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Midna- One Time Thing or Continous Character?



God, I hope I put this thread in the right place....>.<;


I have to say that Midna has to be one of my all-time favorite LoZ character's. It would be such a pity if Nintendo got us so hyped up about her, and then suddenly just dropped her. She had a good role in Twilight Princess and I would like to see her have some type of GOOD role in the next game.

But that makes you think. What role WOULD she have. If you finished Twilight Princess, you'll understand. And I don't want to see her put in for the sake of it, and it to be terrible.

From what I see, Nintendo doesn't have a lot to still have her do. She'd be almost pointless. But I could be wrong. Who know's what they have up there sleeve?

Discuss, Share idea's, etc.

Honestly...seeing a little panda-colored imp on Link's back when TP came out did not really phase me. She looked interesting enough, but otherwise I found myself more psyched about Link's new character design. I do agree that Midna was a well-developed character and went through a moral change in the game. I found her to be a little annoying at times, but I'm more excited to see what new sidekick Link will have this time around.


She possibly can return to the series,but how?It would be wierd unless the game is based off of something that happens before the end or afetr the beggining of TP.A return would be epic but not so good in common sense logic.


Aug 25, 2008
Many people actually hate Midna for her annoying voice and constant dialogue, but I honestly don't think she was a bad character at all. I do think however, a second appearance would not only ruin her reputation, but overstay her welcome. She was great for that game, but that game only, and for them to even reuse Twilight in general would ruin Twilight Princess.


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Many people actually hate Midna for her annoying voice and constant dialogue, but I honestly don't think she was a bad character at all. I do think however, a second appearance would not only ruin her reputation, but overstay her welcome. She was great for that game, but that game only, and for them to even reuse Twilight in general would ruin Twilight Princess.

Well said. I liked her as a character, even though on a first play through I didn't trust her. I think if they brought her back, it might ruin the experience that was with her in TP as well.

She was a fleshed out character for that particular game, but her story ended with it. To bring her back would mean to have something go wrong in the Twilight Realm again, and that might seem redundant.

It also might seem a bit forced, because there would have to be a way to get back to the Realm. Either a second mirror would have to be found, or the first would have to be restored, and it might be a bit of a cop out. I know one of the producers said if enough people beg, she might come back, but I really think having her destroy the mirror at the end of the game was a "Sorry everyone, her story's done now."

If they really did want her to return, I doubt they would have added in that one simple act of destroying the mirror.


adjective spaceman
Feb 2, 2009
Midna was a great character. She was funny, sarcastic at times, and really cool. She seems like she secretly wanted to help everyone, even when she used people to get things (the Fused Shadow with Link).

Okay, she was a good character, but I don't think she's going to come back. SPOILER She destroyed the Mirror of Twilight, seperating her from Link and Zelda END OF SPOILER. Therefore, I don't think she'd come back. It'd be too hard to fit her into another story. Don't get me wrong, I do want her back, but I don't think she'll be brought back.

Midna should only be used as a One Time Thing. Because she was really good at that.
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I think playing a Zelda game where the main character is Colin would annoy me and out me off buying the game completly, That would also mean that the guy that teaches Link his Hidden Powers in TP for Colin would be Link but that wouldn't make sense if he was as Link succeeds where the guy for Link failed so he can't rest until all 7 hidden powers are passed down to Link.

Were you reading this right?:S lemme explain:

1. 5-10 years after TP, Collin would be mature, and logically, as annoying as link himself.:)
2. I didn't say that the HS would teach Collin, i said that Midna would, because he accidentally got twili powers.
3. BUT that wouldn't mean that he could learn sword moves from (now retired, in Ordon) Link, as a tutorial:nerd:.
4. On another note, the bottom half of your comment is a little off (in grammar or LoZ lore, I can't tell:() so its hard to move on in the idea of Colin being Link's successor. (possibly as a WiiWare side story:cool:)


Many people actually hate Midna for her annoying voice and constant dialogue, but I honestly don't think she was a bad character at all. I do think however, a second appearance would not only ruin her reputation, but overstay her welcome. She was great for that game, but that game only, and for them to even reuse Twilight in general would ruin Twilight Princess.

I dunno, they reused the Ocarina of Time in Majora's Mask, and no one seemed to mind. In fact, i think they used the ocarina BETTER in MM by using some songs with the puzzles. SRSLY, the mandatory songs in OoT were just teleports, which were fixed by one song in MM, as the mandatory songs in there actually played into the story, or was used as a puzzle element.


Sep 15, 2008
I dunno, they reused the Ocarina of Time in Majora's Mask, and no one seemed to mind. In fact, i think they used the ocarina BETTER in MM by using some songs with the puzzles. SRSLY, the mandatory songs in OoT were just teleports, which were fixed by one song in MM, as the mandatory songs in there actually played into the story, or was used as a puzzle element.

The Ocarina of Time was an ITEM, Midna is a character.
It's completly different, imo.
Midna was an excelent character, and, as far as "paper clip"(thanks Shadsie for the term) characters go, either Midna or Ezlo were the best.
The problem here, is, that if they reused Midna, due to the ending of TP, the character would have huge chances of being ruined.
Sometimes it's better if they leave things the way they are.
Oct 18, 2008
In my coffin
I personally think that a Midna spin-off game, which takes place inbetween the time that Zant cursed her, and the time she first met Link could work.

We only saw a few quick scenes that showed this in TP, but I think that there's more story to tell of Midna just before she met Link.

This way you get another game with Midna in it, but since it's a pequel it won't ruining her exit at the end of TP.


They used Navi twice, why not Midna? She was a great character. I'd like to see her one more time in a game.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Sure as heck i hope so cause she was my favorite zelda sidekick so far but sadly the chances of her appearing in another zelda game are slim if not impossible since

She destroyed the mirror of twilight at the end of the game. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Botar they did NOT use navi twice they used her in oot then in mm they replaced her with tatl
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The King
Aug 18, 2009
They used Navi twice, why not Midna? She was a great character. I'd like to see her one more time in a game.

That is NOT true. Yes, they used a FAIRY twice. But not Navi. She was only in OOT. In MM, it is Tatl that plays the fairy's role.

Now for Midna: She was truly one of the best Zelda characters ever, but I don't think she would be in another Zelda, because of the end of the game! (Not saying because of the people who haven't beaten the game.)
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Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
I personally think that a Midna spin-off game, which takes place inbetween the time that Zant cursed her, and the time she first met Link could work.

We only saw a few quick scenes that showed this in TP, but I think that there's more story to tell of Midna just before she met Link.

This way you get another game with Midna in it, but since it's a pequel it won't ruining her exit at the end of TP.

Yeah that could work and it would be impossible for her to appear in another 'main title'. *bawls* *sniff* i would love to see her in another main title though... *continues to bawl* she was awesome...

That is NOT true. Yes, they used a FAIRY twice. But not Navi. She was only in OOT. In MM, it is Tatl that plays the fairy's role.

Now for Midna: She was truly one of the best Zelda characters ever, but I don't think she would be in another Zelda, because of the end of the game! (Not saying because of the people who haven't beaten the game.)

Actually with ph they used a fairy 3 times and yeah they didn't use navi twice but rather a fairy as a sidekick 3 times.


Dark Link is here...
Oct 4, 2009
Midna would be pretty cool in the future games but it is very, highly, 99.99% unlikely that she will come back. At the end of TP when she went back to the Twilight Zone, she broke the mirror for good meaning she couldn't come back.

And also, Midna is from the Twilight World and the future games will most likely not include a Twilight world in it so it won't make sense if Midna comes back.

Although I loved her in TP, Midna will not come back in future games.


I have to say that midna was a fantastic character, but i beleive that since we know all her secrets, she isn't part of a great story line anymore. allthough she is way better than a fairy. that's for sure

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