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Game Thread Mafia Emblem Gaiden: Scum of Valentia

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Feb 17, 2015
i had thought they weren't so that's my mistake i guess. i checked on the wiki and it says any alignment but i thought that i had read they normally weren't town.

*flashbacks to AA mafia*

so how does that make you feel about funnier? do you think funnier targeted minish or do you think someone moved the target?

as for me i've thought it over and i'd rather go for krow first. i'm less willing to trust third party. he wins no matter what as long as he's alive, who's to say he won't switch sides when it's convenient? along with that it's so easy to claim third party who turns up as Not Town. (easy to claim miller for that matter but i haven't seen a miller in ages)

i also feel this way because of my funnier town read but ehhhh

I’m the opposite of this. I feel more comfortable voting funnier because I believe Krow is telling the truth. Sure, someone could have misdirected his target, but that’s something we can’t be sure about. I’d rather vote based on what info have rather than only speculation.

I would also like to hear who funnier initially targeted. Seems like he used Krow taking the name and role claim as an excuse not to tell us his target.


Vote: funnier6


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
@LittleGumball I think Doc's repetition is fine. What really struck me as townie even before that is how he said he didn't like how I was okay with him being a wagon despite me not voting him. So his consistency comes from a genuine place for me.
his non-opinions don't sit well with me. he should have some semblance of an opinion on somebody, especially with this new situation cropping up. it's okay to be wrong, and it's common to be afraid of being wrong, but it's not okay to sit back and let everyone else do the work for you. that's scummy, and if it's not scummy it's lazy. both are unhelpful to the town.

i don't think it's really fair to compare the posts from his first life to the posts of his second life. they're technically different roles. and why would anyone not look back at their own posts to see what they've said before? just because they're consistent between lives doesn't mean he's the same alignment. it's suspicious that he hasn't brought anything new to the table.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
so how does that make you feel about funnier? do you think funnier targeted minish or do you think someone moved the target?

as for me i've thought it over and i'd rather go for krow first. i'm less willing to trust third party. he wins no matter what as long as he's alive, who's to say he won't switch sides when it's convenient? along with that it's so easy to claim third party who turns up as Not Town. (easy to claim miller for that matter but i haven't seen a miller in ages)

Yeah, like I said, I already didn't have good feelings about funnier. Yes, Krow wins no matter what, and he may turn on us later. But for right now, I believe him. I think the character he claimed is more than likely to be in the game, and she wouldn't be a "bad guy". The fact that he claimed third party helps too. He could've just as easily said town and I'd believe it because of his character. I don't see any reason to lie about his alignment and say third party, and if he didn't lie about that, I don't think he'd lie about his action. But I don't want to vote him yet. No matter my alignment, I don't like voting early, in any mafia game. I want to see what comes up between today and Saturday and vote later.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
his non-opinions don't sit well with me. he should have some semblance of an opinion on somebody, especially with this new situation cropping up. it's okay to be wrong, and it's common to be afraid of being wrong, but it's not okay to sit back and let everyone else do the work for you. that's scummy, and if it's not scummy it's lazy. both are unhelpful to the town.

i don't think it's really fair to compare the posts from his first life to the posts of his second life. they're technically different roles. and why would anyone not look back at their own posts to see what they've said before? just because they're consistent between lives doesn't mean he's the same alignment. it's suspicious that he hasn't brought anything new to the table.

Alright. Fair enough. Doc is a completely different role this time around. So I shouldn't use his earlier role to justify my read now. Like I said, a lot of this is a gut read, but I feel more confident about him than the others in that pile of 5.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Imma real quick explain my first suspicion of funnier.

In response to ALIT criticizing him day one:
I’m always inclined to defend Minish and will probably continue doing so since I never can seem to find her scummy. I can see how that might look weird if you didn’t know that.

To me day one:
Just letting ya know, me defending Minish isn’t alignment indicative of anything. I tend to agree with Minish all the time, and if you check our scum game together we probably defended each other at least some. That is a pretty good rule though and true for most people.

Says the same thing to Moe:
Okay that helps, but if you dissect what I said and go to what exactly made you feel “pocketing Minish” over “defending Minish like always” that helps me see where you’re coming from. I’m not bothering going back to see what wasn’t “game relevant” but since activity was dead at the time that hardly matters.

He makes it very clear that this is to defend minish. That it's just how he plays, he likes the way minish thinks in these games and wants to keep her alive as long as possible.

His tune abruptly changes when ALIT has a problem with it:
@funnier6 I think you should have let Minish respond first. It's not as relevant anymore because she flipped town, but answering for someone helps them sometimes escape from a situation they didn't know how to answer themselves.
Should've nothing, I'd do it again. I don't care who it is or what it is or why it is or when it is I will point out logic I believe to be wrong and sms posted a lottt that I fundamentally disagreed with. If you specifically had asked Minish to respond and was upset that I answered for her that'd be kay and I'd say sorry, but I don't see why you care since it was Minish's trap in the first place. I don't see how you could think that no matter the alignment Minish would've already planned ahead what her response was going to be.
In a game this small I'm semi-confident about nothing, though I feel like Moe is being extremely natural with his flow of consciousness posts. I cant even commit to that though cause I don't know his scum game. If I had to bet which one was town though I'd put it on Moe.

All of a sudden, it's not because he wanted to defend minish, it's because he didn't agree with SMS.

In response to my "he could've been more attacking SMS's logical flaws"
Not could’ve I was.

If I'm right, he started defending Minish, and the killed her that night, thinking no one would suspect him, he seemed like her ally early game, right? This seems a little sketchy to me, but it gets worse. When someone mentions this, he attempts to cut all ties to her, saying it was about SMS, not minish. "Oh crap, they aren't buying my alibi, time to change course!" This is what I don't like, the inconsistency. As soon as someone calls foul, it's not about minish. It sounds seriously wolfy to me.

I fully believe Krow's claim. And if I believe his claim, I believe his night results. It just serves to further reinforce the negative thoughts I have. Yeah, he wins with mafia or town. But he doesn't know if funnier is mafia or if he's town. What he said doesn't benefit the mafia at all, so I'm inclined to believe his intentions were noble enough for the time being.

The only other scenario I can think of is that funnier is a doc or cop or something, and he was thrown off by a bus ability, or Krow just straight up lied. This is what keeps me from placing my vote so far.

@funnier6, are you allowed to say who you targeted last night?

just bc you're buddying up with confirmed town doesn't mean you both are right (or both are town in your case)

Lastly, off topic, this ^. Please don't immediately agree with me. I could be very wrong, I'm still not great at this mafia thing. Take my statements as well-meaning suggestions and look into them yourselves. On top of that, agreeing with me makes it harder to think. I'm more likely to view the game as "my team vs. everyone else", and not think objectively. I can't afford to trust just anyone, please distance yourselves at least a bit and treat me like the other players. (Minus the lynching (:)


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
Minus the lynching
you're CLEARLY scum, insert joke vote

i can at least see where you're coming from. i really would like to wait for funnier to mention who his original target was before i decide where to vote.

the reason why i'm town reading funnier is because of his vote for me, actually. he's the only one who picked up that something was different about my play this time around. it felt like real scumhunting. i don't know scum funnier well enough to know if that's something he would do as scum. i'm beginning to doubt myself and i think lynching funnier might be the safer option.

welcome 2 self doubt

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
This is the kind of posts I like IC making
We know that you're actually thinking these things and it's not agenda or contrived
Makes the thoughts worth their weight and worth more contemplation than normal

I don't think I agree though because funnier's posts were heavy on the attacking sms front and light on the defending minish front. I already addressed it- I thought it was a pocket attempt.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I haven’t read all the posts but I saw a bunch of vote funniers and I’m hecka mad. I better not be maj’d already. Why must all this happen while I’m at work?

I said specifically that I did not want to say who I targeted BECAUSE WE HAVE A ONE CLAIM PER DAY RULE. Deku has also stated that he may also count softs as a claim and I don’t want to be mod killed. Is that unreasonable? I would absolutely love to claim right now if only for the personal satisfaction of it.

@DekuNut would you consider saying who you targeted a soft/countable claim?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
He makes it very clear that this is to defend minish. That it's just how he plays, he likes the way minish thinks in these games and wants to keep her alive as long as possible.

His tune abruptly changes when ALIT has a problem with it:
I have already explained this but I'll do it again while I'm still seething. I thought ALIT was referring to how I was pretty buddy-buddy with Minish in that post with the "good jobs" and "absolutely right"s and whatnot. Which I admitted would look weird if you don't know me very well. But I always, and I repeat always, will argue with bad logic. I do agree and defend Minish all the time but I would've had the exact same things to say about that no matter who sms was talking to because I just cant sit by and watch people use logic that I don't believe is right. Is this a little clearer for you?


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
I haven’t read all the posts but I saw a bunch of vote funniers and I’m hecka mad. I better not be maj’d already. Why must all this happen while I’m at work?

I said specifically that I did not want to say who I targeted BECAUSE WE HAVE A ONE CLAIM PER DAY RULE. Deku has also stated that he may also count softs as a claim and I don’t want to be mod killed. Is that unreasonable? I would absolutely love to claim right now if only for the personal satisfaction of it.

@DekuNut would you consider saying who you targeted a soft/countable claim?

Perfectly reasonable, that's why I asked if you think you're allowed to. Oh where oh where has our mod gone?

@Doc what do you think about the current funnier vs Krow thing?

@DekuNut could we get day/night timestamps and a current vote count plz


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
i don't think saying you have a target counts as a soft claim. there are countless roles that can target something. saying who your target was isn't a soft claim either. you can target anyone for any reason. you can also say that you don't want to say who your target was, that's a valid answer.

i understand if you want to wait for deku though. although if saying "i targeted X" counts as too hard of a claim that's a little ridiculous.

also i think you're at 3 votes which is L-2


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Okay, I definitely misread a lot of what was happening earlier on about Krow and funnier.

I did not process what Krow's claim implied about funnier targeting Minish. Anyways, I think I'm leaning towards the claim being false. Being a lookout and 1-shot doctor are not abilities I'm familiar with for a third party. I can only see those abilities working in favor of town; in which case, such a role may as well be town.

I want to wait until funnier reveals who he actually did target/Deku confirms that funnier cannot before placing my vote. But it's more than likely going towards Krow today.
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