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Official Suggestions Thread

Feb 23, 2011
All it is, is people trying to improve things. Make things better for everyone. Progress is actually being made on that goal. And then, people like you come along and **** on everything we're doing, offering passive-aggressive suggestions, and now, just outright hostility. Good job, really Knightly behavior. It's evident as well that you have no real argument, given your reliance on straw-men like "no-rules system". Also, "bad publicity"? ********. Even if that were the case, it doesn't matter, because ignoring the problems and letting them be swept under the rug is worse. If anything, it's people like you who are giving bad publicity.

Lastly, I find it ironic that you seem to have such a problem with a "no-rule" system as you falsely label our suggestions. Given that you yourself are not one for abiding by rules, and have consistently been, to put it bluntly, a complete ******* to many members, and yet seem to take the moral high-ground when it comes to actual rules. You're a troll, plain and simple, and it's pretty sad that no one else seems to want to say it. But it needs to be said. If people remain silent, even when they admit in private that members like you are nothing but trolls, then nothing will change.

And nothing of value was lost.
Troll? Are you kidding me right now? Now that's an insult if I've ever seen one. Seriously, I neither have the time nor the need to troll anyone. I bet you can't even provide an example of my "supposed trolling." And quit using groupthink to get people on your side; who's this "our" you keep bringing up? I called no names. And please, quit trying to demonize the knights every chance you get; I'm your target. I'll quit the knights before I let the whole group slandered by a handful of disgruntled members like you.

Okay, Vanessa, I'm done. I'll reopen my VMs/PMs if anyone has anything else to say to me.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I have a suggestion. Can we have a sub-forum in the Mature Discussion board specifically for threads relating to religions? Many members avoid what is easily one of the most interesting boards on the forum because of the abundance of threads which are critical of religion. This is because they often devolve into petty arguments and assaults (real or perceived) on individual people. Tempers flare up on a regular basis.

Separating the board with a sub-forum still allows for the discussion of topics regarding religions but makes it easier for some members to avoid them. This will (hopefully) encourage those members who avoid it because of these threads to get involved with the Mature Discussion board again, safe in the knowledge that they won't be tempted to involve themselves in discussions they don't want to.

If you want to go the whole hog, why not make a couple more sub-forums? Have a Mature Discussion General and then a separate sub-forum for Politics, Sexuality, and Religion.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
I have a suggestion. Can we have a sub-forum in the Mature Discussion board specifically for threads relating to religions? Many members avoid what is easily one of the most interesting boards on the forum because of the abundance of threads which are critical of religion. This is because they often devolve into petty arguments and assaults (real or perceived) on individual people. Tempers flare up on a regular basis.

Separating the board with a sub-forum still allows for the discussion of topics regarding religions but makes it easier for some members to avoid them. This will (hopefully) encourage those members who avoid it because of these threads to get involved with the Mature Discussion board again, safe in the knowledge that they won't be tempted to involve themselves in discussions they don't want to.

If you want to go the whole hog, why not make a couple more sub-forums? Have a Mature Discussion General and then a separate sub-forum for Politics, Sexuality, and Religion.

Totally on board with this. We have too many religious threads, and they clutter the MD. I want to be able to access MD without vomiting, so please make this happen.


May 18, 2013
When will the ALBW, WWHD and Zelda Wii U forums get merged with WoZ?
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Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
I have a suggestion. Can we have a sub-forum in the Mature Discussion board specifically for threads relating to religions? Many members avoid what is easily one of the most interesting boards on the forum because of the abundance of threads which are critical of religion. This is because they often devolve into petty arguments and assaults (real or perceived) on individual people. Tempers flare up on a regular basis.

Separating the board with a sub-forum still allows for the discussion of topics regarding religions but makes it easier for some members to avoid them. This will (hopefully) encourage those members who avoid it because of these threads to get involved with the Mature Discussion board again, safe in the knowledge that they won't be tempted to involve themselves in discussions they don't want to.

If you want to go the whole hog, why not make a couple more sub-forums? Have a Mature Discussion General and then a separate sub-forum for Politics, Sexuality, and Religion.
Subforums tend to bury topics and hurt activity overall, but I might consider adding prefixes for those categories, like the games in WoZ.

When will the ALBW, WWHD and Zelda Wii U forums get merged with WoZ?
Right now I'm thinking when ZWU is announced and given a title that section will be renamed and moved to the top, and WWHD will be merged with WoZ, and then when it's launched LBW will be merged. ZWU will remain there until the next game is launched or announced.
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The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I have no idea what the hell happened in the past two years where all of these rules are now suddenly redundant. If not all, then certainly most of them (that's what I'm getting from this). I have infractions from moderators for poor posting quality, signature violations, etc. But now no one seems to care. Why? Because. We. Are. LAZY! No one bloody bothers to enforce the rules anymore, so even though having a signature that's 300px rather than 250px hurts nobody, people will never learn. All those signature violations people have previously received are meaningless. People post one-liners and give spammy responses all the time, and yet we hardly see them complain about how they've received an infraction (lets be honest, they would so ***** about getting an infraction about something that's clearly their fault).

Keep the rules, but start freaking enforcing them. You're not a moderator if you're not doing your job. We have you guys to enforce the rules and keep the forums clean and safe, not to sit around, do nothing, and look pretty.

First off let me say sorry for bringing up such a topic, but I really wanted to express my thoughts at that moment in time. Then again, it has still been lingering in my thoughts for quite some time now so I guess it still counts. Now I'm not going to be as strong about it as Miss Atty, but I do want to shed some light on this issue. As of late even though it has toned down in the past couple of days, there are still a group of members who claim that the moderators are ignoring them and that basically the mods are "abusing" their power when it comes to serious situations. It seems that at times people forget we have a report button or the Private Messaging system to use in case there is a problem and you want to bring it up to the mods. But you see, that's where the line is drawn. Sometimes it is even the person's own fault for violating these rules but still want to feel victim as if they didn't know that what they did was unethical. If you guys may, I would like to ask you this question: Do you have any proof that moderators are ignoring you are simply overpowering a situation? It's one thing to state that you are having a problem with a mod, it's another to actually have prove to your claim. Yea someone can say that they did sent a PM to a moderator, but that doesn't mean they really did. I bet each mod's inbox right now is empty or at least haven't received any recent PMs and those people are just sticking to their belief that people will believe them without proving themselves. I understand that others really want to make a difference (hopefully positive) in the community, but if you are just shouting out to the public that the mods don't care, it's going to cause tension between the members and mods. New and old members will start believing in the negative comments and the mods will receive huge amounts of backlash simply because a few people are declaring that they do nothing without having any proof that they already have consulted with them prior. I personally think that the moderators are doing the best that they can to solve the current situations. Let me remind you that they can't reply to everyone at the same time so of course the pace will be slow at times. On an ending note, I just want to say that the trust within the community has been rather wearing thin as of now and it's great to see that Locke and his mods are really trying to bring back that trust so this place can continue to flourish in a positive and influential way. The problem is that sometimes the people accusing the authority for being "abusive" of their power are simply the ones at fault here.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
Fig, yes it has happened several times in the past, with several people including myself. I can't be bothered to go looking around in logs for evidence, but I assume hearing it from me will be enough to convince you. If it's still going on though, I'd like to see evidence too.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
I have a suggestion. Can we have a sub-forum in the Mature Discussion board specifically for threads relating to religions? Many members avoid what is easily one of the most interesting boards on the forum because of the abundance of threads which are critical of religion. This is because they often devolve into petty arguments and assaults (real or perceived) on individual people. Tempers flare up on a regular basis.

Separating the board with a sub-forum still allows for the discussion of topics regarding religions but makes it easier for some members to avoid them. This will (hopefully) encourage those members who avoid it because of these threads to get involved with the Mature Discussion board again, safe in the knowledge that they won't be tempted to involve themselves in discussions they don't want to.

If you want to go the whole hog, why not make a couple more sub-forums? Have a Mature Discussion General and then a separate sub-forum for Politics, Sexuality, and Religion.
I'm not sure I agree with Locke that it buries and surpresses activity. But for the purposes of... limiting people's exposure from things they are not mature enough to handle... that won't work for a number of reasons. A number of topics will get people incensed and furious. Religion is an obvious one. But so will anything they very strongly believe in, so much that they are hostile to criticism. Any number of political issues. Science issues like global warming or evolution. Social issues like feminism or men's rights. These topics should be allowed. It'll require a bunch of sections. But some people who absolutely cannot tolerate criticism and get explosively violent when opposed will never heed the warning to not go where they'll be offended. So splitting up the section by grouping will be pointless because people won't listen anyway. Prefixes will clutter it up and people will also not listen.

What should be done... is for the mods to use more reasonable judgement and deal with people who get explosively violent when people disagree with them, even if they escalate a situation and provoke other people, and not take everyone else down with that one person. Otherwise there will just be an outpouring of "that's unfair" complaints they will have to deal with and that'll soak up time. And of course to never heed complaints of the type "this thread offends me, take it down", and instead advise the people making them to be more tolerant of other beliefs and if they can't handle their own beliefs being questioned they should avoid those topics instead of trying to cause trouble over it.

As of late even though it has toned down in the past couple of days, there are still a group of members who claim that the moderators are ignoring them and that basically the mods are "abusing" their power when it comes to serious situations.
I realize it's a lot to read through, and you might not have noticed, but there has been no real issue, at all, since this discussion began. And the mods really did ignore a lot in the past. Despite their denials, it happened. BUT... that is no longer the case now that it's been made an issue. But nothing new has come up since then. And everyone hopes that'll remain the case indefinitely. No one wants that kind of problem again. The hope is the problem is now fixed and it's not going to happen again. IF, a problem comes up again, it's not going to be ignored. Mods will know to alert the others if they get a PM (OR a Skype IM or shoutbox IM, both of which everyone repeatedly forgets to mention when saying "I never got anything.")

It seems that at times people forget we have a report button or the Private Messaging system to use in case there is a problem and you want to bring it up to the mods.
You can't report in these situations. You report for a violation of the rules. When a mod oversteps their bounds, you have to PM. But you need to understand that PMs are slow. And... a lot of people try asking on Skype. And there are shoutbox PMs that are faster than message PMs. You can claim: "I never got any PMs" and it could be true, for message PMs, despite the fact that they got shoutbox PMs or Skype IMs. Frequently these got ignored. But I don't think that's going to be a big problem anymore. Not with the issue that was made out of it.

But you see, that's where the line is drawn. Sometimes it is even the person's own fault for violating these rules but still want to feel victim as if they didn't know that what they did was unethical.
The act of ignoring would be unethical.
If you guys may, I would like to ask you this question: Do you have any proof that moderators are ignoring you are simply overpowering a situation? It's one thing to state that you are having a problem with a mod, it's another to actually have prove to your claim. Yea someone can say that they did sent a PM to a moderator, but that doesn't mean they really did. I bet each mod's inbox right now is empty or at least haven't received any recent PMs and those people are just sticking to their belief that people will believe them without proving themselves.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have proof. But I will not share it here. I, respect their privacy. And will not post private conversations publicly. I used Skype as my means of contact. And I will be willing to share the proof I have with any mod that asks me one-on-one Skype. I'm not just making it up. I'm sure anyone else who has been ignored or spurned will be equally willing to share any proof of their own privately. This is not a fantasy event that we just made up.

I understand that others really want to make a difference (hopefully positive) in the community, but if you are just shouting out to the public that the mods don't care, it's going to cause tension between the members and mods. New and old members will start believing in the negative comments and the mods will receive huge amounts of backlash simply because a few people are declaring that they do nothing without having any proof that they already have consulted with them prior.
Repeatedly telling people to not talk about it only confirms those suspicions. How many times do I have to repeat that? Whenever you try to cover up anything, it instantly solidifies it as fact in the public psyche, whether or not it had any validity at all. Please stop thinking it's a viable method. People are always going to voice criticisms. Who know what is going to calm people down about them? Calmly and peacefully addressing them to try to fix the issue. Which will show that there's a genuine desire to improve and will always instill a sense of trustworthiness.

I personally think that the moderators are doing the best that they can to solve the current situations. Let me remind you that they can't reply to everyone at the same time so of course the pace will be slow at times. On an ending note, I just want to say that the trust within the community has been rather wearing thin as of now and it's great to see that Locke and his mods are really trying to bring back that trust so this place can continue to flourish in a positive and influential way. The problem is that sometimes the people accusing the authority for being "abusive" of their power are simply the ones at fault here.
They were absolutely not doing the best they can, BEFORE, we brought this up. After, however, sure. They've done pretty good after. This isn't still going on, people need to stop thinking that's what we're saying. We're not. It's already worked out. All we're doing now is crossing the T's and dotting the I's. That's it. The only people dramatizing it now are the ones trying to defend the mods. There's nothing to defend them against. The issue's over. It's done. Stop beating a dead horse. I think everyone's happy with how things are now and are willing to see how they play out from here.
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Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
But some people who absolutely cannot tolerate criticism and get explosively violent when opposed will never heed the warning to not go where they'll be offended. So splitting up the section by grouping will be pointless because people won't listen anyway. Prefixes will clutter it up and people will also not listen.

The problem isn't just people going into threads and getting into fights, the problem is the fact that fights happening at all puts people off the forum in general. There are members who have no strong opinions on religious issues, or can contain their emotions regarding them, who avoid the Mature Discussion just because of the tendancy of other people to argue. If these arguments were limited to their clearly marked sub-forums then those people would feel more confident that the fighting they want to avoid is only happening in a particular sub-forum, and thus they'll not go there while being encouraged to enjoy the rest of the section.

Saying that people "won't listen" and that they'll "go where they'll be offended" doesn't make sense. The only people who would want to do that are people who want to get into arguments. People are avoiding the entire forum because of arguments in general, not just ones they are involved in. Splitting the forum up will move more volatile threads into their own, clearly marked and easily avoidable corner, leaving the rest of the forum mostly aggression free. With arguments closed off in their own little section, such members would start to find the Mature Discussion a place worth going to, encouraging more discussion, not limiting it.

As for the need of multiple sub-forums, yeah, you would need one for Religion, one for Politics, possibly one for Sexuality. What's the problem there? Sub-forums don't mean threads won't exist and they'll only 'bury' threads if members are too lazy to go looking for them. I've seen people say that the Theory sub-forum is the reason why theorising on here is so dead, but the release of the Hyrule Historia is to blame for that. A similar thing will only happen to Mature Discussion if people suddenly stop wanting to talk about certain issues. It's one extra click, hardly a labyrinth to find the threads you want. Unless you just don't care, but if that's the case then you shouldn't really be in Mature Discussion anyway.

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
Unrelated to what's been going on as of late in this thread, but if it were possible, I'd like to see a "gender neutral" option added, because A) people don't always identify as either male or female and :cool: some people just prefer not to have their gender displayed.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
The gender display option is a plugin grabbed from vbulletin. I think a new plugin would have to be found that includes more than two options.

No, I actually coded the gender display option. Locke would be able to add extra fields to the gender option through the ACP and then alter the templates to not display anything instead of a gender.

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