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Mafia Round 2

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Apr 10, 2010
I'm assuming that even though Atsuma was very suspicious, because it was so early in the game that he will most likely be a Townie (mainly due to the fact that as it stands there are 2.6 Townie's per Mafia). Hopefully we were correct though, but I'm thinking that this rounds Mafia are very sly and stealthy in their posting.

I think this round will last into September at the least to guys, 26 Townies and the Serial Killer have yet to die before we even reach level numbers with the Mafia, resulting in a win for them, which isn't likely.

Atsuma did defend himself pretty well, but he was still probably the most suspicious in Day 2. If he ends up being a Townie though, then there are a lot of people we can accuse. We did end the day pretty soon, just like Day 1. Can't wait to see the results later tonight.
Also, about half the players haven't even posted yet, so I wonder what percentage of them are mafia. The inactivity modkills will tell us a lot, then the game will get really interesting.


Dec 3, 2009
Ikana Canyon
I haven't been active on this day since I had some issues from the past two days recently.I have two more pages to read and I will come to a conclusion for who I think is more suspicious.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Atsuma did defend himself pretty well

Atsuma defended himself well?! o.o I'm sorry, but that came off as a bit of a shock to me. I'm hoping to God that Atsuma is Mafia like I suspected, but he didn't even defend himself if you ask me: he just dodged questions, twisted words, and threw suspicion on his accusors (mostly me because I was his main prosecutor).


Jun 19, 2010
If Atsuma turns out to be a Townie, then i'll have my eye on MK9(along with many others).Also,shouldn't Ver-Go-a-Go-Go have announced if Atsumas scum or not?I cant wait to know if Atsumas scum! I'm probably the one of only one who think hes not.Only time will will tell...
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
The votes had been tallied. Atsuma would be the one who was lynched.

Atsuma himself was genuinely afraid; it was obvious in his terror filled eyes. “….Fine” he sighed. “Do what you want…” That’s all the townies needed. All at once the townies were on top of him, beating him senseless with their bare fists. After multiple bruises and blows to the head had been committed, the Townies backed off. Atsuma was clutching his head in pain; his skull had taken too many blows. “One more hit should do!” screamed one of the townies. Taking the initiative, one townie grabbed a shovel and decided that Atsuma’s life would right there and then. Standing over his target, the townie waited for Atsuma’s final words. Still clutching his head, Atsuma cried out “YOU THINK YOU’RE SO SMART!? I WILL BE AVENGED!” Right then and there, he received a fatal blow to the head with a shovel, and collapsed in a dead heap. His body was searched, and evidence was found.

Atsuma was the first Mafia.

All of the Townie headed home for the night, filled with joy over their first victory. However, ChargewithSword decided to take a quick walk through the woods before he did so. After wandering around for a few hours, he realized he was lost. In a hurry to get home, Charge started running through the woods. The noise attracted a hungry predator…… a wolf heard the sound of leaves under Charge’s feet, and chased after him, desperate for his meal. Moments later, a scream echoed from the woods. ChargewithSword was never seen or heard from again.

ChargewithSword was one of the Masons.

Ember Incubus
Link to Present
Jack Archer
Triforce Eden
Din Akera
Random Person

Elfen (lynched day 1) – Townie RoleBlocker
Axle the Beast (nightkilled night 1) – Townie
OrlovYan (nightkilled night 1) – Townie
yotam (modkilled for editing) – Townie
Atsuma (lynched day 2) – Mafia
ChargewithSword (modkilled for inactivity) – Townie Mason

Night 2 has begun. Cop, Doctor, and Vigilante PM me your night ability choice. Mafia and Serial Killer, you know what to do. Night will end in three days (not counting tonight) or when all of the PMs have been sent in.

Also, to clear confusion about when inactive modkills will be given; If you don’t post in this thread for a week of real time, that’s when you bite the dust. So everyone who has posted in this thread thus far is safe for now. Next week, I’ll be looking for those who have posted AFTER this post. If you haven’t, you’ll be modkilled.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Um, can I just say that I have had no internet access for the past few days so I have been inactive so just to let you know I will be posting. Better read the pages now.

Triforce Eden

I'm sorry I've been inactive, but I'm back now and I need now to look back on previous pages before I comment on this. Just wanted to let you know that I am here.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Zack125 was happy. He was ready to go home and relax; something he hadn’t done in a long while. He felt great, totally secure now that he had helped snag Atsuma, one of the mafia members. He locked the door as he walked in, and started planning how he would spend this awesome night. Little did he know that more than one faction was after him tonight. Oh, and not just two either. Three different parties would be coming tonight, each with an intention of making sure he wouldn’t live to see the sun rise again….

Around 11 o’clock, Zack was lying in bed, watching TV. All of the lights had been turned off; the only light was coming from the tiny TV screen a few feet away in front of his bed. “Having fun?” A cold voice whispered from the dark. Zack gasped from the surprise of the voice, and jumped out of bed, the TV still running. “Heh, a little coward we have here it would seem. You scared of something Zack?” The cold voice continued. Zack’s teeth were chattering too hard for a response to be given. The owner of the cold voice then tackled Zack cramming him into a nearby chair. Zack could barely see the figure in the light of the TV; it’s head was still hidden in the dark. The figure then pulled a rope from its pocket, and tied Zack to the chair, so tight that he couldn’t move. “Now, let’s see if you’re more cooperative than the other guy.” The figure said. “Where are the mafia? Who are the others?” Zack gulped, knowing what was about to happen….

Right outside Zack’s door, another person was lurking. It licked the blood off of its knife, preparing to fulfill its murderous desires for the night. It could hear the TV coming from Zack’s room; he must still be awake. Now was the perfect time to strike. Spotting the light coming out of a window, the Serial Killer knew that’s where it had to go. It ran towards the window, and shattered it in one swift kick…..

The Vigilante was startled by the crash of glass. Now there were three people in Zack’s small room. All it took was one look at the figure; the hockey mask in the glowing of the TV light gave it all away. “Serial Killer…..” The Vigilante mumbled to itself. Zack could hear the mumble, and his eyes widened with horror. The Vigilante and Serial Killer just stared at each other for a second. Both slowly raised their knives, ready to attack. A cold silence followed……. All of a sudden both charged at each other, crashing head on, and tumbling into a deadly fight of fists and knives….

The gang was preparing the strike. Zack’s house, 11:15, that was the plan. Guns ready, a group of 5 kicked in Zack’s door, ready to commit their job for the night. They quickly rushed through the house, kicking over tables and punching in glass. Then they heard the noise of a TV in a room in the back. “Let’s get ‘em”, the Godfather said to the rest of the groups, signaling they all head towards the room. Indeed, none other than the Godfather was leading the charge tonight…..

Zack was too horrified to scream. The Vigilante and Serial Killer were engaged in a deadly fight, each being tossed around by the other around the room. He could barely make out how the two were doing in the faint light of the TV that was somehow still running. Did one have the upper hand over the other? He couldn’t tell. All of a sudden, he heard his door crash. Jerking his head towards the sound, Zack became stunned. 5 figures, all of them holding guns, had just entered his room. “What th-“ He heard the leader of the gang yell. “HEY” Rapid gunfire was spread across the room in an attempt to break up the fight between the two strugglers…..

Upon hearing the gunfire, the Serial Killer knew this was trouble. The objective was to secretly kill without the attention of others, not BE killed by someone else. When the Vigilante stopped its struggle after hearing the gunfire, the Serial Killer took advantage. Without a second thought, it jumped out the window from which it came, running as fast as it could as far away as it could….

The Vigilante winced in frustration. The Serial Killer could’ve been dead, but it took advantage and got away…. No matter, something way more important had just come up. The Vigilante turned towards the mafia, all of who but the guns were impossible to see in the light of the TV. Sure, one could be taken down easily, but five? And all with guns? No thank you……

The Godfather was filled with a sick joy. There was the Vigilante, right there in front, all it would take was one shot through the head. The Godfather raised its gun and started firing at the Vigilante, knowing that the menace must be killed in order to ensure and long term victory. The Vigilante wasn’t slow however, it hurled itself out of the way from the gunfire, and attempted a run for the window the Serial Killer had broken through. “Shoot you idiots!” The Godfather screamed. Tons of gunfire erupted from the entrance of the room, filling Zack’s wall with bullets. “NO!” The Godfather continued to scream. The Vigilante had gotten through the window just in time to avoid death…..

All this time, poor Zack had been tied to a chair, unable to do a thing. Now, there was only the mafia left. The Godfather, still enraged by losing the Vigilante, looked towards Zack with a cold stare. “You know,” The Godfather said, surprisingly calm. “I had this GREAT death planned for you, but this whole night has been ruined. Let’s make it simple.” An order was signaled, and 5 guns were fired all at once…..


The next morning, Zack’s home was searched by the Townies. Upon entering his room, all of the Townies were stunned. A broken-in window, a wall filled with bullets, furniture that looked like two people had been wrestling on it, and a TV that had been going all night. Zack’s body was found, still tied to a chair. A bloody puddle surrounded it, and multiple bullet holes were obvious throughout his body. No evidence was found. Poor Zack125 was a Townie.

As the next day begins, the investigation continues. 9 among you are mafia, 1 of you is a deranged Serial Killer, and 1 of you is a beloved prince/princess. 16 votes needed for a majority lynch.

Ember Incubus
Link to Present
Jack Archer
Triforce Eden
Din Akera
Random Person

Elfen (lynched day 1) – Townie RoleBlocker
Axle the Beast (nightkilled night 1) – Townie
OrlovYan (nightkilled night 1) – Townie
yotam (modkilled for editing) – Townie
Atsuma (lynched day 2) – Mafia
ChargewithSword (modkilled for inactivity) – Townie Mason
Zack 125 (nightklled night 2) - Townie

Day 3 has begun. Unless a majority is reached once again, day 3 will end on August 14th.
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
alright we got Atsuma. Lets focus on our small victory, its unfortunate innocents had to suffer. Did anyone support Atsuma? I have to go back and reexamine the evidence myself, but I pray there be clues that will lead us to our next scum.

Jack Archer

wow, a triple target....

Anyways, sorry I disappeared, I had problems with my computer...


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Okay, well I will continue to post in this thread but I go on holiday once this day ends so I will end up getting modkilled for inactivity but I still have this day!
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