Um... I said I was joking. What I Initially said was An obvious joke. Elfen asked why we switched, so I made a joke. It was only a joke. I'm Town. Josh and I couldn't possibly Have talked it over and informed Justeazy about the switch. It couldn't have been voluntary like I said it was, because that would have been talking about the game outside the thread, which I have not done. I wouldn't have Ended my time over in the other town on purpose.
It was neither of our powers. I was only informed that I had switched with Josh. Nothing else. It was Most likely A power role that made us switch. So Yes, it was not me, at all.
This inactivity is killing Off the game. We Really need to get people to post if the game is going to continue... :/ But I guess that I can't be much help, seeing as how my day is ending soon.
And yeah, I've been busy with the Zelda Dungeon Wiki, Pokemon Dungeon, and Zelda Dungeon itself. If you allow me to live, I'll get back into the game since things are settling in.