Paper Mario (64)
RPGs are generally very hit or miss for me. While I adore Pokémon and Star Wars KotOR, I downright can’t stand games like Final Fantasy or Xenoblade.
Fortunately, Paper Mario is one of the better RPGs I’ve played, and it’s on a system notorious for not having any good RPGs. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. Every single boss has a fun gimmick, and I ended each chapter with a smile on my face.
But then the chapter ended, as did my enjoyment of this game.
They just had to include these stupid stealth segments with peach, didnt they? They aren’t engaging, they aren’t particularly challenging, they aren’t fun. They single handedly bring this game from an 8 or maybe even a 9, all the way down to a 7.
On top of that, a lot of things here are just a slog. Some of the world design is incredibly tedious and takes far too long (Flower Fields in particular is a big offender here), and this is one of those games where everything needs a cutscene to explain exactly what just happened, though this isn’t so much the games fault in particular and more so a product of the era of gaming. On top of that, all of the companions here have abilities that don’t help in anyway outside of an arbitrary point where you have to use them, which is a big pet peeve of mine in gaming (I like to call it Twilight Princess Syndrome). Luckily most of the companions have abilities in battle that are really helpful, though I primarily stuck with Goombario just in case I ran into an enemy I hadn’t encountered before.
This game isn’t particularly difficult. Outside of a few battles where I went in with low health already because the nearest healing box was all the way at the beginning of the dungeon and I didn’t feel like making the journey, I didn’t struggle with the battles very much. Of course that could be just because I prioritized defensive badges over ones that gave me new attack (I had three HP+ badges equipped, the close call badge, and the badge that reduced damage taken by 1), but even then I was never struggling in levels. Just by playing normally I had maxed out both my HP and BP. This isn’t a bad thing necessarily, I think it’s nice to have a rather easy game from time to time, but it is worth noting.
I can definitely see why this is a fan favorite title, and it’s by far the best Mario RPG out of the ones I’ve played. Still, I dont think I can go as far to say that I loved it. It’s a fun game, but one that I’m content with saying I beat and moving on. 7/10