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Game Thread MS Paint Mafia U-Pick Edition [Day 5]


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I will say, before I flip, KoD and I agreed to put distance between ourselves early on in the off chance one of us slips. As for Ex, we also have/had (I don't know if it will still be active on my end) a secret chat behind the scenes as well.


Jan 19, 2018
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Final Vote Count:
(5) - HHH, KoD, Lain, Exlight, Bonus Votes
Exlight (1) - Killjoy
KoD (1) - Bonus Votes
Not Voting - Minish, Rubik

After a period of long and mostly silent deliberation the crowd descends upon killjoy and braves wave upon wave of thrown cuccoos until finally they scale the man's couch and put an end to his life once and for all.

Killjoy has been lynched. He was Master Kohga, the Mafia aligned Leader of the Yiga Clan

Welcome to MSPaint Mafia U-Pick! You are Master Kohga, the Mafia Aligned Leader of the Yiga Clan


You lead the Yiga Clan, which is seemingly some sort of clan of ninjas devoted to making sure ganon comes back or something i only played the first game and didn't pay too much attention to the story. What i do know is that you like bananas and can throw rocks at people.

Gather Rocks [Passive] - Gathers 1 rock passively at the start of every day, rocks that are unused during the day carry over to the next

Throw Rock [Active] - Throws a rock at the target. The rock will count as an extra vote except for the purposes of determining majority. The rock can be moved from one player to another during the day.

Boulder Crush [1-shot, Active] - If you have at least 2 rocks, you can consume both of them to kill target player during the day. This won't end the day. This ability can only be used once per game.

Mighty Banana [1-shot, Active] - Snack on a mighty banana. You will be told which abilities would affect you at night and will be allowed to choose which resolve against you.. If you don't choose in time, I'll choose for you. You additionally generate 2 extra rocks the following day. This ability can only be used once per game.

It is now night. Night ends in ~36 hours. Tomorrow will probably be 72 hours instead of 96.

Countdown here: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/retirement?month=05&day=30&hour=23&min=45&p0=1191&font=cursive

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