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Game Thread Pendio Mafia X

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Jun 7, 2017
the present
How could you forget the games you played with me on bulba? I'm the type of player who remembers every game I play.
I mean I am too, but games I play on bulba dont typically stick with me.
Do you even look back on past games you played?
No, cause I didnt remember you being scum in any of them lol. I checked like the last six games or so and then pinged Ex when I couldn't find a game you were scum in
The second game was Pokemon Rival Mafia and this was the game where I bs a fake claim on day 2 and I made it all the way to lylo with my fake claim and this was the game where I was laughing in the scum chat at town for believing my fake claim. Oh yeah, the vig tried to kill me on N2 and my scum buddies redirected the vig to the reflector and the vig died. How could you not even remember these funny moments?
Yeah I remember Rival mafia, dont remember you being there or being scum. I dont know why not remembering is such a big deal
Haven't played much with him. Is this his scum meta?
Sort of? Sporadic activity is kinda his thing, but in Superman he was scum and ditched for basically the entire phase and only showed up right at the end. His play so far gives me similar vibes to that but he's contributed so little I really couldn't tell you.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Sorry not sorry Trist :V



You can be sarcastic all you want, just don't expect me not to fight back (:


Jun 7, 2017
the present
@funnier6 I thought I read somewhere that her name was Leaslie. Apologies if that's not the case, I didn't mean to insult anyway by it.
It was more the fact that it was a meme name that practically no one uses that made it super ?????? that you also knew it

I didnt remember anyone using it this game
Going back to this because evidently funnier is also incapable of reading:
I know you've said something about using meta in spite of things somewhere but you know that was meant as a joke :V (haha just kidding but seriously)
You can be sarcastic all you want, just don't expect me not to fight back (:
Thanks for linking your scum games for me

I can't breathe XD

Okay I'm gonna try to get those reads done

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Sort of? Sporadic activity is kinda his thing, but in Superman he was scum and ditched for basically the entire phase and only showed up right at the end. His play so far gives me similar vibes to that but he's contributed so little I really couldn't tell you.

He was scum in PoR and was one of the higher posters then. I don't think activity is AI for him.

Also damn, if Tristan is scum the props. He's putting in a ton of effort that comes across as townie. I don't doubt he would put a lot of effort in as scum, but this is some good stuff.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
He was scum in PoR and was one of the higher posters then. I don't think activity is AI for him.
I do though, I dont think high activity or low activity is necessarily AI for him but this particular characteristic of dropping off and resurfacing at random time aligns more with what I expect from low activity scum Poy, since evidently hes in a ton of games right now so high activity Poy isnt on the table

Also when he is high activity theres a lot more chances to read him where when hes low I look at where hes low and when and how and blah blah blah and from what I've seen so far there is next to nothing that really looks like town Poy from it and some things that do look like Superman Poy so thats what I'm citing

Not saying he couldn't be town, but like, from what I'm seeing it's more akin to what I expect from scum Poy in this situation
Nah I just get a kind of sick enjoyment out of messing with you :)
Same, you've been kinda harsh with different people tho so didnt know


Beach Bum Extraordinaire
Aug 30, 2019
The Emerald Coast
My take on poyzin is that he has 60 hours to make me care. If it's EoD and he hasnt made a splashed by then he can go.

In the meanwhile I wouldn't really focus on WIFOMing the inactives


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Mellow Ezlo- Hardly know where to begin on this one, bruh has almost fifty posts which is the largest amount on day one I can recall him ever having though its been a hot minute since the last large games he wasn't inactive in. Typically would want to say more active Trist is more scum Trist since motivation but like. Idk if he's just gotten smarter, but his reads aren't what I would expect from scum Trist and the way he's been going about it aren't what I would expect, he's so casual. The amount of effort he's put in is really unnecessary, idk if it's like him to overachieve as scum like that, or ever really which makes it a little harder to pin since it's a big motivation shift. The biggest thing for me is that he doesnt seem to care what anyone else thinks, he's not being overly friendly, at times unnecessarily harsh, just doing his thing and btw screw you. I'd be impressed if he was scum but hopefully if he is it'll become more obvious over time.
Rubik- I've already sort of explained this one but his posts just aren't what I would expect. They're too simple. Too easy. He knows this. He's not dumb. He's blatantly posting one liner after one liner of barely anything with zero elaboration and thats just not his style. It's just so careless, and Rube's not a careless person. Also I feel like he's legitimately upset that his posts aren't being taken as good contributions. I also feel like scum Rube would absolutely love lynching sun after he claims third party day one but could be wrong there. I would be very unimpressed if this turned out to be scum Rubik
naga10 @naga10 you scum bruh?
Spiritual Mask Salesman Where the heck are you man? Wheres the top poster sms? @Spiritual Mask Salesman
Morbid Minish
Johnny Sooshi

The Sun Fan
Lets try this again, ignore the bold I copy pasted sort of

Mellow Ezlo- "the biggest thing for me is that he doesnt seem to care what anyone else thinks, he's not being overly friendly, at times unnecessarily harsh, just doing his thing and btw screw you" This big thing has only gotten bigger, I can only recall one instance of Tristan being aggressive as scum and that was for unrelated reasons really, I feel safe town reading his anger lol.

Rubik- I believe him when he said he ought to be mechanically confirmed, I dont know why or how, but Rube dont take no cheap shots and I dont think thats something he would make up
naga10/fg I think- From the surface skim I've done of her posts she seems pretty typical peppy town fg, idk when I'll feel comfortable doing a more detailed analysis than that but she seems fine at a glance

Spiritual Mask Salesman- I dont really think he deserves the heat he's been getting, theres just a couple of things that just bother me, and one of those is his random defense of me after Trist voted me around post 700. Like, I just dont get why he'd defend me there, he'd already pointed out that he thought some of my play was weird, so it would've been easy him for him to progress that into voting me with Trist, but he doesnt and instead says Trist's just sound like typical me, which idk I just cant help feeling like scum sms would've been inclined to agree, not disagree. He apparently also has some info that clears Lar so that helps (though man I wish he had info saying we should lynch Lar instead. His motivation is rather low but that's true across the board for him so I dont really think it makes him any more likely to be scum. I'm just inclined to believe him.

Morbid Minish- There are a lot of different ways I could explain this one. She's got too much motivation, her pushes make sense, but the one that really gets me is how she talks to me. I dont really know how to put that last one into words without being depressing, but considering that Min is in three different games right now I find it really hard to believe that she's got the motivation to be here doing things as much as she has and being an active part of things going on instead of shifting into that more passive wall posty state she gets sometimes when she doesnt want to deal. I liked the Giri push she made last minute yesterday cause it did make sense, here take your lurker lynch just dont lynch sunfan isnt something I see scum Minish doing, it would be better for her to leave Giri alive to get mislynched or mod killed later, when there were all sorts of bigger fish possibilities to counter sunfan. It could just be a callback to when she did the exact same thing in Superman as town but thats not how it feels to me, I felt like she genuinely wanted the Giri lynch to happen over the sunfan one.

funnier6- has for some reason not softed his role yet, haha wonder what it is

Kirino- I dont remember why I was town reading Kirino in the first place tbqh, I'll have to check my old post. I dont really feel like going through his ISO rn so I'll come back to it

Jinjo- First off, havent found anything related to the OMGUS nonsense but I could swear I'd seen her do something like that somewhere before. Anyway even after skimming through all those games I couldn't really tell you if I'm not being biased with the scum read. Yes the tone drives me nuts and seems to be more like scum Jinjo and yes the pushes are extraordinarily weird and the accusations of lying about not remembering are so bonkers but like. It might just be because all of that was directed at me, and I know its complete bull and that it seems like the biggest sidestep backhand that I've ever seen in my life. Jinjo has never acted this aggressive about anything as far as I can tell and she's normally so logical and generally level headed that its just like I dont even know whats going on. Especially being she's getting upset because I dont find her scum play all that memorable. I just dont understand where shes coming from on literally anything. I want to think she's scum but I'm going to have to take a long hard look at her ISO again if I want to think about this logically.

DawningWinds/Pan- remains to be seen, but probably town

DekuNut- will never be seen, refuses to participate, is currently on my nerves

Poyzin- I explained this a good bit above, though I think it relevant to mention that the game is basically a dressing room for Poy to try on different personas, and I can generally tell when his is genuine. His vibe is pretty okay, but that doesnt really mean anything to me being he hasn't been here to begin with

Ragnarokio- I'll leave this one a bit too, I wanna look at her ISO again

Johnny Sooshi- His posts have been extremely good, which is weird cause typically he posts a couple weird things here and there and ditches the rest of the day but he's actually been keeping a pretty clear sensible flow of thoughts. I'm going to look at his ISO and some other games right quick but I kind of dont want him to be scum cause its so nice to have this level of involvement from him lol
Killjoy/Silver- I really just dont know what this one, and I'm not bound to know since I never really can read Silver and I'm always thinking yes finally Silv rolled scum and it just never happens and then I feel bad.
MixMasterLar- Ima level with you and say I've never really liked you and have been avoiding everything except direct questions from you since I just have not been in the mood to have any sort of argument with you. I am in the mood now and you havent been quite as bad as I was expecting so thats cool. I'm still expecting to disagree with you on every single read and for every single reason that justifies each of those reads but at least I think I can do so without getting unduly frustrated.

Also yes I know intentionally not engaging someone is anti town and I'm aware you believe a b c d e f g and all the other letters of the alphabet are anti town thanks for coming to my ted talk

In terms of actually reading you I gotta say I appreciate the irony if you're putting on the charm as scum after saying that doesnt happen, I'm a little wary of that but tbh I cant remember why I had you as a town read in the first place other than the fact that the amount of effort you put in is enormous and its just easier that way, will check and get back to you

Oh yeah I just remembered sms thinks youre clear so thats cool

I found this lovely gem just a second ago when I was flipping through my tabs which I find hilarious and hopefully very accurate

"Everything Jinjo said was completely illogical and none of it stood up to rational examination. It seriously looks like Jinjo was trying to pin me as scum and was scrambling to find any argument, no matter how insane, that people might be gullible enough to fall for."

From Jinjo's scum game Rival Mafia

So poetic if that's true

It really sucks that we lynched sun day one not that theres any use crying about it but its like dang now I need another day of votes so I can actually try to read into some wagons when most of the first day's reasoning are "gotta kill third party" "dust wanna kill third party he could be helpful" so I hope we get some good stuff done today

Remember to like and subscribe for more of funnyguy555's readlists


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Mkay feel a bit better now

Still, I am sick sick sick sick SICK of arguing at this present moment (I will not hear objections) if anyone has anything to say to me I'd appreciate if it was in a mild manner cause I am just not putting up with it today and am liable to ignore. Mood subject to swings.

Anyways this isn't really reads so much as notes to myself so I can better explain why on earth I had this read on such and such person at the beginning of the game to my future self after the mass chaos of 18 players kicks in. So if you don't understand any of it that's kay it's mostly for me, I'll do a more in depth one later.


Minish- I shouldn't need to explain this one, just look at her ISO
Tristan- his last post, expectations
Johnny- particularly 221 comes off so genuine, his flow is so easy (Wouldn't put a ton of stock in that)
Ex- My post this morning, Idk about the pinky swears I haven't paid attention


Rubik- Stilted, easy, unusual. Needs a bit of time.
Sun- Pocketing seems more likely than correctly reading
Naga- "brb reading"


Rag- short and snappy brings the scum games to mind though the activity remains fluid and the questions seem all right the actual content is almost non-existent for the amount of posts

Poy- tone good, actions not so much, that and activity point down but its still early. ISO Superman at some point

Rubik and Sun being on the same scum team sounds wrong to me for whatever reason

@Spiritual Mask Salesman @naga10 @DekuNut
I actually managed to recall my reasons for all of these which makes me feel a little bit better about Tristan and Johnny since those still look like pretty good reasons to me, idk what all these town reads mean in the big picture quite yet but in a vacuum the way they've been posting has been really town.

Kirino not on here so I have no clue where I got that town read on him from


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Gonna hurry up and type this cause there is just too much to go through and I want a real reads list done before I go to work later


Lar (relies on sms)


DW/Pan- just subbed in @CynicalSquid suppp

Naga/fg- havent seen enough from her supp

Rag- I'm still trying to sort all the weirdness of her play with all the things I liked about it, I think shes actually a town read but I just dont feel comfortable putting her anywhere

Deku- who the heck knows, inevitable sub out


Kirino- I need to cross check this one, but glancing over his posts he just seemed to spout fact fact fact in each post. Somebody about came across really robotic, I feel like he normally cuts into someone by now or has a bit more presence, but other than starting the wagon sms yesterday he didnt really do anything consequential. I did figure out what I town read him for, and that was because he voted Min after she suspected him, which I thought was a bold move. He didnt really go anywhere with it and hasn't really pushed his own opinions all that much. The more I talk about it the more I need to go ISO RC and see if I'm even making sense

Poy- MIA, looks bad by poe


It'd be really nice if all the scum were below the weird line. It's always such a headache when my town reads are full of skilled players but ya know they cant all be scum so gotta make do. Definitely pushing Jinjo today after laying it all out, I wouldnt be surprised if there was one in my town, one replacement, and two miscellaneous ones in the weird.

Be really wild if it was Lar/Silv/Poy/Jinjo

Thats based on absolutely nothing but I just felt like doing one of those

Vote: Jinjo

Maybe now that I've gotten it on paper it wont give me such a headache

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Sort of? Sporadic activity is kinda his thing, but in Superman he was scum and ditched for basically the entire phase and only showed up right at the end. His play so far gives me similar vibes to that but he's contributed so little I really couldn't tell you.
He was scum in PoR and was one of the higher posters then. I don't think activity is AI for him.
Good to know, I'll keep this in mind. Let's see how that pans out later.

Johnny Sooshi- His posts have been extremely good, which is weird cause typically he posts a couple weird things here and there and ditches the rest of the day but he's actually been keeping a pretty clear sensible flow of thoughts. I'm going to look at his ISO and some other games right quick but I kind of dont want him to be scum cause its so nice to have this level of involvement from him lol
Oof, and here I am, probably gonna have low activity on D3 since I'm hitting the beach in Pensacola this coming weekend.
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