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Official Suggestions Thread

So I've done some snooping in the page element to see if it was fixable, and it appears that it is, so could I request that the annoying backdrops on the visitor messages in the BP Brown forum skin be removed? If you're unsure what I'm talking about, it's this brown rectangle thing behind the visitor message containers:

Using my browser's element editing feature, it appears that somewhere in the additional CSS... a tag called .postbit.postbit-lite.postcontainer.userprof is where you'll be able to find the culprit. So, where it appears, just get rid of this stuff:

And, hopefully, it'll look like this (how it should look) when those few lines are deleted. --Like it looks in every other forum theme.

I know the element editor isn't exactly the same setup as the CSS editor on vBulletin, but it looks to be a pretty easy fix, so I'd really appreciate if it could be fixed. Thanks. =)
Feb 23, 2011
Is there any way to kill one's old blog posts? I have a massive backlog of old, 'soft-deleted' blog posts that I would like to be dead. They're an eyesore, and it's a shame that I can't hard delete them (unless there is in fact a way to do so)...

Feb 15, 2013
Is there any way to kill one's old blog posts? I have a massive backlog of old, 'soft-deleted' blog posts that I would like to be dead. They're an eyesore, and it's a shame that I can't hard delete them (unless there is in fact a way to do so)...


When you click on the edit switch, you should see a panel like this ↓. Make sure those options are checked

Feb 23, 2011
Don't know, I've always had that ability. That's Locke's forte though, so I would just PM him.

Yeah, I mentioned before in another thread that someone once showed me how they were able to hard-delete their blogs. He provided a screenshot and everything. (The setup of this particular screenshot was totally different from the one you've just shown me, as well.) That sort of led me to surmise that it was probably some kind of usergroup permission glitch/error, seeing as how said user is a regular member, and, well, I'm purple—and yet he had the option and I didn't. But that was never confirmed, and I my surmisal was likely wrong. At any rate, the options shown in your screenshot appear to be entirely new; I am almost certain that they weren't there before; that, or they were well hidden. If they are there, they aren't showing up for me. For now I'll just chalk it up to the options not wanting to show up on my tablet's browser...lol


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
There was a permissions error. Unfortunately I don't know which way it went. Either HKs weren't allowed to hard-delete their blog entries and they were supposed to be, or members were able to and weren't supposed to be. I and the mod team are leaning toward nobody being allowed to hard-delete entries. Only the blog creator and mods can view soft-deleted entries.

edit: Since regular members could already do it, I enabled it for other ranks for the time being. If the feature is abused, I'll reconsider.
Last edited:
Feb 15, 2013
There was a permissions error. Unfortunately I don't know which way it went. Either HKs weren't allowed to hard-delete their blog entries and they were supposed to be, or members were able to and weren't supposed to be. I and the mod team are leaning toward nobody being allowed to hard-delete entries. Only the blog creator and mods can view soft-deleted entries.

edit: Since regular members could already do it, I enabled it for other ranks for the time being. If the feature is abused, I'll reconsider.

What are the downsides of leaving it enabled?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
What are the downsides of leaving it enabled?

I believe Locke stated it in the SB earlier, but it's probably because people are or will abuse the system and post something rude and/or insulting and will delete before anyone else gets to see and thus there will be a flood of blogs that the mods and Locke will have to go through and they already have a lot in their plate as of late. That's probably why it is enabled for only those with ranks Yay, i feel special once again

While this is not really a suggestion, it's more like a concern for on this next topic. You see we all like awards. Sometime earlier this past month or so I recommended an award for someone who truly deserves it. I'm just wondering if it ever reached you Locke/mods and if you guys have looked upon as of now.

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