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May Giveaway Contest: Most Anticipated Game of 2012

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The Notorious M.O.P.
Mar 8, 2012
My most anticipated game of 2012 is Assassin's Creed 3. If I'd heard anything related to Zelda, than that would probably be my most anticipated game.

I'd really like to see some sort of sequel to the Minish Cap.
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Apr 4, 2012
My most anticipated game is definitely Pikmin 3. I've been looking forward to a new one and since its going to be on the Wiiu, that means its going to be HD and I can only imagine how amazing the game is going to look.


Most anticipated game is Zelda Wii U, but that's 100% not comming out on 2012 so I guess Black Ops II.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
My most anticipated game of 2012 is and always has been Halo 4. I fell in love with the franchise in 2006 when a close acquaintance of mine introduced it to me. It seemed the fight with Master Chief was finished, however, the chief returns. E3 2011 brought with it an epic announcement trailer and I'm hoping for another fantastic trailer this year before its release in November. Heroes never die, they just fade away...


Beat Minish Cap *___*
Aug 12, 2010
In The Great Sea
My most anticipated game? Paper Mario 3DS! It doesnt even have an offical release date, but still :C I loved the paper mario games, and I'd honestly pick up a 3DS to play it. And oh boy, the purple 3DS. it's so nice. I cant wait to get it. Hollaayyy *___*
Apr 3, 2012
I guess diablo 3. I am not really interested in many games coming out this year. The Wii U will be interesting to see, but I will wait to see how it is before I get excited about it.
Apr 11, 2012
Without a doubt, my most anticipated game of 2012 is DEFINITELY Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. I am jumping up and down as I am typing this. (weirdly XD) Especially since it's starring characters from The World Ends With You! I even bought a Kingdom Hearts cover for my 3DS as a celebration. I am VERY excited! My friend and I are both keeping track with a count down, and talk about it almost everyday. Well, there you go!

May 7, 2012
My most Anticipated Game 0f 2012 is Resident Evil 6. It is no Doubt the most anticipated Game. Resident Evil 5 was Insane so this Game would Probably blow our minds off. I just saw The trailer and i was totally lost of words and can't stop Raping the Replay Button. I even can't describe how i felt at that time. is was just so... EPIC! That was the best 3 minutes of my life. I was like in Heaven.but minus the Zombies and the Killing :P Resident evil is one of the best games i played so far eventhough i haven't played Resident Evil Revelations yet since i don't own a 3DS but that won't stop me! Awesome Graphics + Gameplay + Hot Characters = Paradise :3 This is worth waiting for. I can't wait to play the entire Game.

ahh! I really can't take my mind of resident evil 6. Hm. I guess i am too obsessed? lol.

I also can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3D : Dream Drop Distance! Kingdom hearts is also one of the best games i've played. And with Kingdom Hearts and The world ends with you cast collaborating.. it would probably be one of the best games of all time!
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Nanomachines, son.
Apr 12, 2012
I would say Wii U. But that's a console, not a game.

Talking games that are officially announced right now that'd be Assassins Creed 3 for sure. I love the series, and I hope it'll be as good as 2.
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For me, it's definitely Assassin's Creed 3. The series is arguably one of my favourites, alongside Zelda, I add :) Why? Well, each game in the series is based on historical events and characters. It puts it's own spin on history and modern day 2012. How deep the story goes is amazing, and personally, I've spent hours researching the events from the late 12th century up to modern day times.

If anyone has a PS3 or Xbox 360 or a PC, give the series a try :)
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