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Spoiler Hardest Zelda Boss!


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
(I checked around, and I suprisingly haven't found a thread like this.... My apologies if it already exists...!)

Recent threads have popped up along the lines of "Hardest Zelda Game" and "Favorite Boss Battle." I thought, well, why not combine the two...! :rolleyes:

What was the hardest boss you've ever fought in the Zelda series? It can be a dungeon boss or final boss. I suppose if the fight was especially hard, it could be a mid-boss, too. :P

Mine was by far Malladus in Spirit Tracks. The last stage of the battle was designed terribly. It was frustrating and completely unnecessary for Nintendo to make a villain
shoot a billion fireballs, one after another after another, at you!
To make it worse, the you would have to do the spin attack several times, but if you did it too much, Link would do the Great Spin and get dizzy. This battle was just plain annoying.

So, what boss in the Zelda games was so hard you wanted to scream, tear your hair out, or become a Tingle?


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
I agree that Malladus from Spirit Tracks was certainly a pain in the butt, but I think that the third stage of Puppet Ganon is pretty difficult. He constantly is running over you and you have very little time to shoot your light arrow at his tail. And once you do defeat Puppet Ganon, there's one last stage before it's all over.
Also, if you want to talk more about villians, you should check out my very first forum, "Who's the Coolest Villian?" and see what you think.
Jan 1, 2011
Hm... I would say that Darknut Armour guy from Twilight Princess. I don't exactly remember where he is at but I hated it when my attack's kept on getting blocked, it was so annoying. Butonce I found a routine, it was getting pretty easy until it decided to really cause more damage on me when I was kicking it's butt.
Eventually I defeated that Darknut Armour Warrior thingy. He was easy, I just got irritated when my attack's were blocked. :<


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I am not sure if the hardest boss would be from AoL, as I have not played the game yet. However, other than that, Veran would have to be the hardest boss by far for me. There are three forms to this boss. The first form is a repetition of a fight we've seen earlier, but the difficulty rises a lot from there. After defeating the second form, we are led to believe that the fight is done, but the hardest form is yet to come. And to make it even harder, there are 3 sub-forms within the final form! She takes many hits to transform from one form to another, and her attacks to a lot of damage. I would prefer it if they made every final boss as hard as Veran, as I believe they did a great job in giving you a true final boss experience.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The giant purple "fish" from Majora's Mask, Gyorg. It took me forever just to figure out a good routine to beat him. I first attempted to hit him with the Zora fins as he launched over the platform, and then fired arrows, but he went past them both. Finally I figured I had to shoot into the water for he could rocket out again...only this time I needed to attack him before he recovered, and then get back onto the platform. I had to repeat this countless times before he fell at last. This is the sole Boss fight I prefer to stay away from, which I regret since Majora's Mask is one of my top titles.


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
Oh I hated 3rd stage Puppet Ganon from Wind Waker. I remember when I beat him, I was on my 3rd try and I only had enough magic for one last light arrow, so I shot it as like a prayer shot and IT HIT! And thus I defeated Puppet Ganon.
I also hated Morpha. It made creepy noises and just scared me. The Iron Knuckles from the Spirit Temple also were hard.


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Probably Thunderbird from AoL, especially in the second stage the fire balls are almost impossible to dodge. And as I've said before on many occasions, the icing on the cake is that you don't get your life and magic refilled before battling Dark Link.
For minibosses it's probably the octopus in Jabu-Jabu's Belly. I can never keep up with it or even catch up to it while not taking damage from the spikes at the same time. Only the kamikaze method (forcing it to turn around by getting hit on purpose) works for me and combined with two jump-strikes with a Deku Stick it works well but for a long time I didn't even know that Deku Sticks do extra damage.
And for non-final dungeon bosses, I'd probably pick Gyorg because even the electric barrier doesn't prevent you from getting eaten and landing a perfect jump out of the water onto the platform is very hard to do. if you miss you'll probably get eaten which deals a whopping two hearts damage. If it's the first playthrough of the game then you'll probably have only 5-8 hearts which makes it even harder.


Beat Minish Cap *___*
Aug 12, 2010
In The Great Sea
My favourites would probably be Twinrova from OoT and that Fire Temple Boss from Spirit Tracks. ^____^ They were just so fun to kill, not sure why.

Hardest? Ganon from OoT. No matter how many bottles I filled with Potion, and I had double defense with 18 heart containers, I never managed to beat him. To this day I have yet to finish it. I know the strategy to killing him, but somehow I always die... at least with Puppet Ganon I got him once by luck. OoT? Never had a chance.


Phantom Ganon from OoT.
I just had so much bad luck doing the "Hide and Seek part" and the Tennis part was annoying.
The one boss from the Wind Temple in Wind Waker was the hardest, by far. I had to waste 2 fairies to beat him. The little versions of him where just PLAIN annoying, they would get in you way.
May 17, 2010
Middle of Nowhere, PA
All i have to say is Dark Link from Zelda II the Adventures of Link. I always find myself using *the glitch* and i really have never beaten him without the glitch. i guess i get too scared after entering the room and i don't want to start all over again.

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