Aww, Rain! You did a great job depicting the personality of the Fruits Basket characters, in both body posture and facial expression. :3
I do have some suggestions if you don't mind some feedback! First off, I really want to commend you for taking on more challenging poses (especially the last two- having two figures holding each other gets really complicated, your doing a good job) . Your beginning to really challenge yourself and that's great. It might be worth your while if you don't have one already to purchase a pose-able mannequin or two. You can get a little one for like 6 dollars. They are really super helpful to learn how parts of the body should be acting underneath the clothing; especially where joints should be, what should be flexible, what should be more ridged, etc.
Also, try working a bit more on the structure of your hands. Your doing good, but they need more of a palm. The best way to practice them is also free: Just pose your left hand and start drawing. =D ....I know it sucks and is not as interesting as drawing a full character, but it's also the most helpful thing you can do to understand how a hand is structured.
Your doing a great job, keep it up!