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Guild Wars 3: SSBB (Game Thread)


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
It's the 21st, so why hasn't the day ended yet?

Also, I searched on Mafia wiki and couldn't find the role you were talking about Jedizora. What's your roles name?


I tried to EBWODP. I don't know why it made two posts.

I believe he was trying to claim Mimic. Judging from the fact that he doesn't even know the name of the role, I'm calling it false.

Vote: Jedizora


Feb 25, 2010
I believe he was trying to claim Mimic. Judging from the fact that he doesn't even know the name of the role, I'm calling it false.

Vote: Jedizora
This needs to be sticked. I keep forgetting about this. I didn't put the name of the role, simply because I forgot. You will regret this, trust me.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
This needs to be sticked. I keep forgetting about this. I didn't put the name of the role, simply because I forgot. You will regret this, trust me.

You "forgot"? Did it ever occur to you to look at your role PM? lol


The tree hugger of Hyrule
THP, is the day period over?
I'm willing to think so but idk...if so then Jedi/Josie are already dead by now <_<'

It's the 21st, so why hasn't the day ended yet?

Excuse my tardiness on the lynch scene. Real life and ZD Grammy's are being a pain.

Jedizora: 6 (Goron Link, Luigidude64, ComposerBrother, Elfen, Dracomajora)
Josie: 2 (Jedizora, Josie)
Dracomajora: 1 (kokirion)
Soldier of Link: 1 (Hero of Time)
Go_Dark_Link: 1 (illmatic)

Yet to Vote: pokemonclub, bluelink, zelda_8, Mr. Verto, Soldier of Link

Jedizora will be lynched.

"Step up, Jedizora," A calm, collected voice from Dialga called out, leaded the crowd and holding out a trophy stand, "It is your turn to die."

Jedizora, trembling, escaped the crowd and stood out open on the cliff. He spoke his last words, "You have made a foolish decision." Dialga held up the trophy stand. The Pokemon threw it at Jedizora in one swift motion. Jedizora glowed a golden light that blinded the crowd.

When the golden light died down, the crowd looked at the frozen Jedizora, round and pink. He was Kirby (village flavor cop)!

Frustrated, the crowd looked upon the setting sun and hoped that tomorrow will bring a death of a guild member.

Kokirion, pokemonclub, zelda_8, Josie, and Mr. Verto are all inactive (Kokirion asked to be modkilled and Josie... uh...)

Kokirion, pokemonclub, zelda_8, and Mr. Verto were all mysteriously turned into trophies during the corpse investigation. Kokirion was Tabuu (guild leader). Pokemonclub was Ganondorf (guild assassin). Zelda_8 was Mario (village leader). Mr. Verto was Rayquaza (guild assassin). Josie was Petey Piranah (guild member).

The trophies

Jedizora: Village Flavor Cop (Lynched, Day 1)
Kokirion: Guild Leader (Modkilled, Day 1)
Pokemonclub: Guild Assassin (Modkilled, Day 1) (Modkilled, Day 1)
Zelda_8: Village Leader (Modkilled, Day 1)
Mr. Verto: Guild Assassin (Modkilled, Day 1)
Josie: Guild Assassin (Modkilled, Day 1)

Guild Love Muffin

Leader: ???
# of Assassins: 1
Low rank Members: 1
Total Members: 3
Funds: $1000

Guild Smash Balls

Leader: Kokirion
# of Assassins: 1
Low rank Members: 1
Total Members: 3
Funds: $600


Village Leader: zelda_8
Villagers: 10 (total, including guild members)
Village Money: $1400
Killer Active: Yes
Healer Active: Yes
Private Investigator Active: Yes

Guild Smash Balls is actually wiped out due to inactivity. You got lucky, Town:silent:

But yeah... I will PM the person who is going to be the next village leader person, I guess. But please PM me if you have a special ability. Night ends June 23rd.

Good luck~

Look for I's, P's, O's, and T's in people's names!


The tree hugger of Hyrule
The colors of the sky turned into a bright purple and orange hue. It was dawn and the sun was coming up. The crowd began to reform again, to discuss what had happened in the last day and night.

Something felt weird. Something felt strange. They counted how many of them gathered this morning. Only seven.

A brilliant light flashed and blinded the crowd. They saw the frozen, trophied bodies of ComposerBrother, illmatic, and Go_Dark_Link, all of them looking as if they were all surprised of their attacks. ComposerBrother, white gloved and hand-like, was Master Hand (Guild leader). Illmatic, buried in a spiky shell and turtle-like, was Bowser (Guild member). Go_Dark_Link had Pokeballs in his hand and items seeping out of his backpack. He was Pokemon Trainer (Village inventor).

Dialga spoke, "Now, intentions are more clear. There are only those who seek revenge and relieve the souls of the innocent and there are those who are independent and fight for themselves..." It paused, "The guilds have been wiped out. I can feel the souls of those who have died have become relieved..."

The trophies

Jedizora: Village Flavor Cop (Lynched, Day 1)
Kokirion: Guild Leader (Modkilled, Day 1)
Pokemonclub: Guild Assassin (Modkilled, Day 1) (Modkilled, Day 1)
Zelda_8: Village Leader (Modkilled, Day 1)
Mr. Verto: Guild Assassin (Modkilled, Day 1)
Josie: Guild Assassin (Modkilled, Day 1)
ComposerBrother: Guild Leader (Nightkilled, Night 1)
Illmatic: Guild Member (Nightkilled, Night 1)
Go_Dark_Link: Village Inventor (Nightkilled, Night 1)

Guild Love Muffin

Leader: ComposerBrother
# of Assassins: 1
Low rank Members: 1
Total Members: 3
Funds: $0

Guild Smash Balls

Leader: Kokirion
# of Assassins: 1
Low rank Members: 1
Total Members: 3
Funds: $600


Village Leader: zelda_8
Villagers: 7 (total)
Village Money: $1600
Killer Active: Yes
Healer Active: Yes
Private Investigator Active: Yes


Jun 19, 2010
So the town won? Wow. That was fast. I guess we owe Smash Balls for their inactivity. Hooray for a townie win!


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Also, can you post a list of the members still living, THP?

I took the liberty of doing so myself.

1. Soldier of Link
2. Elfen
3. Hero of Time
4. Goron Link
5. Dracomajora
6. bluelink
7. Luigidude64


Vote: Hero of Time


Why the hell did Jedizora claim Mimic?


Jun 19, 2010
It's not Elfen, since he doesn't have an I, P, O, or T in is name. I think SoL has it right. Hero of Time has all four letters in his name. I'm not sure though, so I won't vote yet.

Anyways, here are the suspects:
Hero of Time

I know it can't be SoL or Goron Link because of my role.

EBWODP: Anyways, never mind. The letters only point to Mafia, not the SK, so Elfen's still a suspect. Anyways, i'm just going with SoL, and voting for Hero of Time. I have a gut feeling, plus, everyone has about an equal chance of being the SK, so i'm just going to vote. And if we lynch you, and you end up being town, than sorry. But remember, as long as the town wins, you win too.

Vote: Hero of Time
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