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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Dec 13, 2019
I feel like you've mostly talked to me like you think I'm town, so I'm not sure what to think about you saying you haven't decided.

You're probably just reading me talking to like you aren't a priority lynch as me talking to like I think you're town.
Dec 13, 2019
@ Fext

You can think of Seanzie as just wrong town. His behavior, when faced with pushback, fits that mold.

On that note, I'm vetoing any kind of lynch on Fext as his play here is consistent with his town play where I've already played with him. And you know, since we're going off just a little bit of day 1 like some people, I'm confident in this that I'll firmly push Seanzie to death if it comes to it.
Dec 13, 2019
On an entirely different note, Rag is slated for being scum this game. Her lack of participation at all is telling as per normal for scum Rag.
Dec 28, 2020
and I like how you seem to not listen what other people have to say, I was busy yesterday and plan on catch up today

I haven't read anything other than a couple posts every few times I popped in thread, so if you want to keep being a jerk and a clown keep it going buddy
It was like the post right next to the one you quoted?
Dec 28, 2020
Yeah I pretty consistently out myself within 2-3 days if I'm antitown y'all have basically nothing to worry about from a scum me because I'm **** at staying hidden for extended periods of time.

You're still pissed about that?
This feels like an unrealistically high praise of my play so 1. be warned if you actually believe this is what my play looks like you might be setting yourself up for disappointment and 2. my instinctive reaction is to expect this kinda overselling my meta from scum so it can be used against me for a mislynch, so I am kinda scumleaning you based on that now. (Yes I know I was voting you already but that was just to see if I could get reads outta you and now it's also because I'm scumleaning you.)

He's been calling you scum. And he's continued to call you scum, so I'd say yeah. It's a push even if he's not actively voting you or anything.

Reasonable. I do feel like Fext's posts overall give off generally towny vibes, but that would not dissuade me from voting him if he continued avoiding posting actual content.

Minish's post didn't particularly ping me, but I've played with her like three times before and I definitely feel like she kept up with the thread a lot more then (those games were also in 2020 though so this might be worth taking with a grain of salt), so I guess I could agree this might be indicative of something? Would like to hear Seanzie detail his actual reasoning for surs though.
Ah NM it isn’t.
Dec 28, 2020
Calling me a Spaz?
Well I’m not a Spaz and nothing like KillJoy.
I am Kreaal, the Underworld Lord!
Dec 13, 2019
Na, you definitely have that KillJoy vibe.

I'll grant that the last time I actually saw KillJoy as over a year ago, but that's the exact impression I get.


Staff member
Reads on everyone who's posted so far. (...)

Ex is obvious scum for having the audacity to celebrate his birthday. (Kidding, null. Happy birthday.)

Surprisingly early read? feels a bit like CWAC because there was so little to work with but you still tried to squeeze something significant out of it, lol. It's an alright post. NAI.
Also thanks for the birthday wishes!

I think we shouldn’t do it till like Day 2 at least.
we can all make Hider wills including adding who we would target the following night.
That way whoever the hider is we can successfully clear their targets they chose without worry if they were the actual targets or not.
By wills you mean suggesting targets to the Hider? If that's it, then it doesn't help us the slightest. Horrible suggestion.


Numbers has gotten the right idea and Dawning nailed it though, it was the discussed optimized town strategy when Mikey was publicly creating the setup.
If Everyones leaves a supposed target as a Hider, whenever the hider dies we'll have a public list of people they cleared. AND an outed mafia, if they died to their own role. This is necessary because without this the hider has to claim their results at one point, and it will never include one mafioso; so this only happens if somehow it outs the entire mafia team by mechanical PoE which is absurd.

Of course, for this to work we require everyone's collaboration as we need to keep the PoE of possible hiders as large as possible to allow the hider to get as many checks as possible. The maximum optimization might even require no lynches so we don't accidentally lynch them plus maximize the times they use their action, but it's a bit tricky to calculate and would probably make for a extremely boring game though.

I think this might be a wolf.

I don't think we went into detail, but Mikey stated any setup with a cop needs a rolecop to prevent "mathmatical autowin by hypocopping" to explain Mafia's two PRs to I think Fext Which makes sense, unless the hider dies super early having their results by the time they do die will clear several people, same as a normal cop.
The mafia power roles really don't so much in this setup. Rolecop can be strong if they find the Hider early on but Roleblock is useless unless it's to kinda frame a green check on of the scums, but that only happens if the Rolecop is successful.
So it's a bit awkward.

I don't feel like they've actually considered how different strategies could benefit town (in particular, they seem to think the strategy's benefit would be to generate chatter rather than y'know... clear people).
To be fair there aren't many strategies we can use mechanically in this game, and out of the ones we do Numbers kinda pointed to the direction of one of the optimal ones afaik.

The point about missing the point of the strategy in particular strikes me as a pretty decent wolf point against them.
Why not a natural overlook? It was fairly early on after all and it's not like he wasn't expecting people to discuss how to improve his suggestion, right?

Congratulations on doing something!

I think Elie might be the only one. Killjoy is fairly rookieish due to lack of practice, but he knows how to play. Everyone else here probably has a really decent chunk of experience at mafia or similar games.

Yes, this entire game is speculation. We could get lucky and get some mech info from the hider, but aside from that, we will not have anything concrete to go on, only speculation.
With the hypoclaim of results strategy we're literally guaranteed to gain information from the hider as long we don't lynch them D1.


that KoD wall was painful to read on mobile

I kinda agree with it, moving on to page 5 now, looking forward Seanzie's reply to it. It feels like the reason for the discussion is a bit off though, it hasn't even been 1/3 of the first day so I think yall maybe demanding a bit too much of each other :notlikeduck:

It did feel yikes for Seanzie to shut down a discussion in favor of "gut feeling", which wasn't even his real reason since he provides a rationalizes explanation afterwards, so was it confirmation bias or an excuse? Both still come off as awkward.

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