Ori feels good to control even though is jump is a bit floaty. I do wish though that they had made his jump less floaty since you can get a little glider to slow your ascent, but overall its not a big issue and the platforming is still very solid. Ori also has a great move set for platforming, mainly this one move called the bash, which is a very creative versatile move that was moved over to WOTW from BF. There's also another really good move called the burrow that's used very well in the sand level which is easily the best level in WOTW.

In BF there were 3 "dungeons" that each, instead of a boss, had an escape sequence. The escape sequences were very well done in BF and IMO were easily the best parts of the games, especially the . In WOTW, there were several escape sequences but most of those aren't quite as good as the ones in BF. There is one escape sequence in the sand level which uses the burrow really well and is my favorite escape sequence from both games and honestly its the best escape sequence from any game.

The bosses are a mixed bag. Their mostly fine, not as good though as Hollow Knight's and not as good as escape sequences. I would have preferred more well thought out escape sequences like the sand worm

The visuals are amazing. The art style is very beautiful with very vibrant colors and the character designs are great. Every frame of this game would make a great wallpaper.

The music is also great! Blind Forest has an amazing soundtrack that I love listening to and although most of WOTW's music is atmospheric there are a couple songs that are just great, mainly the title screen and final boss ost. That combined with the amazing visual style really sets the tone and atmosphere well.

Overall a great game! I rate it about the same as the original, since although WOTW as better combat and platforming and the great sand levell Blind Forest has 3 really good sequences that are all better then the rest of WOTW's escape sequences. This is a really good game and if you like metroidvanias and platforming I would recommend it a lot.
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Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
My Hero Academia: Hero One’s Justice (8/10)
I don’t complete games, usually. I just play one game for a while, and then play a different game for a while.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Sonic Heroes
you know, this game is pretty alright. I think in a few ways, I do prefer it over Adventure 2. Depending on what team you pick, the levels can definitely drag on for too long and its just pure action stages all the way through, but I still liked coming back to it. Special stages are a ***** though, I just went ahead and downloaded a completed save file online to get to the final boss

all in all, kid me would be quite dumfounded to know that adult me would prefer to play Heroes over Adventure 2, though Adventure 2 is still "cooler"


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Welcome to post-Persona depression, round 2!

Persona 5 Strikers - 9/10. Wonderful game, great story and combat, especially for a warriors style game. Probably the first game since FFX that I’m genuinely sad having to say “goodbye” to an awesome cast of people.

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
Persona 5: Royale

Oh goodness, I loved this game so much it was so fun. I am really sad that I beat the game but I do plan on doing a New Game+ in the future. I want to wait a bit between replays so I don't get burnout from it cause I love it that much.

I am currently playing Tales of Arise and I really am enjoying the game so far.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Life is Strange True Colors

Rather unforgiving if you don't make precisely the right choices, but not as unforgiving as Life is Strange 1. But it's possible if you focus on each character's individual needs, doable if you pay close attention and are very thorough, to gain their trust instead of a one fits all solution for everyone.

Just about everything in this game I thought was better than any of the previous ones. Except perhaps it was a little bit shorter than I'd have liked. The characters feel much more real and the story was less chaotic and haphazard than in the other entries. The emotional payoff for the ending was way more satisfying than any other game too. Even if you didn't get the best ending.

The romance options are excellent. Particularly with Ryan, which was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Steph was fantastic too but didn't click as well for me, but she was still incredibly compelling. To me she felt a bit forced like Warren was in LiS 1. With Ryan, I really felt close, much closer than even in 1, and I thought Max&Chloe was fantastically well done.
Rune Factory 5

RF5 is a good game. It's a solid life/farming sim game, but also a solid entry in the series itself. I don't like every change it made coming from 4, but if a series is gonna move forward, there's gotta be some necessary growing pains. Those are unfortunately pretty evident in 5. In the transition to a 3D environment, the performance, visuals, and gameplay have all taken a rough hit. Farming feels especially clunky, but even just navigating the world doesn't feel nearly as fluid as it should. Along with that, there's a number of other smaller changes i don't care for involving the event system and other smaller, less important nitpicks.

The story is nothing exceptional. I can't complain too much there because it's always been the characters that matter more to me in RPGs than the plot. Unfortunately, RF5 kinda drops the ball here too. Only a handful of townsfolk really stood out to me as memorable, where in 4 nearly every person living in Selphia felt likable or at the very least easy to appreciate for their presence.

On the bright side, the base experience is still good and fun. The music is lovely, the art style itself is nice, and the world as a concept is actually pretty neat. It doesn't live up to what 4 had me expecting from a sequel, but at the same time it's a very decent experience. Just not worth full price, I wouldn't say. Especially not when a superior game exists on the same system for consistently $20 or so less than what 5 goes for as a new release.

I'm just glad Rune Factory is even getting new games at this point. Hopefully Marvelous will really take their time and put effort into making the next game as good as it can possibly be.
Nov 30, 2021
A Hat in Time

I played this for the first time about 2 years ago on Switch and loved it, but just recently I decided to buy it again on PC. Reminds me of classic 3d platformers like Super Mario 64 and Sunshine while still managing to stand out on its own. It has a good mix of big free roam levels with a couple of more linear levels. I really enjoyed every single level and never stopped having fun throughout the game even when going for 100%. There's lots of collectibles besides the main ones and I had fun exploring the different areas to find them. There's lots of cool abilities with the different hats and badges and make the platforming even more fun. Also, the soundtrack is stellar, specifically the Main Theme and Your Contract Has Expired. The game also has a nice art style that makes the whole game feel cute and happy except for Queen Vanessa's Manor. My only issue is the camera which in some parts and be a bit annoying in a couple parts but overall isn't a huge issue. Would totally recommend to anyone that loves 3d platformers like Super Mario 64 or Sunshine, and would strongly recommend getting it on pc, this version of the game is overall much better with mods and community levels and better performance. I would also not recommend skipping any levels.

As far as what I'd rate it, 10/10 for fun factor but probably a 9/10 overall.
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