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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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I mean they’re not wrong about the growing up part though?

The plot of WW is about growing up and not just saving your sister but the whole sea from Gannondorf, and Link having to leave his home so he can depart to his journeys of being a hero/exploring more of the ocean.
I mean I guess so, but just enjoy the game and don't try to find deeper meaning in everything.


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
So anyways Im finally gonna share that story i was referencing. A lot of this is just side quests to the main subject (my bike) so if tldr you can skip down a few paragraphs. Sooo tuesday was actually the day my dad had agreed to leave work early to take me to the drivers test, and i went to make an appointment a couple days before, but the earliest one was freaking sept. 19, when my dad would be out of town, and the ones for when he would be back started in mid October, which is insane but he thought i should just wait till then (im currently trying to figure something else out, but i digress). So I ended up having the day to myself, I had to run a package out to a furry in Canada so i was going to the UPS store, and on the way I found out the county fair was happening. naturally I saw them freaky looking rides and said I WANT TO GO TO THERE so I stopped by on my way home, chained my bike to a lamp post and went in.
It was around 2 and the rides didnt actually start till 6, so i wandered around the various vendors and saw all the animals. I ended up talking with an older man and woman who helped get me registered to vote, and we got to talking about Christianity and what I wanted to do in life (ik, deep stuff for a tent at a fair). I told em that I aint got no idea what to do with my life tbh, and i have no plans whatsoever, and we talked a little about that, but she then asked me about my church, which yall know i dont really have one, ive tried to get my family going and weve tried a couple around here but they havent really been good fits. This was actually a funny time for me to meet this woman cus Id just recently been reflecting on how little I was actually doing in relation to my faith (I still prayed but I wasnt going to church or reading my bible etc) and I had decided I was going to start making more effort, I was on maybe day 5 of reading the Bible every day, and was planning on going back to my childhood church when I could drive (it would be like an hour on bike and i work weekends 98% of the time, so that wasnt really an option. Also didnt feel like i could walk into a church where i knew no one without at least my mom, so i didnt feel like going to one around here). I explained to her that my family didnt go but i had been planning on trying again once i could drive, and offhandedly mentioned that today was the day i had planned to test but it didnt work out, and she told me shes friends with some women who run a youth group for girls i was welcome to join, and pointed out that my not testing was actually working out because we had met and i had been invited to a youth group because of it, which is interesting. Im currently in contact with one of the leaders of that group, and if all goes well Ill be seeing them as a group next tuesday! That woman also offered to pray with me about my future and just guidance in general, and we did, she was so nice. The guy she was with was also a great dude, a Veteran, super friendly, let me use one of his chairs, and gave me some cold water while I was there.
I spent most of the afternoon sipping cherry limeade and looking at the animals, I went through every stable (do you call them that for other animals?) and petting all who were interested (most of them ignored me, I only petted the ones who were asking for my attention). The pigs were the most interested, they would come to the edge of their pens and snort loudly, I’d pat their bristly heads, but I have to wonder if they wanted to be pet or if they were just hoping to bite me and couldnt reach with their neckless frames.
(fun fact, this was in the poultry house my FFA chapter spent the day cleaning out for some community service thing when I was 14, which is a memory I had completely and utterly forgotten until i went inside).
I didnt take a picture, but the weirdest thing I saw was actually from a vendor who did wood burning stuff, I asked him if he did the pics himself and he said he used a laser (not as cool as human talent, but whatever) but the pictures themselves are really what got me. Some were cool, but a tiger stood out, because its paws were all ****ed up, and looking at it for more than .5 seconds you could tell it was a ****ty AI render. Now vendors ripping people off at these places is not new by any means, ive been to so many shows where theyve got mfs re-selling hobby lobby **** for big bucks, but idk, seeing a fake picture of a tiger printed onto wood instead of someone, yk, burning the wood like theyre supposed to and actually putting a drop of human effort into it is really disheartening. Not as disheartening as some of the animals i saw but still.
When the rides did open I went on a few, this one was the scariest:

(Largely due in part to me going down a rabbit hole of amusement park deaths a couple days ago) If I learned anything from those videos its that 90% of the time its the operators fault for not responding to things properly or not following protocol, so I was thrilled when I got on and asked the guy a question about the harness only for him to respond in gestures (did not speak any english, nor did the other 2 operators seem to). The ride also freezes on the last loop so you hang upside down for a few seconds, which is either by design or just the operator having fun, i dont even know. When i got off i thanked the man who had held my bag and he replied in spanish (i think). So that adds some extra excitement to carnival rides if youre into that!
ANyways now heres the actual story i was going to tell, I went back to my bike only to realize my lock key was gone, I retraced my steps to everywhere I had messed with my bag, couldnt find it. But the police were having a little photoshoot for the kids in a trailer they set up, so I got in line for that, and when I got there I asked if they may use the jaws of life on the lock for me, but they said that was the fire dept. A couple of officers did have tools though, a bolt cutter and a weird crowbar lookin thing, so they offered to try those. They drove me back to the bike (I got to ride in something called a two by two, and let me tell you, those things are awesome). When we got there, one officer asked me, “so you lost your keys while you were out here today,” I was like yeah, and he says, “thats exactly what someone who is stealing a bike would say, but thats none of my business” then went at it with the bolt cutter lmfao. However the bolt cutter was too weak (its a thick chain lock) and the crowbar thing wouldnt break the lock (shattered all the plastic though). They eventually agreed it wasnt going anywhere, so they drove me over to the edge of the bikepath so I could walk home (the vet from earlier actually offered me a ride when I told him I couldnt find my key, but I feel bad burdening people, i also just felt like walking and my house was only 45 minutes or so on foot). I got home around 930-10ish, which wasnt great considering i had a 6am shift the next day, but my boss said i was fine to come in later so my mom was able to drop me off on her way to the doctor.
This still left me to ponder what to do, all the youtube videos about breaking and picking locks were saying its near impossible with this particular lock, breaking in particular needs either hydraulic bolt cutters (aka jaws of life) or them electrical angle saws, and we would need a whole ass power generator for either of those i think. Both the police and my dad said i should call a locksmith, i tried 7 while i was at work and they either said no to a bikelock or maybe… oh that kind of bikelock? Nevermind.. I was ready to accept transition to NEET but last night i called an 8th guy, who said with confidence that he could do it, but for $125 because the lock was a very tricky kind + coming out after hours, and 100 just to cut it. I told him ok what about tomorrow, would that be cheaper? He texted his boss to ask, and we made small talk on the phone, i explained the police could not cut it or break it, and what i thought would cut it, so he didnt come unprepared. He said he would hang up to call his boss as to not keep me waiting, and when he called back, he said that his boss had made it 130 to pick on account of the damage from the police potentially causing problems, and 130 to cut due to the difficulty (keep in mind this is no longer scheduled for after hours either) so rip, but whatever, better than losing the bike. He insisted the he can cut it, so he better be able to, because im gonna be walking 45 mins in the heat to meet him in a few. Expect an IHOP post afterwards

Alr so I wrote most of that earlier before leaving but I didnt have time to proofread or link the pics, but I am back now with my bike secured. Turns out the walk was more like an hour in the heat of day, I met the dude around 1130 and he got to working on it. Took him around 30 mins cus his power generator was acting up, but he sawed through the aluminum part of the lock with an angle grinder. Worst part though? He found my mother****ing key in the dirt a few feet away (i had looked, and thoroughly I thought, but it was out near the dirt road and not right next to my bike). Couldnt use it though, because he had drilled a screw into the keyhole to see if it would break.. So this entire escapade was entirely preventable if I had just looked a little more. He only charged me 120 in the end, so not the worst thing to ever happen or anything, but still its got me sitting here like

Bonus, some cool scars from the bolt cutters rubbing on the bike frame:


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Idk if it'll be as obvious to anyone that's not used to my computer, but Microsoft Edge has deicded to put this weird white border around the edge of my screen and I do not like it.


(Also there's no taskbar because I set it to only show up when my mouse moves down there, I don't usually like that setting but I turned it on when Fallout was having issues and I'm keeping it in case they act up again.)


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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@Echolight My dad just asked me if the Death Note could kill Superman, what has my life become XD

(Btw I said that yes it could, unless Krypton has its own afterlife or Shinigami realm or something. I think the better question would be whether you can write Clark Kent or if you need his Kryptonian name.)


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
@Echolight My dad just asked me if the Death Note could kill Superman, what has my life become XD

(Btw I said that yes it could, unless Krypton has its own afterlife or Shinigami realm or something. I think the better question would be whether you can write Clark Kent or if you need his Kryptonian name.)
oh wow hah

I agree
and yeah, totally the better question. I'm thinking, like, since L used fake names to stay protected, Clark Kent could be considered an alias as well, though I guess it really depends because like, he used that name since he was a kid, even though technically it's not the original name he was given...hmmmm....

I could see the argument going both ways

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