F-Zero X.
One of my favourite games ad I enjoy it on VC. So many cars and awesome difficulty and tracks. You could say I might just prefer it than GX, But I haven't played GX for a long while
Star Fox 64:
Also on VC, But I had it on emulator before hand. And let me just say, I flippin played this to death, got to the final boss and didn't know how to defeat him. (Either that or a huge face and hallways) And I'm glad it's getting a remake due Sept. 9th in NA(Just checked, AND Europe too
) and know I am going to play it to death.
Mario Kart 64
I love all the Mario Kart games, but this got me into the series itself. I always came home from Nursery and played this until bed time. It was always fun being Luigi racing round the complicated Yoshi's Valley. But later on, We sold our N64, with a few games. I was sad, until we realized.
Wii + Homebrew.
And then life became cool 8D