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  • Suffering because I'm working on a Yiga centric fanfic that I am so far very proud of, but I can't share it here due to the content. CURSES!!
    Daku Rinku
    Daku Rinku
    Could you just edit some of content? Like if its adult you can fade to next scene or day.
    Distancing myself from the internet as a whole lately & trying to limit my time online because my blood pressure has been critical this last year (over 170). If I don't reply, it's because I forgot.
    Hiatus again. Friends know where to find me. Otherwise I don't really have any interest in LoZ right now or much interest in talking about it anymore. TotK was not worth my hype.
    Hookay, surgery scheduled on the 17th if nothing changes. I have several rocks in me, one of which nearly killed me last week from an infection, so I will be happy to have it out of me regardless of the methods by this point...
    Alrighty, that went well. I still have follow-ups, but at least my kidney is no longer completely blocked.
    Haha, almost died. I went to the ER yesterday for ignoring my kidney stone pain (as I have chronic stones that tend to pass on their own) & it had turned into a life-threatening infection throughout my body. I was afraid to go since every time I get stones, nobody believes me & doctors act like I'm lying, so it's very tiring. They did this time too, until my blood work & my scans came back, then suddenly I had 5 nurses all speaking to me very seriously & giving me a bunch of injections for the infection they found with it. I was told, "I shouldn't even be standing right now" so... yeah. Go to a doctor anyway & don't be like me. I still need my surgery, but I'm alive.
    oh my goodness, I'm glad they found the infection, wishing you a good recovery from that, hope the surgery goes smoothly
    Thank you! I'll probably post an update the day after when it gets around to that. I'm being seen on this upcoming Monday about it, but unsure when the actual surgery will be or what they are going to suggest, since the stone is pretty big.
    well that's terrifying. i'm glad youre okay for the time being, I'll keep you in my thoughts for when the surgery comes up :hug:
    Why do people ask to see my artwork & then don't react to it when I show them? Very discouraging. It's bad, I guess.
    I don't, or I don't yet. If I do manage to draw more that I want to post here, I might start one, but most of what I draw is not appropriate for this website, to put it simply (think like, Devilman sort of stuff). I wanted to do Linktober, but time & health got away from me, haha. If I get back on my fanart train though, definitely will since I think people would like my cartoon work here better than elsewhere, at least. I need to try to draw more so I don't forget how to.
    there's detail in the linework and the posing! I draw pencil sketches sometimes, no color, and I understand the feeling of, this could be better in color, but there's unique things about pencil that people like over color and there's unique things about pen + gray marker that people like over color.

    knowing you have chronic pain to deal with and still make art even then is very inspiring. I know it must hurt to have to change your artstyle from what you used to do. Maybe you could focus on making the artstyle you have now even more refined? Please do what you think is best, but I feel perhaps shading with one color marker instead of gray could make it pop out but still keeping it manageable with your disability?

    Really though, it's anything but simple, the linework and posing is awesome

    That's just my advice, I acknowledge I don't know much about your situation and you know best out of all of us, wishing the best for you <3

    and you're welcome!! It really deserves praise, I love it
    Yeah, I get it. I have found a pretty okay middle-ground with my pain over the years, but it still takes forever & that's something I want to refine more. I bought a tablet recently to try to do that. I DO do simplified marker work with color sometimes, just it's still very messy since my hands shake & I think that also puts people off it. I need to learn how to use the tablet so I can use a stabilizer & like, actual canvas layers since my process now is the hardest part I have to 'fight' now. I'm just intimidated to start up my tablet & learn how to draw all over AGAIN after already having to do so. Example of my 'general' process for simple ink stuff attached since the finalized one was above.


    • process.png
      882.4 KB · Views: 4
    Seriously considering buying gelatin again so I can make gummies that look like Zonai glue.
    I suppose since it's been in the 60's (fahrenheit) this week, I am not clammy Ganon anymore.
    Wait so it's cooling down and you're not clammy anymore?
    Yes, it's been over 90 degrees fahrenheit for months, & now it is cooling down rather suddenly. It's a good thing since I had been suffering at work & it's been too hot to do anything but sit.
    I want to know the secret to spray painting, because EVERY time I use it, no matter the humidity or temperature, it never cures right. It's always left sticky, even if I spray a tiny amount, or coat it evenly. Help, I need a Home Depot dad to come out here, LOL!
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    I don't have context but, are you shaking the can correctly before spraying? Are you letting a coat completely dry before adding another layer of paint? What kind of surface are you even spraying? Are you indoors or outdoors?
    Yes, yes, yes, etc. The issue is just that I live in a swamp, so humidity causes it unless the conditions are PERFECT, or indoors. I'm just complaining. It's for a resin model. I just fixed it all by hand, like I usually have to do. I am just so sick of 90% something summer humidity constantly.
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Also live basically near a swamp, humidity sucks, I know your pain
    Got a new job, so I am gonna be super scarce. I get home at midnight, so I pretty much have no time for online stuff in the work week. :')
    Dang, what's the job and what time do you go in?
    3PM usually, but it's at a huge hotel where I work a waterpark, pools, arcade or golf, so I do a TON of walking & this week it's been 103 degrees, so I am WIPED when I finally get home every day. It's not hard, just the heat conditions have been destroying me. 3PM seems late in the day to go in, but when I tend to get home at 1-2 AM & I have to sleep in, I still just have no time for things.
    Yeah that heat'll get to ya, and you're going in at the hottest part of the day. And I've been in the position of going into work late, it always sucks because you're scared to start anything because you might have to drop it and go to work.
    I would be kicked out of the Yiga clan for frying bananas with soy sauce. It sounds disgusting, but hear me out... battered banana with soy sauce & brown sugar.
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    Reactions: Link&Midna
    I saw this earlier and it's been going around in my head and I can kinda see the appeal. I'll usually try anything once, and if I were offered this, I would certainly eat it with an open mind.
    It ended up very gooey of course, since it's not plantains, but the end flavor reminded me of a very high quality pudding... just no pudding involved. Mind, I used low sodium soy sauce & only a very small amount to the brown sugar mix at the end. I REALLY struggle to eat bananas of any kind, so I was shocked I was able to eat two made this way in barely 5 minutes.
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