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Metroid Mafia: Attack on Space Pirates

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the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
PK force is playing a semi disruptive way. There is a traiter (if i rember corectly) traiters try to draw atention to their scumbuds. I'm not 100% surtain about this. JJ may we have a vote count and a day counter.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
PK force is playing a semi disruptive way. There is a traiter (if i rember corectly) traiters try to draw atention to their scumbuds. I'm not 100% surtain about this. JJ may we have a vote count and a day counter.

You don't know how to use proper English. So, NO! :p

Vote Count

fused_shadow - LittleGumball (1)
LittleGumball - Heroine of Time, musicfan (2)
Mellow Ezlo - fused_shadows (1)
pkfroce - justac00lguy (1)
justac00lguy - Thareous, Mellow Ezlo, Big Octo (3)

Day 1 ends on December 28th at 12:00 A.M. CT.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I find it very ironic of you yourself, Thar, to say this. I can't count how many times over the last 3 or so games that you yourself have done the exact same thing. You explained yourself when I questioned you one time, so maybe you can relate to why I'm doing such?

Let's keep the record straight here. I did say that somebody had to get your attention, didn't I? And that's exactly how it worked. Although you replied to the last sentence mostly, that's actually the point where I wanted to lure you in to see your response. You ended up doing more than expected; elaborating on your position and presenting possible scenarios that make for a decent "undercover" scheme from pkfroce.

Additionally, there are a couple of other things I noticed when reading past my post, sooo...


It's only fair to allow Mellow and Big Octo that I'm going to be direct with them. No hard feelings; I'm only figuring things out. ;P

wtf JC? You randomly voted for pkfroce with no explanation at all, get questioned, then answer a question that's completely irrelevant to what you were being asked before.

Vote: JC

To be frank, the accusation you place on Justa and your subsequent vote both come off as pretty spur-of-the-moment to me. Not only was my post purposefully engineered to get a response from Justa, but also see what others had to say. There's just something that I don't quite like about the way your sentence was phrased; to begin, you use an overexaggerated exclamation to infer shock. Next you follow that up by summarizing that his vote was random. I fail to see much of a difference in that, because your vote seemed random, too.

Not to mention pkfroce's last question pretty much says he's town (unless he's trying to deceive us), yet you kept your vote on him.

Speak up man!

As Musicfan already asked, how does pkfroce's question confirm that he's Town?

JC, you've had all this time to respond to the suspicions surrounding you and all you've done is answer a question irrelevant to them. I've seen people conveniently ignoring questions and such before, but this... is just wat

Here your reaction seems somewhat feigned, particularly at the end. I don't really see what was so hard to cope with his purported ignorance, for Justa has illustrated that he simply had nothing to say and wanted pkfroce's take on things. The "wat" of the situation puzzled me just as much as anybody, but not to the point where I couldn't formulate a conclusive response. Mind expounding some?

Vote: JC

If you keep this up, then it's going to be straight to the chopping block with you.

Straight to the chopping block, eh? Seems like something that would happen if he wasn't quick enough to respond, but in all honesty this sounds more like a threatening statement. Sometimes this tactic can be used to prompt others to join in on three voting spree, causing split-decision players to opt for an impromptu speedlynch. I don't necessarily think that automatically makes you scummy, because you may very well have been stating the obvious. On the other hand, perhaps that last remark was also meant to draw him out, much like mine was.


All in all, I'm beginning to see the potentiality that Mellow Ezlo and Big Octo are cohorts. For one thing, they swiftly posted within the span of thirty minutes (only a few minutes after me at that) as if to take advantage of the situation. Secondly, their arguments sound quite similar, especially their word usage of "irrelevant" to describe how Justa responded to the question, which suggests pre-discussion between my suspects. Thirdly, their reasoning, albeit unexplained, largely resembles a cop-out, since I doubt anybody would be so astonished as to fail to recognize the fact that there was some doubt overshadowing pkfroce to begin with. Furthermore, it's quite possible that they are endeavoring to protect PK from suspicion, and if so the original alliance lies with Mellow and pkfroce, not PK and Musicfan.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Hmm, I think some people are rushing to conclusions by rashly bandwagoning JC. I agree that his prior votes came off as counterintuitive to his play style, yet he has explained himself since. If he were mafia, why would he choose to draw attention to himself, rather than remaining inconspicuous by posting in his usual thorough method?

I want to remain impartial to the situation, but I agree with JC about pkfroce playing dumb. In one of his recent posts, pkfroce asks, Do the scum know what each Townie's role is? Or do they just know who is Town and who isn't? #287 It's strange for him to ask this considering he's played several mafia games before.

After this question, Mezlo responds stating, Not to mention pkfroce's last question pretty much says he's town (unless he's trying to deceive us), yet you kept your vote on him.

I fail to see how pkfroce's question proves anything about his alignment, especially to pave grounds for a statement like that.

Also, I would like some clarification from Thareous about this post. I realize it was awhile back, and you've since unvoted for musicfan, voted for JC, and unvoted that too, but why were you suspicious of musicfan again? For evening out the vote tally yesterday by recasting his vote? Am I correct?


Jul 1, 2012
If I was scum, don't you think I would have asked my scumbuds instead of generally asking everyone that was playing?
No because I'm not saying that. I'm saying you used that to basically please a noob card. By pretending you didn't know you're stating you're Town in a subtle way. Mellow, naively, trusted you and that's a mistake (unless he's your scumbud?). I've seen tactics like this before. You slipped up Day One and overreacted and then, maybe desperately, tried to resolve it by being oblivious to a pretty basic understanding in Mafia.

Now why am I so suspicious. Well because I'm very analytic of Day One and I try to notice inconsistencies and possible scum tells. You made a jokingly gesture that was probably non-serious; however, I've seen little, subtle things like this before so I decided to question it. Straight away you overreacted to very little pressure. I honestly don't know why. You either gave up or you tried to desperately put across that you made a mistake so people would acknowledge such and unvote.

Either way, you overreacted. I'm not 100% sure you're scum, but you, and Mellow, are by far the best leads I've gathered so far and when I get a lead I usually follow it until I get lynched/killed or successfully try to convince others. This always puts me in an awkward situation, especially when I'm wrong. But I'm willing to take the risk as it's what Mafia is all about.

Pendio said:
Now regarding JC's pursuing of PK: I kind of understand JC's reason for suspicion, but I do not understand how he can be so sure of PK's alignment. I am almost tempted to vote for PK with JC just to learn whether he is right about this or not. However, my suspicions toward PK are not very great, so I will refrain from voting for now.
Honestly, go with what you truly think is right. I don't want to manipulate everyone; I just try to explain myself and my suspicions as best as I can.

However, I'm not fully sure of PK's alignment; I've just noticed a few odd posts and reactions as well as possible subtle connections with a certain player (*cough* Mellow). Whether I'm right or wrong remains to be seen.

Heroine of Time said:
I understand JC's reasons for voting for PK, but... I really don't understand why he failed to explain it previously. Whether he's Town or Mafia, that majorly bothers me.
Ok, I tried to explain why I missed those posts previously. It was a basic mistake really and I'm not coming up with some BS excuse. I always explain myself and it would be pretty ignorant and scummy of me to do otherwise. Anyway, all that doesn't matter now. I'm not dodging any questions or shying away I explained why I voted and my suspicions on both PK and Mellow.


I'll post some more later. However, I think it's odd that Mellow hasn't replied since I explained myself and accused him. As well as Big Octo. If I didn't know better...

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Alright, I've heard more than enough from JC.


Erm, sorry for a brief drop in activity. Been busy with Christmas and all.

The "wat" of the situation puzzled me just as much as anybody, but not to the point where I couldn't formulate a conclusive response. Mind expounding some?

Actually, I'm somewhat surprised that you didn't deduce that the "wat" signifies disbelief. :P


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Erm, sorry for a brief drop in activity. Been busy with Christmas and all.


Actually, I'm somewhat surprised that you didn't deduce that the "wat" signifies disbelief. :P

Yeah, I had trouble coming up with the right word; blame staying up late with family. :bleh:

So anyway, what about the rest of my post? Don't you find it interesting that you and Mellow shared similar allegations towards Justa?

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
So anyway, what about the rest of my post? Don't you find it interesting that you and Mellow shared similar allegations towards Justa?

Why yes, I do find it interesting. However, following the Mellow-PK connection theory, he may have had a deeper reason to vote for JC than I had, using his concerns for JC's lack of explanation as a cover-up. You could say pretty much the same thing about me, but consider that I don't think Pk is confirmed town, which Mellow had strangely claimed. Right now, I'd very much like to hear what Mellow has to say on present matters.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
My bad, Alit. Skipped over that last part since I was looking for anyone who had quoted me.

Also, I would like some clarification from Thareous about this post. I realize it was awhile back, and you've since unvoted for musicfan, voted for JC, and unvoted that too, but why were you suspicious of musicfan again? For evening out the vote tally yesterday by recasting his vote? Am I correct?

You are mostly correct. I didn't like musicfan tying up the votes very much because it seemed like he wanted to prevent pkfroce's tally from rising above the others. However, more than anything, I just wanted to see his reaction, which turned out to be sound. Presently I don't view music as a threat to any side, and my suspicions on Big Octo are also nullifying. I'm pretty confident that we'd be on the right track pursuing Mellow and/or pkfroce Today.

For now I feel it's necessary to pressure a response from the former.

Vote: Mellow Ezlo


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Done did, sir.

Let's keep the record straight here. I did say that somebody had to get your attention, didn't I? And that's exactly how it worked. Although you replied to the last sentence mostly, that's actually the point where I wanted to lure you in to see your response. You ended up doing more than expected; elaborating on your position and presenting possible scenarios that make for a decent "undercover" scheme from pkfroce.

Additionally, there are a couple of other things I noticed when reading past my post, sooo...


It's only fair to allow Mellow and Big Octo that I'm going to be direct with them. No hard feelings; I'm only figuring things out. ;P


However, if you'd also like me to unvote in the same post in which I vote for a different player, then I can do that since it's probably easier on you.


Jul 1, 2012
Unvote, Thar. Unvote.

He unvoted earlier on.


Hmm, I'm not sure who to pursue. I'm fairly set on both Mellow and PK. I'm more so shifting my attention to PK as he was my Day One target and his overreaction grabbed my attention. However, I'm pretty much not bothered who we lynch out of the two. I propose if we lynch one then the other should be investigated. In all fairness though, I want to see Mellow's defense.


be vigitant
Feb 20, 2012
I think musicfan has an interesting idea that PK may be the traitor. Traitor is a pretty open role, so I don't know how it'd work here. But it's possible that if mafia know who the traitor is or figured it out through the Rolecop, the mafia may be trying to lynch PK to get credibility. I'd like to read what Mellow has to say before voting.
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