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Rate the Anime OP / ED Above You


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
I'm sorry I tried to play the game

I'm so so sorry mikey. I didn't realize that song was an entry for the game. I thought you only posted to compare it to Ex's song, which seemed rude the way I was reading it. But looking back on it I realize it was actually an entry and I'm so dumb. It looked like part of a soundtrack or something. But now I realize it's an OP. I listened to it earlier today, and it sounded very good actually!

I think I read your post in a way you didn't mean for it to be read. Also sometimes I'm really bad at getting jokes and I genuinely thought both you were starting to get mad at each other or something. I wanted to dissolve the situation, but I think I just made it worse. Please forgive me.

The way I read your post was that you criticized his song without giving any constructive reasons (like genres you're not a fan of, vocals aren't that good, etc.) but instead just made it look bad in comparison with a really good song. I didn't realize the song was actually for the game, I thought you wanted us to listen to it to think it was better than ex's song he posted, without giving another song to continue the game. And that didn't sit well with me. And also the tone I felt you wrote it with also seemed harsh. But rereading it with a different the perspective makes that tone seem nonexistent. I read your post completely wrong and it's totally my fault this situation even exists.

I realize now that I made a situation out of nothing and started something that shouldn't even have been started. I'm so sorry.

You have nothing to be sorry about mikey. It's my fault for escalating it.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I'm so so sorry mikey. I didn't realize that song was an entry for the game. I thought you only posted to compare it to Ex's song, which seemed rude the way I was reading it. But looking back on it I realize it was actually an entry and I'm so dumb. It looked like part of a soundtrack or something. But now I realize it's an OP. I listened to it earlier today, and it sounded very good actually!

I think I read your post in a way you didn't mean for it to be read. Also sometimes I'm really bad at getting jokes and I genuinely thought both you were starting to get mad at each other or something. I wanted to dissolve the situation, but I think I just made it worse. Please forgive me.

The way I read your post was that you criticized his song without giving any constructive reasons (like genres you're not a fan of, vocals aren't that good, etc.) but instead just made it look bad in comparison with a really good song. I didn't realize the song was actually for the game, I thought you wanted us to listen to it to think it was better than ex's song he posted, without giving another song to continue the game. And that didn't sit well with me. And also the tone I felt you wrote it with also seemed harsh. But rereading it with a different the perspective makes that tone seem nonexistent. I read your post completely wrong and it's totally my fault this situation even exists.

I realize now that I made a situation out of nothing and started something that shouldn't even have been started. I'm so sorry.

You have nothing to be sorry about mikey. It's my fault for escalating it.
that's okay, I'm glad we're able to smooth it over at least
on my part I know tone isn't always communicated well over text and I do tend towards tongue-in-cheek pithy comments
that's why I said "this is just worse you wa shock" instead of something like "the instrumentation and jazz flavors remind me a bit of you wa shock in a way I like but the general randomness in conjunction with the lyrics pull the rating down for me"
it's also just for fun right don't gotta be analytical all the time


Staff member
Why is 90% of the thread like this? :confused:
Post naked links if y'all can. So that I can check if vpn works.
You can see the URLs in the quotes.

Not a fan of this kind of music. A bit too "noisy" for me to understand what's going on.

Also, unrelated to the music score (Danganronpa 1 spoilers): Kinda hate how they show the characters in the order they die. If someone noticed it mid-show they could easily figure out who the next deaths (so both victims and killers) would be, which is an issue more common than you'd think with shows with deaths.



The Haunter of the Dark
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
You can see the URLs in the quotes.

Not a fan of this kind of music. A bit too "noisy" for me to understand what's going on.

Also, unrelated to the music score (Danganronpa 1 spoilers): Kinda hate how they show the characters in the order they die. If someone noticed it mid-show they could easily figure out who the next deaths (so both victims and killers) would be, which is an issue more common than you'd think with shows with deaths.


It utilizes, like so many other Anime OST's and many J-Pop tunes, the IV-V-iii-vi chord progression, the so-called "Royal Road" progression. The beginning was much more interesting both melodically and harmonically.


Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states

It utilizes, like so many other Anime OST's and many J-Pop tunes, the IV-V-iii-vi chord progression, the so-called "Royal Road" progression.
legit the main reason I like j pop but w/e lol

The beginning was much more interesting both melodically and harmonically.

5/10 I don't like how repetitive the A part is, and the instrumental feels super detached from the motif and also somewhat aimless
ALSO it's such a weird song to be called "A Cruel Angel's Thesis", what's up with that?
I like the B part tho nice and contrasty



The Haunter of the Dark
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
legit the main reason I like j pop but w/e lol

5/10 I don't like how repetitive the A part is, and the instrumental feels super detached from the motif and also somewhat aimless
ALSO it's such a weird song to be called "A Cruel Angel's Thesis", what's up with that?
I like the B part tho nice and contrasty

It's not as repetitive as every other J-Pop song that uses the exact same chord progression. At least "Cruel Angel's Thesis" has a few 7th chords, diminished chords, and chord inversions, as well as replacing the vi chord with a dominant 7th chord at times.

Also the reason I get annoyed with songs that use the I-vi-IV-V progression, because the nature of the progression is to be repeated, and it's utilized in virtually every top 10 hit.

It's not that I hate these progressions necessarily, they're just overused.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
It's not as repetitive as every other J-Pop song that uses the exact same chord progression. At least "Cruel Angel's Thesis" has a few 7th chords, diminished chords, and chord inversions, as well as replacing the vi chord with a dominant 7th chord at times.

Also the reason I get annoyed with songs that use the I-vi-IV-V progression, because the nature of the progression is to be repeated, and it's utilized in virtually every top 10 hit.

It's not that I hate these progressions necessarily, they're just overused.
(Overused is contextual- since I don't listen to a ton of j pop, I don't hear a lot of minor thirds. So when I do it's really memorable, like in Bowie's Space Oddity.

I'm much more familiar with the traditional I-IV-vi-V and to me it does sound much more formulaic. The repetition I don't like in Cruel Angel's Yeezus is the Question/Answer repeated at least 30 times. The phrase is so short that it "feels" more repetitive casually listening to it than it is analytically repetitive like most pop music)


The Haunter of the Dark
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
(Overused is contextual- since I don't listen to a ton of j pop, I don't hear a lot of minor thirds.
Listen to enough J-Pop and Anime OST's and you'll find the IV-V-iii-vi progression just as repetitive and overused as the I-IV-vi-V progression.

The progression translated from the literal Japanese is called, "The Easy Way" progression.

It's not a bad sounding progression, neither is the other one, just that if you listen to enough songs that use it, it gets boring and predictable.


The Haunter of the Dark
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
(Luckily since I don't like anime that's not much of a risk :p )
One thing that Japanese songwriters do with the progression, which I like, is to cap it off with a ii-V-I progression at the end, which if you did the Royal Road progression for a while, it resolves it to the Tonic, making a nice cap off to the end of a section or song.

Also is a nice break from the repetitiveness of the progression too. Add 7th chords and chord extensions to this, and you'd have my interest for far longer, lol.



Staff member
When I said you could see the URL in the quote, I mean the video code between the [MEDIA] [/MEDIA] command in the BBcode formatation. There's no need to quote and post it here. In the video in the post you quoted (Cowboy Bebop's OP) you should be able to see that the code is "EL-D9LrFJd4" (stuff like the :1 or &t=30s should be ignored).

You can paste it in a random youtube video's URL after the "/watch?v=", replacing the current video code, to go to the video in question. You probably won't have access to it though since the restriction should happen regardless of where you're trying to watch, but it will be the "full link" you were asking for.
For a more complete workaround, you can try to swap the "/watch?v=" part in the Youtube link for "/embed/", still followed by the video code. I'm not completely sure it fixes this, but it's worth trying it.

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