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Motion Controls Are Here to Stay


Dec 3, 2008

According to this article on IGN, Aonuma stated in a recent issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine that they are NOT going back to traditional, comfortable button based controls, and will be sticking with motion controls in Zelda games for the foreseeable future. As we know, the Wii U will be able to use the Wii Remote with M+ in addition to it's fancy new tablet, so it's very foreseeable that we will see a similar control scheme to Skyward Sword in Zelda HD/Wii U.

Personally, this kind of irks me. Well I did enjoy the (almost) 1:1 controls in Skyward Sword, I would like to go back to the comfort of buttons. I wouldn't mind some Zelda games making use of these controls, possibly some kind of spin off games, but I don't want all Zelda games for the rest of eternity to use motion controls. Even though the motion controls are good, I still prefer the comfort of buttons. I was hoping that Zelda HD would use the new tablet, which does in fact have standard controls found on your average controller. Maybe this means that it won't use it, or if it does it won't be integral to playing. I have to admit that I'm somewhat disappointed with this turn of events.

What does everyone else think? Should motion controls stay for future Zelda games, including the upcoming Zelda HD, or would you rather see a return to traditional control methods?


Feb 24, 2010
I'd really like a normal controller back. While I didn't hate the motion controls of Skyward Sword and enjoyed the game overall, I don't want every Zelda game to be like this. Nintendo's innovation is interesting at time but I don't think it's an indication of what controls will be like in the future. You can point out Microsoft and Sony's attempts to make motion control systems of their own all you want but that doesn't change the fact that they treat it as more of a money-making gimmick rather than an actual way to play games. Any of the anticipated titles on those systems ALWAYS use regular controls, and for a good reason. It's what we're used to and frankly, I think it's what's best. Motion controls are always advertised as bringing you into the game, they let you BE the characters instead of just control them. The issue is, I don't really want to be the characters, not in that way at least. I can actually become much more immersed with a regular controller and buttons rather than if I'm waving my arms around pretending to hold a sword or strum a harp or something.

Personally, I'd rather Nintendo focus all their effort on making the best Zelda game possible within the realm of a normal controller. I don't want them to bring me a revolution in control or anything, I just want to play Zelda. This is very disappointing news to me, assuming it's true.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Either way we'll always have handheld Zeldas to play with normally. Hopefully they don't do a touch only control scheme like the two ds games though.

I have to wait to see what they end up doing for Wii U Zelda before I decide if motion controls are the better way to go. I have absolutely no clue how they would incorporate both controllers at once (except of course alternating between the two or using the other one as an item screen or map). I mean I don't see a way where they can take the best possibilities of both and incorporate them at the same time. I feel like the tablet would have to be more of an afterthough if they go with motion controls as in Skyward Sword as well. Personally I would gladly take the familiarity of an older control scheme over using motion controls again.
Dec 10, 2011
Bay Area
I really enjoy the motion controls. Skyward Sword is the first game to really get me out of my chair once a battle ensues and I enjoy actively using my arm and quickly changing it up due to the enemies being able to defend themselves better than in previous incarnations. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how they would incorporate both controllers too. I like your idea, MW7, of using the tablet as a map or something. I am sure they will put some interesting uses into it.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'd love to go back to button controls. While I uphold the opinion that SS' motion controls are the best of swordplay Zelda has ever seen to this point, there's that love for classical controls that the motion controls just can't captivate. I think that, as long as the enemies respond to YOUR sword position, motion controlling should stay in the dark or maybe as a separate control scheme, though I know that'd take FOREVER to code and debug and what not. Overall, I want button controls back, but motion controls clearly work well if done right.
Nov 24, 2011
I'd like button controls. While I did enjoy the 1 on 1 sword play the motion plus provided..I just prefered being able to sit back, relax and button mash. Sure it's the lazier option but I just like it better. ^_^ If they did bring back motion controls I'd like atleast the option to also use traditional controls.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I really like the motion controls. It brings new life to the series by immersing us into the actual swordplay of the game rather than just pressing a button or two. While I do like spamming the B-button on occasion in order to smite my foes, it just doesn't feel as free as swinging my arm in any direction to defeat an enemy. After Skyward Sword, I see no reason to not keep going with this revolutionary style. That's just my opinion, though.

I'd really like a normal controller back. While I didn't hate the motion controls of Skyward Sword and enjoyed the game overall, I don't want every Zelda game to be like this. Nintendo's innovation is interesting at time but I don't think it's an indication of what controls will be like in the future. You can point out Microsoft and Sony's attempts to make motion control systems of their own all you want but that doesn't change the fact that they treat it as more of a money-making gimmick rather than an actual way to play games. Any of the anticipated titles on those systems ALWAYS use regular controls, and for a good reason. It's what we're used to and frankly, I think it's what's best. Motion controls are always advertised as bringing you into the game, they let you BE the characters instead of just control them. The issue is, I don't really want to be the characters, not in that way at least. I can actually become much more immersed with a regular controller and buttons rather than if I'm waving my arms around pretending to hold a sword or strum a harp or something.

Personally, I'd rather Nintendo focus all their effort on making the best Zelda game possible within the realm of a normal controller. I don't want them to bring me a revolution in control or anything, I just want to play Zelda. This is very disappointing news to me, assuming it's true.
I'd love to go back to button controls. While I uphold the opinion that SS' motion controls are the best of swordplay Zelda has ever seen to this point, there's that love for classical controls that the motion controls just can't captivate. I think that, as long as the enemies respond to YOUR sword position, motion controlling should stay in the dark or maybe as a separate control scheme, though I know that'd take FOREVER to code and debug and what not. Overall, I want button controls back, but motion controls clearly work well if done right.
I'd like button controls. While I did enjoy the 1 on 1 sword play the motion plus provided..I just prefered being able to sit back, relax and button mash. Sure it's the lazier option but I just like it better. ^_^ If they did bring back motion controls I'd like atleast the option to also use traditional controls.

Well, that's why there's the handheld Zelda games. It's just the console titles that are going to be motion-controlled. The 3DS and future handhelds will still have the good ol' button-mashing style.
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Oh, definitely. I remember reading an article saying that the Zelda DEVs for Zelda 3DS wanted to do some control style like they did with OoT3D – the touch screen supposedly had already found its best place (as a menu screen, not control based I'm assuming). Still, a console Zelda delivers a certain...feeling, I suppose, that handheld Zeldas just don't seem to have. And even then, console Zeldas are now starting to branch off, it seems we have the traditional consoles (TP and back to LoZ) and the new motion consoles (SS and possibly WiiU).


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Oh, definitely. I remember reading an article saying that the Zelda DEVs for Zelda 3DS wanted to do some control style like they did with OoT3D – the touch screen supposedly had already found its best place (as a menu screen, not control based I'm assuming). Still, a console Zelda delivers a certain...feeling, I suppose, that handheld Zeldas just don't seem to have. And even then, console Zeldas are now starting to branch off, it seems we have the traditional consoles (TP and back to LoZ) and the new motion consoles (SS and possibly WiiU).

You mentioned console Zelda. I think that's where the issue lies. Skyward Sword has just redefined console Zelda. In the past, console Zelda was the grand 3D games, while the handhelds were the overhead 2D style. Both used buttons. The 3D's controls had a bit more freedom to them, however. With the near-unlimited capabilities of the Wii Motion Plus, that freedom is no longer just a bit more. It's complete. And with the 3DS being able to do what the GameCube could, handheld Zelda is going to evolve, as well. Handheld Zelda is now going to be what console Zelda used to be. Just like when console Zelda made the switch to 3D and 2D Zelda became handheld-only, console Zelda is now moving to motion and handheld Zelda is moving to 3D button-mashing. It's evolution of gaming in general, a cycle that will never end. And I welcome it. You?
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Excellent way of wording it. I can't say I don't welcome it, because my personal opinion doesn't matter and truthfully, the motion controls were absolutely amazing. No sense in putting it back in the closet after the grand performance we just got a couple weeks ago. I'm just a little...worried that the gaming I'm used to will become extinct. As of now, I've no cause to worry as the handheld Zeldas are adopting the traditional controls, but in time Nintendo may get the funds and technology to make handheld motion gaming, and that's sort of where my worry stems at. Yes, I do welcome motion gaming, no I do not want traditional mashing to die out.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Yes, I do welcome motion gaming, no I do not want traditional mashing to die out.

My thoughts exactly. :) .............................

...but in time Nintendo may get the funds and technology to make handheld motion gaming, and that's sort of where my worry stems at.

I really don't think you need to worry about that. There's really no way for a handheld to feature motion controls like the Wii Motion Plus. I mean, really, can you imagine swinging a handheld device around and still maintain vision of the screen? Have no worries, my friend. I'm certain handheld Zelda will never move to motion controls.
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Piper of Time
Aug 11, 2011
The Lost Woods
I'm not superbly pissed or pleased about this. As long as the games are good, I'm fine with them going anywhere. I do get really bothered by little things in the franchise though. Mostly because how the game is set up, there's just so many limitations on what a Zelda game "should" be. Then if we throw motion controls into that, that's just another limitation, that probably will limit the types of items and puzzles we get too. Overall, I'm not TOO bothered by that. However, with Zelda kind of rehashing the story, but in a way making it its own, it will make me want more. I'd rather them focus on making a good game, which I'm sure they still are. I'd just like to overcome these hurdles of limitations, so that Zelda can take a step forward, instead of standing in the same place. With all the limitations in place, I hope they keep up with the interesting themes, like the Ancient Cistern and Arbiter's Grounds themes, because those are things I really loved about Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I also won't mind too much if they take a step forward with the story. Any kind of step forward would be fine. All in all, I will still play the games, I will enjoy the motion controls. However, I would like to be able to do some button mashing when I don't feel like being precise.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Motion controls are an interesting feature and all, but after a while, I'll surely miss traditional controls. It's hard to say, as I don't want motion controls to be removed completely, nor the same to traditional button mashing.

The best compromise would be to have motion controls optional on future Zelda. This would appeal to both sides, we just need to make sure that the motion controls are high quality.
Feb 5, 2011
Motion controls while using the Wii U controller sounds hard.
On my DA account, I suggested that it would come with a cable to connect the Wii remote, with and without Motion Plus, to the Wii U controller, one hand does the sword swinging and the controller does everything else.

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