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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Dec 13, 2019
And I am actually confuzzled over where that small interaction I had with someone about Eli is.

Unless it's in one of my wall posts in which case that might explain it.


Jan 19, 2018
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yeah its day 2

nothing really happened for the first 60 hours and also i wasn't there so i haven't read most of it really but there were like 4 votes when i showed up or something and the biggest wagon had 2 votes.

i mostly pushed exlight and he mostly acted really sad the whole day for the reasons i mentioned

the other significant wagon up until the last few hours was seanzie who was being voted for being overly reachy and aggressive and paranoid which i think are town tells personally

some people tried to start a wagon on minish (fext and someone else i think?) but it dissolved pretty fast

eventually KoD (i think?) called for a CFD on killjoy an hour or two before the day ended and votes shuffled around a lot between ex seanzie and killjoy (who afaict was just picked b/c they were inactive) and exlight self-voted and was in the lead until a few minutes before deadline when two more votes dropped, i think. One of them was seanzie who flipped town today.

killjoy was lynched and flipped town and seanzie and kreal died today and were also both town, with kreal being the hider.

kreal was vi

minish pushed pretty hard to dissolve the wagon on ex and used some ate which is unusual for her.

half the game was basically not there.

idk what else happened you could read it but idk how much it matters there were a lot of posts so its probably annoying
Sep 27, 2021
That was such obvious hider play **** me

also gdi I shoulda stopped that train but I was lazy


Jan 19, 2018
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Honestly you can probably just jump in and flop around. You should be able to gather the relevant information you need through interacting.

Because even I have to go back through these 40 pages of bs to get a decent analysis on some points:

Why Seanzie?

Did mafia pick up on Kreaal's vibes for Seanzie, thus the Seanzie kill?

Contrast those who were more involved with those not as involved (example: Cin Min vs Eli).

And I'm not running on 14 cups of coffee yet. Nor am I triggered.

mafia should have picked one of the claimed hider targets which makes the odds of picking seanzie fairly likely. There are probably reasons they chose him over other people though.
Dec 13, 2019
mafia should have picked one of the claimed hider targets which makes the odds of picking seanzie fairly likely. There are probably reasons they chose him over other people though.

If they believed his self hype then he called for the targeting himself. Picking a player with multiple claims also looks good from a Mafia pov because you literally increase your chances of getting the hider in a secondary kill there. states at fext

Honestly I'm not surprised the hider ate it early regardless that it was Kreaal. But also especially because it was Kreaal. As I was saying yesterday but didn't elaborate on because why give Mafia strategy ideas if they didn't have them in the first place even though I consider this one to be a no brainer (no offense Ex), but there were three ways for the hider to die each night. The first two are stated in the OP. The third is Mafia simply hitting the hider. "But numbs, the OP says they can't do that while hiding" you may be saying to yourself right now but that's simply not true. As Rag and I contended yesterday the fake check the roleblocker can supply is almost a waste of effort for that role. Ex even said essentially he felt the role was almost worthless yesterday (make a note here). But with some basic following the NK every night, you turn your NK into a strongarm kill that kills the hider every time if they get chance targeted. Given this utility I see Ex's post on the roleblocker as possible diminishing of his own role as a value target. In this format such a play would be irrelevant, although standard playing habits are hard to break.

Seanzie was right yesterday in that I specifically didn't talk about strategy in my post. What he doesn't seem to realize is that in this format it's a better reaction troll to get wolves talking about that than trying to emotionally check players. Wolves aren't going to put out an optimal strategy for town, they are going to put out one that sounds good but still provides some benefit/utility for them. That's why I specifically brought up strategy for hunting but didn't give specific examples. The more you immediately eliminate the less rope you hand over for somebody to hang themselves with.

Vote: Fext

I'm going to continue my voting philosophy for now, with Fext being a prime example of strategy that sounds good on paper but actually benefits Mafia when employed. I also feel like he was extremely vote hoppy EoD kinda like he didn't care who went over but that is straight from memory so I'll have to review that. I also want to look into minish. I feel like her ATE was very reminiscent of SMM3 where she was town but something keeps pinging my brain with a Hey! Listen!


Staff member
btw I want to apologize for the last Day Phase, I shouldn't project my frustrations on the game like that

I'll try to not be a ***** about it from now on

Wolves aren't going to put out an optimal strategy for town, they are going to put out one that sounds good but still provides some benefit/utility for them. That's why I specifically brought up strategy for hunting but didn't give specific examples. The more you immediately eliminate the less rope you hand over for somebody to hang themselves with.
Can you elaborate a bit on this since it doesn't really matter anymore?

mafia should have picked one of the claimed hider targets which makes the odds of picking seanzie fairly likely. There are probably reasons they chose him over other people though.
I think you right?

I was trying to understand why Seanzie since he would probably seem like a fairly easy mislynch after him untieing (is that a word) the wagons last night, but if they already suspected Numbers (?) or Kreaal to really be the hider (which he did claim multiple times in-thread :rolleyes:) that prolly skyrocketed seanzie in their priority


Staff member
Picking a player with multiple claims also looks good from a Mafia pov because you literally increase your chances of getting the hider in a secondary kill there. states at fext
oh that's also a really good point

was Seanzie the only player that had multiple people claiming they would hide behind him right? If this was really the reason, then we do get a bit of info for today

also why stare at fext lol
Sep 27, 2021
Voting me for trying to get stacked claims when A I was convinced off of that idea and B I knew Kreaal was hider anyways is super ???

Dude was the only one talking about the Hider like a Hider, despite the mild case of insanity

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
oh that's also a really good point

was Seanzie the only player that had multiple people claiming they would hide behind him right? If this was really the reason, then we do get a bit of info for today

also why stare at fext lol

He's staring at Fext for trying to get people to double up on targets.

Voting me for trying to get stacked claims when A I was convinced off of that idea and B I knew Kreaal was hider anyways is super ???

Dude was the only one talking about the Hider like a Hider, despite the mild case of insanity

Saying you knew Kreaal was the hider when Kreaal died last night isn't really a great look. Lol.

Seanzie was an obvious target with more than one person hiding there. So not really surprised with that nk. Gotta go back and re-read his interactions. Was wrong on him being scum, but I guess was right about this not being his strong town play.

Still liking Numbers today. He's been playing with a town mindset. His motives yesterday made sense and is what Seanzie was missing.

Ex is the obvious place to look into today with how the competing wagons turned out. Still wanna townread him though. But we'll see I guess. Need to look at exactly how votes progressed.


Staff member
I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not "an obvious place" if you're throwing shade at me considering how Seanzie not showing up last second + Killjoy selfpreserving (both of which were the expected) would've resulted on my guaranteed lynch, supported by me lol

I literally argued like three times with Kreaal and showed/stated reasons as to why mafia would be extremely unlikely to bus in this setup (at least while the hider was still alive, I think they're willing to bus now that the setup is pretty much vanilla), if I were to for some bizarre reason take 1/3 of my team down outta pettiness while truly believing that the hider would likely get another one then what am I DOING

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