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Mafia 6 (Sign Up)

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Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
I haven't forgotten about it, I just don't feel the need to post in there at the moment. I'm not going to share everything I'm thinking with everybody in the game!
Nov 26, 2008
well theres 23 people, which means if he had every single post pre-written with your names on it it would take him approx 30 min to send all of them out. If he didnt, then perhaps he is finding that making themed role PM's are a bit more difficult then they first appear.
STFU Jo, stop calling it exactly how it us. >.<

Yeah, took a lot longer to compose the PMs that I expected. But they SHOULD all be out now. If I somehow missed any... well, that's what confirmation is for.


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Vote : Hero of Time

Already pushing for a lynch and the game hasn't even started...

Oh and I got my pm Thingy.
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