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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Sep 27, 2021
Anyways I'm not gonna lie I skimmed/skipped most of your bigass walls, am busy and on mobile atm so that's gonna have to wait for later sorry not sorry
Dec 13, 2019
Yes, this entire game is speculation. We could get lucky and get some mech info from the hider, but aside from that, we will not have anything concrete to go on, only speculation.

Here's where we differ Zie, I wholeheartedly agree with the above. But because of that I don't place all my chickens in one hider basket. As you say we could get lucky with mech info. But we might not. We could sweep scum without the hider ever claiming. They could die n1 clearing nobody. Frankly, I don't rank chance happenings as the best value of a play. The best value is what you can utilize immediately. For us, today, that's directed discussion leading to firmer reads.

As for KoD and the Setup Spec bit, I think you're not taking him literally enough. In his mind I'm not speculating on the setup because I know the setup, I'm merely strategizing around already known compenents and that is probably NAI since he knows I'd come to the same strategy conclusions regardless of alignment.

@Morbid Minish I didn't sign up with that name, Mickey is just picking on me. ;_;
Jul 7, 2021
Here's where we differ Zie, I wholeheartedly agree with the above. But because of that I don't place all my chickens in one hider basket. As you say we could get lucky with mech info. But we might not. We could sweep scum without the hider ever claiming. They could die n1 clearing nobody. Frankly, I don't rank chance happenings as the best value of a play. The best value is what you can utilize immediately. For us, today, that's directed discussion leading to firmer reads.

As for KoD and the Setup Spec bit, I think you're not taking him literally enough. In his mind I'm not speculating on the setup because I know the setup, I'm merely strategizing around already known compenents and that is probably NAI since he knows I'd come to the same strategy conclusions regardless of alignment.

@Morbid Minish I didn't sign up with that name, Mickey is just picking on me. ;_;
What do you think of my accusation that you're a wolf?
Dec 13, 2019
What do you think of my accusation that you're a wolf?

Eh? I mean I can tell you you're barking up the wrong tree but coming from me that don't mean squat. Also I'm aware I come off as more wolf than not regardless of alignment. So to sum up *shrugs*
Jul 7, 2021
Eh? I mean I can tell you you're barking up the wrong tree but coming from me that don't mean squat. Also I'm aware I come off as more wolf than not regardless of alignment. So to sum up *shrugs*
Do you think it is opportunistic of me to push you over one post?
Dec 13, 2019
I wouldn't call it opportunistic.

That's how I'd describe DW's 180 if I were hounding him for being scum as opposed to you.
I wouldn't call it opportunistic.

That's how I'd describe DW's 180 if I were hounding him for being scum as opposed to you.
Hound us both instead going after me passively like that.

Anyhow I'm not feeling going after Isett now that their posting more. I said this of KoD but I continue to see the non-**** giving attitude towards pressure as something that generally comes from a town mindset, and I kinda sorta see how their post explaining stuff makes sense. I don't think this is really a town read though, its more of they're no longer something I wish to push right now.

Was a bit odd how DW jumped to reads so early without much material. I feel like I had more to say about this but forgot what it was. Will come back to it.
Them liking and then not liking Numbers based on Seanzie's post is meh. Dunno if scum would be willing to change their mindset that quick so early in the game. But also scum is also willing to latch onto things they think they can push.
I mean. There was some material, so I figured I try putting something serious out there to see if it got the ball rolling. They weren't strong reads or anything but there wasm't a reason not to share them. As for the flipflop on Isett, I've explained myself on that like five times I feel like so I'm just gonna be repeating myself if I try to go into it.

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