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General Classic Most Annoying Character


Jun 12, 2010
Tatle or how ever you say her name. I just hated her. Navi isn't annoying compared to her.


I would say, that the owl. I can't remember his name, but I probably spent an hour talking to him because I kept mashing the A button and hearing his speech all over again. Just plain annoying, sorta because of my impatience and mashing of the A button.


The Owl was by far the most annoying character. In all honesty, I really didn't mind Navi that much. She was a fun character. Also, without Navi, Our Great OoT hero wouldn't be able to lock on! :O
Jun 1, 2010
[FONT= "Comic Sans MS"]Kaepora Gaebora was my least favorite. It's not so much how much of what he said. I can just skip over that, but the fact that the option the pointer was on always was the one that had him repeat what he said.
By the way, I know many people hate Tingle, but he is my absolute favorite character in the whole series.[/FONT]


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Kaepora Gaebora with absolutely no doubt. I just hated that guy. He was annoying even on the first playthrough. Navi was really only annoying after you had played the game several times. She was just a little helper, and people don't find helpers like Navi all that annoying on the very first playthrough. I think most of the hate on Navi is because everybody else seems to hate her. She could have been pretty useful, especially on the very first playthrough.

Kaepora Gaebora could also be helpful... but he could also be very annoying. One of the things that people hate doing is getting into large blocks of dialogue that they don't really seem to care about that much. Kaepora seems to ramble on and on about things that usually you already know or don't care about anyway. Then to top it off the default option is to make him repeat himself, which the A button mashers will usually pick. That just makes people frustrated. I know I've done it a few times.


didn't build that
I'd like to defend a couple characters before I go on my rant. I like both Kaepora and Navi, and fail to understand why they are so unpopular. As games have evolved and worlds have grown, the need for helper characters has increased; Ocarina of Time is an early (but my no means the earliest) example of a game that spammed hints because of its complexity. In truth, Navi and Kaepora are only annoying when they bring the game to a dead stop to point out the obvious; however, what they point out was not always obvious on a first playthrough, and these sequences only occurred a limited amount at the beginning of the game.

Both characters' personalities are fantastic; they remain in the background for the most part, but act as helpful guides. The owl's a mentor, much like the King of Red Lions, while Navi herself is more of a close friend who sort of represents Link's childhood. I found dialog with Navi especially poignant later in the game, when Link's childhood seemed farther and farther away (even while time travel was still possible, Link was changing). She represented innocence, something severely lacking in the tattered and broken Hyrule with which we were presented. As a character, she was phenomenal, and I always crack a smile when she delivers one of her obvious hints as the game winds down. Navi, in fact, is one of my favorite characters in Zelda canon, and quite possibly my favorite helper character in any game, barring Issun from Okami.

My least favorite character in the entire Zelda franchise is Midna, but this thread is under "classic Zelda," a fact I only just noticed. I'd written up a whole rant about it too. I'll post once I'm certain that the thread can encompass newer games.

I suppose the most annoying classic character is Tingle, though he doesn't show up frequently enough to annoy me very much.


Beat Minish Cap *___*
Aug 12, 2010
In The Great Sea
Kaepora Gaebora with absolutely no doubt. I just hated that guy. He was annoying even on the first playthrough. Navi was really only annoying after you had played the game several times. She was just a little helper, and people don't find helpers like Navi all that annoying on the very first playthrough. I think most of the hate on Navi is because everybody else seems to hate her. She could have been pretty useful, especially on the very first playthrough.

Kaepora Gaebora could also be helpful... but he could also be very annoying. One of the things that people hate doing is getting into large blocks of dialogue that they don't really seem to care about that much. Kaepora seems to ramble on and on about things that usually you already know or don't care about anyway. Then to top it off the default option is to make him repeat himself, which the A button mashers will usually pick. That just makes people frustrated. I know I've done it a few times.

That is why when you talk to him, mash the B button XD

For me, it was *gets behind giant wargreymon shield* OoT Princess Zelda. Now, before teh flamingzzz come, I hate ZELDA. Not Sheik. Even though they're the same person. The ONLY reason why I hate her is when she reveals herself to link after getting all the medallions and that LONG SPEECH (I hate that too) about stuff you already know, What does she do? Get herself kidnapped by Ganondorf, that's what. DUDE, IF SHE WAS GOING ON ABOUT HOW EVIL HE IS, WOULDN'T SHE HAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO PUT LIKE A BARRIER AROUND THE TIME TEMPLE AS SHE RAMBLED ON?! AND DON'T SAY SHE CAN'T PROTECT HERSELF; WHEN YOUR ESCAPING THE FALLING CASTLE, AND YOU GET ATTACKED BY STALFOS, SHE CREATES A BUBBLE AROUND HERSELF TO PROTECT HERSELF!!!! That just really sent me off the edge, AND IT STILL DOES.
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Pop 360

Angel Beats Geek
Feb 1, 2010
The Afterlife battlefront
So far in WW I ahve found that The most annoying character is the king of red lions, I hated the way he told you what to do in the temple even though you knew what you were doing it spoils it, and he is the slowest boat EVER made


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Okay, well I am part way through Ocorina of Time and I think Navi is actually quite helpful sometimes. Basically when you walk near a certain thing she starts up the whole: "Hey hey! Listen!" thing, right? But technically doesn't Midna in Twilight Princess start to giggle every time you do the same thing? But everyone loves her. I do not find Navi or Midna annoying for that because they actually help you.

As for Kaepora Gaebora, well. His head is really wierd and he is quite creepy. He doesn't annoy me too much. He speaks wise words mostly, apart from when he interrigates you. Also if you try to skip him and then accidently click the button that makes him repeat everything again. That is so annoying.

Personally I found Ezlo from The Minish Cap quite irritating, you know the way he keeps calling Link lazy and telling him to hurry up? I found that a bit hypocritical because he isn't really doing much except sitting there on Link's head.

So Ezlo frustrated me at times when I failed and he gave me a long lecture about laziness but again he wasn't worth switching the game off or anything.

Chibi-Robo Link

I for one found King Zora from OoT to be the most annoying character ever. I mean seriously, how long does it take one guy to move over a couple of inches? And how does he move around with such a fat body and such skinny legs? I actually like Kaepora Gabora and Navi. But King Zora and his stubby little arms and legs were the most annoying for me.

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
Kepora, but sometimes I press "no". Why in the world would "no" be the default answer?! ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Shadow

Creature of the Darkness
Navi is not annoying just slightly addicted to her work, sorta the same with Tatl but nowhere near as much, I thought that it was good they were quite most of the time but then I started to Miss Navi in the other games. The owl and Tingle on the otherhand are annoying, now this should help everyone *Shoots tingle in the head with a fire arrow and steals his maps* free maps for everyone!


Leave the chocolate here
Jan 25, 2010
The Mansion!
I don't know why people think that Navi is annoying, though you all right about Kepora.
Originally Posted by The Skull Kid.
Originally Posted by The Skull Kid
good thing was that in Oot you could skip it all and get on with the game
You mean that I waited till he finish for nothing?!
Oh and I hate when you try to climb on King of Red Lions and you accidentally talk to him and he keeps stalking and talking...


:DAutomatic Navi vote from me.:D
I do also have to say the owl. Annoying as heck.

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