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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Im not gonna. I saw Ganondorf's official art though and gawd damn
I did see some screenshots from it including 'Dorf, I saw that Zelda gets the Master Sword, there's some sort of edgy/dark Zelda and that Sidon returns in some form or fashion.

If Sidon is back that probably means Yunobo will be too >:[

Also, maybe the Malice/Calamity will be a separate entity from Ganon(dorf) and it's like, Link and Zelda are trying to free him from the curse? Actually watching the trailer might bust that theory wide open but I want it to happen lol

That's all one ispoiler btw so if anyone clicks ti you're getting the whoel deal.
rant incoming

im thoroughly convinced that the reason sexuality has gotten so complicated is that people confuse fiction with reality... like characters are hyperreal, relationships in fiction are hyperreal; theyre made to be attractive and sensational and hiding all the unappealing aspects of reality in a deceptively charming manner. a lot of the time it doesnt mean anything of your sexuality or idealized relationship if you find a character attractive (they have COOL DESIGNS, ITS NORMAL TO THINK THEY LOOK COOL and that might be CONFUSING to how we process what people irl looking cool = a sense of attraction) but that doesnt (or shouldnt) correspond to yur attraction irl... causes a lot of people some really destructive mental breakdowns over tthis cuz its confusing and doesnt make sense and think its unusual for a straight man to notice guys on occasin and need a secondary label to describe something thats NORMAL

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