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Ghirahim=Best Villian in Zelda?


Happy Valentines Day!
Ghirahim is a pretty cool guy...

but we all know who the best villian really is. :brow:


<3 <3 <3


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
The way I perceived Ghirahim is as the spirit of Demise's sword. This was revealed at the end when Demise "took" his blade. So I believe Ghirahim had free will, but would never be persuaded or see anything other than freeing his master, Demise. The idea of Ghirahim being the greatest Zelda villain is a bit optimistic. I loved the character, a "uni-sexual" (the game designers intended him that way) personality who was cocky and high-class in a way. He was cruelly polite and honest and acted as one would expect. The more you meet him, the more frustrated he becomes. In the end, I was a huge fan of what had happened to him. He had gone completely insane with rage, and gave his life showing his loyalty. But personality isn't all that matters for villains. Ghirahim gave me no motivation until at the horde. He shows up, we fight, and that's the end of it for a time. His actions weren't intimidating enough for me to fear him, and the only scene he had done anything was the end. Realistically-wise, his sloppy responses to situations made him seem more alive. But he didn't play the part of villain well. He wasn't The Villain of the game, but seeing that he has been working for centuries he would learn to be more clever.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I hate to do this...

According to me, yes. Ghirahim pulled off the pawn role 100x better than Zant. But, Ghirahim is far more worthless--he satisfies me not--as a character as he practically did nothing that had an effect on me.

I completely agree that Zant had done so much more, yet Ghirahim had played the "minion" role so much better. If we were only able to see him in TP where he could have been much more threatening than in SS.
Nov 25, 2012
Monkey Island
I loved him. He was kind of...sexual, you know, probably by far the most sexual character in the series. And he was very theatrical. I won't say he's the best villain because Majora scared me half to death and Zant's motives were profound and understandable (Ghirahim's motives were pretty shallow, all I remember was unwavering loyalty to Demise) but he was definitely amusing and different and I APPLAUD NINTENDO for pulling a character like that off in Zelda.


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
While I haven't finished the game and don't know much about Demise yet, I really liked Ghirahim's personality, and the different emotions he had. That was a pretty big thing, and made the game much better in my opinion.


i luv u
Dec 17, 2011
Ghirahim is an excellent character. I don't feel that he is a pawn at all. He knows exactly what he is doing and who he is working for, and his extreme loyalty is what really impresses me. He's very fresh for the series, but not for characters of his type. In fact, there are others like him in games and anime, so as a character, he didn't do much for me aside from entertain me... which, well, that's kind of the point of his character, I think. I loved the character interaction, and his deranged behavior was a nice touch. He had that "crazy evil" touch that reminds me so much of Kefka from Final Fantasy 6.

I wouldn't say he is the best villain, though. I still think that Ganon is the best ever since being fleshed out in The Wind Waker. Knowing how and why Ganon is the way he is and seeing his human side has really given him the upperhand, IMO. Ghirahim was selfish but loyal... but that's about it. He only did what he did because he wanted to please somebody. Ganon's actions, though brought on by jealousy and greed, were originally intended to save his own people. He had a noble cause with malicious lining. Ghirahim is right up there with him, though, and I'd have to say he is probably my second favorite Zelda villain.
Jan 2, 2012
Eh, he is very cool and very interesting. He is kind of like Zant, except he's not as puppet-like as him (he still kind of is but not as much). They're both very emotional, sadistic, and unconventional. The difference is that, like the OP said, Ghirahim "oozes" personality, where Zant is more intimidating and scary. As a character, I would say Zant < Ghirahim, but Ghirahim < Ganondorf, because Ganon is just so relentless and smart.


I am the very model of a modern major-general
Oct 1, 2012
Exactly where you would expect.
Attack Helicopter
Link may not like this....

Personally, i loved ghirahim, and even though I thought his "fabulous" form was epic, when he found his true form, that was just awesome. his evil laugh is awesome, his personality is awesome, his style is awesome, and I love when he goes insane in the end and laughs about every little thing that happens, even when a sword hilt is painfully being ripped out of his chest with the force.HE IS THE BEST BOSS EVER!!!! DO NOT DISAGREE OR I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL!!!!!

Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
While I prefer Ganon, Ghirahim is definitely among my favorite villains of the series -- a very dynamic character, whose style has a propensity for making him seem comical one minute, and terrifying the next. Most of all, though, I admire his persistence of vision. Like Fi, Ghirahim was a weapon -- a tool to be used. However, he went to great lengths to show that he could be more than that, hence the showmanship that permeated his character throughout the majority of the game.
Nov 21, 2012
Ghirahim is a pretty cool guy...

but we all know who the best villian really is. :brow:


<3 <3 <3

Okay ghiriham may not be that good but this guy??? This guy is a total freak and I absolutly hated this guy! Ghiriham is a good villian, and is balanced and has a goal. And attributes of good villains. But when did THIS get better than ghiriham??

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