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Ocarina of Time OoT3D: Your Number One Request?


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
- Fix the order that the medallions are listed so that the Spirit Medallion goes after the Shadow Medallion.
- Making Link's fingers move when playing the Ocarina would be nice.
Nice ideas, CSDeku.

Wanted to comment, the first one... if it bugs you THAT much, you CAN always do the Spirit Temple before the Shadow Temple, you know. There is really no set order, and you can actually do the temples in ANY order (except, of course, you HAVE to complete the Forest Temple before at least Spirit/Shadow, since you have to travel back in time for each of those).

The second one would be just perfect attention to detail, in my opinion, and I've read (unverifyable and most likely unsupported) rumors that they are going to do that!


"Dandori Issue"
Apr 2, 2011
Lake Hylia
I really only wanted improved music, but I don't see it happening unfortunately. Wasn't it only supposed to be the original tracks from the game?
They could have better benefited from having new music, and an option to play with the old ones if so you chose, much like the music player in Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver did.


I really only wanted improved music, but I don't see it happening unfortunately. Wasn't it only supposed to be the original tracks from the game?
They could have better benefited from having new music, and an option to play with the old ones if so you chose, much like the music player in Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver did.

I dissagree...:p I would prefure they stick with tradition and use same songs and also make 3 or 4 new ones


ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴅɪsᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀs
Jun 23, 2010
Herts, England
Assuming that the Golden Skulltulas are still within the game, i'd personally like to see a slightly better prize for collecting all of the tokens.
Dec 28, 2010
The Mines of Moria
I know that the reason Dark Link is that weird bluey-grey colour (color) in the original as he is in the Water Temple, so its like a reflection. However, even taking this into account, I would rather they made him black with red eyes instead.

EDIT: Oh, and he should have all your items aswell... Similar to the ST fight.
Oct 6, 2009
more more more levels. and maybe hints throughout the game possibly at the end hinting that maybe they will make majoras mask 3d. i hope....

boko bob

A boko named Bob...
Apr 17, 2011
Electric dungeon
I had hopes that there would be more connections between Oot and SS, but those were crushed when I found out about the game being developed by Grezzo, I just don't tink that Nintendo would trust a third party with the Zelda timeline.
Feb 12, 2011
Florida, USA
The only thing I want is an extra, optional dungeon. Something like the color dungeon in Link's Awakening DX, wich could give you a cool new upgrade.

This because since they added a new level with the DS port of Mario 64, why not here? Also, I'd like the option of going straight to the Master Quest. From what I understand you have to play through the regular game first. Last, I'd like the original Fire Temple theme music back.

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