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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Sep 27, 2021
I've talked about why mafia using the RBer this way is a bad idea for them but I'll do it again. In order for mafia to get any mileage out of "faking a green check" the green check needs to be on mafia. If, for instance, ten people claim targets and one of them is on mafia, and the mafia RBs that person, then they have a 1/10 chance of giving themselves a green check and a 9/10 chance of wasting their roleblock. The hider generates a lot of value for town as the game goes on and so rather than gamble on a longshot that will rarely pan out and won't even generate them a ton of value if it does, the mafia should rather be much more interested in getting rid of the hider asap, and use the roleblocker to increase their chance of doing that (and decrease their chance of missing a hit, which gives town an extra lynch).

for the same reasons, making mafia have an easier time killing the hider is a bad idea for town.
I disagree with this because we'll never know for sure who they RB'd, and so if everybody has claimed a target and only one is on scum there seems to be little reason not to RB that person (and then use the rolecop and the kill to try and eliminate the hider). Not like the town will ever know who you actually RB'd.


Jan 19, 2018
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oops 9:3 is 12 not 13

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
so you acknowledge he's playing his town game? :P

Otherwise I wouldn't be voting him. He's my strongest scum lean here but in the case that I'm wrong then he's not playing his strongest town game to me because I know he's wrong on me and I feel like he's wrong on a good bit of the game.
Sep 27, 2021
Already explained that but I'll rehash it here.

Ex sounds genuine to me, like he does when town. Usually as scum he doesn't freak out unless it's near EOD and he has a big wagon on him. As town he freaks out thinking that he has a ton of votes when in reality he doesn't. Like what happened earlier. Also he's usually chill as scum in a way I'm not seeing here.

KoD is due to the fact that I agree with what he's been saying. We have a bit of history so that's not something we'd do easily. Also kinda think his post of saying he was new was good in a reaction test kinda way.

Numbers I've explained a lot. Level headed, good ideas/posts, wasn't really bothered by the early scum reads of him.

DW could go either way for me. Wanna lean town at the moment. Flipp flopping doesn't look great. But the frustration at Ex and vote thereafter felt genuine to me and the most logical reason for voting him out of anyone else. They started out strong though and kinda fizzled out.
I mean yeah you can say you agree and things were good but that doesn't really help tell me why you think that and that's, like, my whole point

idk it just kinda feels like you have these takes but when I try to put myself into your shoes to see where they came from I cannot
Sep 27, 2021

odds rag knows full well that 9+3=12 and she's trying for a derp clear through screwing up the math?


Jan 19, 2018
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I disagree with this because we'll never know for sure who they RB'd, and so if everybody has claimed a target and only one is on scum there seems to be little reason not to RB that person (and then use the rolecop and the kill to try and eliminate the hider). Not like the town will ever know who you actually RB'd.

the reason not to RB them is because your goal as mafia is going to be killing the hider as fast as possible.


Jan 19, 2018
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odds rag knows full well that 9+3=12 and she's trying for a derp clear through screwing up the math?

how does making a math mistake there clear me of anything?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
legit though I'm gonna need more than that to take somebody out of contention D1

if that's your reasoning in any way it's probably better to just lynch a no-poster and pray lmao

That wasn't even my reasoning for voting him. Lol. Nor even a reason really. He said we was a strong player so it was ill advised to lynch him. I disagreed on the basis that I thought he was scum so it's good to get strong scum out early. It wasn't a reason I had for voting him, but it was a rebuttal against his claim that I shouldn't.


Jan 19, 2018
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how does RBing elsewhere help accomplish that tho?
I'm going to stop having this discussion because I feel like sorting out the mafia's strategy for them is probably a bad idea. Know that I think that a wider spread of targets is more advantageous to town, though. It seems like we'll even have trouble getting everyone to claim A target though, let alone with additional restrictions on top.

On that note, have you been deliberately avoiding claiming a target or have I just missed it?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I mean yeah you can say you agree and things were good but that doesn't really help tell me why you think that and that's, like, my whole point

idk it just kinda feels like you have these takes but when I try to put myself into your shoes to see where they came from I cannot

I did explain them though. What do you want to know more about why I agree?

And I could say the same for you. Lol.

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