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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia


Staff member
Everyone puts their “target name” in Purple somewhere in the thread during today.
Then Day 2 we start going by wills and making a will that also includes the following night.
why purple...? just make everyone keep an updated list as the day goes, it's so much harder to find it like this since it's not searchable
even a keyword would be better than "purple"

poorly thought suggestion
Dec 28, 2020
why purple...? just make everyone keep an updated list as the day goes, it's so much harder to find it like this since it's not searchable
even a keyword would be better than "purple"

poorly thought suggestion
Ok then what Keyword do you think is suitable?
Dec 28, 2020
Lists are guarantees btw.
A Will and “Hidden” claim (aka “Purple or “Keyword”) however is.
Jul 7, 2021
That you have something against setup plans.

Nah, I am fine with the hider plan, even though I do agree with Ex's criticism that marking in purple is not the best way to actually mark the mark, but I think it is a bit moot since if the hider dies, we're guaranteed to dig through their posts to figure out who they cleared, and it won't be that hard to find out who they cleared with or without searchable terms.

I almost always pressure people who agree with me, and you responded to the pressure in a way that does not ping me.
Dec 13, 2019
@ Seanzie

You must've missed the part much earlier where DW had asked me about anything coming to my mind no matter how small. Thus why I made that. While you may have that perception that no one is doing that, I'd kindly, and fervently, disagree with your assessment as you've already shown me that you have quite the different perceptions of some posts than I do (a la Isett's (who I shall now call Numbers even though I like Isett) and DW's own response to me over engaging with the thread over anything). I won't fault you though for missing that.

Early is as early does. Showing me one game where you caught scum by the 26th post isn't an affirmation that it is never too early especially when it depends on who is engaging in the game and other various factors like mechanics and the like (not that this is strictly relevant outside of how early it is to catch scum). I've seen someone out an entire scum team by convincing one scum member to give up their entire team, but that's neither here nor there in terms of how early it is. Case in point: Have you caught scum yet? No? I rest my case. We'll have more to utilize as we move forward and the flurry of discussion, generated by Numbers' post no less, will greatly aid in the reads and interactions we see.

Things are extremely black and white. This, nuance, you speak of (aka your "vibe") doesn't bear out. I've evaluated Numbers' post, and your evaluation of said post. All you did was misrep Numbers' in it. Good job on making a scummy move there. Other than that, what other nuance are you fake-seeing? Because, clearly, he (Numbers) wasn't speculating the setup like you kept accusing, and giving PR cover in the form of a legacy read (If I'm the hider I target X tonight) is definitely great.

As for nitpicking semantics, idk, are you? The setup is clearly known so that's a nonissue. Right? Good. That leaves the idea Numbers' put forth of having everyone give cover for the PR so they can openly play that way which is a boon. Do you have a problem with that? Because if that's your entire "setup spec" in a nutshell, then lololololololololol. There's absolutely no reason to not give the hider cover.

And you just confirmed to me that you are not reading Numbers' post correctly. Cool. Now the major question for me is if you're doing it maliciously or are just incorrect town. I'll ruminate on this because surely you wouldn't intentionally play like that. Right? Yeah.

Discussion for discussion sake is always good no matter what. Hard pass on your philosophy. Also, me lying to you about my background and it affecting you is lawl worthy.

His post isn't rand!wolf especially since your perception is coming from a place of not understanding his post correctly; however, if you truly believe what you're selling, then that is just a point in your favor of being wrong town. I can live with this.

Yes, you explained it was a vibe, then went on to offer that a NAI topic, Numbers' post, came from a rand!wolf more so than a town player. Very insightful (not).

It's ok, I don't need you trying to coach me.

This ties back into what Numbers' directed to you in a previous post. Your use of "setup spec" when talking about actual game play is the issue. Numbers isn't *speculating* about the setup because the setup is already known. What Numbers is doing is offering a *good* strategy for town to follow wrt to utilizing cover for the PR. I do not see this as "setup speculation", but if you do then more power to you. And if you think that is strictly scummy, then lol alright cool. Hard disagree, but you do you.

You're trying to make it out like I am trying to silence setup spec. I am not doing that, and have not done that. I just stated a read on someone.

At no point in time have I mentioned anything about 15337's proposed strategy. Not once. Literally none of my words have been about the actual strategy, they have been about 15337's post.

Really? Because that's what it looks like when you've, at length, talked about "setup spec" wrt to Numbers' post (which isn't even setup spec, but a sound strategy; however, at this point it is entirely confusing what you are focused about wrt to Numbers since you can't seem to makeup your mind about his post being either setup spec or strategy -- but I'm chalking that up to you just being wrong so honestly it's already resolved on my end wrt to you).

For clarify, since you are not being clear, Numbers' suggestion that hider play like how some cops/sheriffs play via "If I am hider, I target X," when going into the night is the strategy. I don't equate any of that to "setup spec" since it's not about the setup even though that seems to be the case in your mind.

How? Don't know. Don't care. The game is being played, and it is a work in progress by all. You throwing out "vibes" is just weak and evasive and distasteful. That's my gut reading on you.

Inconsistent? I thought it was pretty consistent of me when I pointed out how I don't see DW and you being scum/scum, and then going on to focus on you for your misrepresentation of Numbers' post. Huh, you must've missed that somewhere. Oh well.
Dec 13, 2019
And for the record, just how is knowing how long I've played helped with reading me? Is it helping? I bet it isn't.

And no, I've thoroughly read Numbers' post and your response to it. As far as I am concerned, you didn't understand his post or, at the very least, the point of it. It's as I described in the above post about how you're locked on this whole "setup spec" which it isn't. It's literally a proposed strategy and that's it.


Unvote, Vote: DawningWinds


Staff member
Ok then what Keyword do you think is suitable?
anything that isn't too common in a mafia game lol
you can say "rhinoceros" or whatever lmfao anything is better as long it's searchable, just slap it in the message you put your target on

alternatively though we can just keep updating with the other players targets as they post it, so we have it posted multiple times throughout the day and relatively close to the phase changes so it's easier to locate which is like
what I would expect
Jul 7, 2021
@ Seanzie

You must've missed the part much earlier where DW had asked me about anything coming to my mind no matter how small. Thus why I made that. While you may have that perception that no one is doing that, I'd kindly, and fervently, disagree with your assessment as you've already shown me that you have quite the different perceptions of some posts than I do (a la Isett's (who I shall now call Numbers even though I like Isett) and DW's own response to me over engaging with the thread over anything). I won't fault you though for missing that.

Early is as early does. Showing me one game where you caught scum by the 26th post isn't an affirmation that it is never too early especially when it depends on who is engaging in the game and other various factors like mechanics and the like (not that this is strictly relevant outside of how early it is to catch scum). I've seen someone out an entire scum team by convincing one scum member to give up their entire team, but that's neither here nor there in terms of how early it is. Case in point: Have you caught scum yet? No? I rest my case. We'll have more to utilize as we move forward and the flurry of discussion, generated by Numbers' post no less, will greatly aid in the reads and interactions we see.

Things are extremely black and white. This, nuance, you speak of (aka your "vibe") doesn't bear out. I've evaluated Numbers' post, and your evaluation of said post. All you did was misrep Numbers' in it. Good job on making a scummy move there. Other than that, what other nuance are you fake-seeing? Because, clearly, he (Numbers) wasn't speculating the setup like you kept accusing, and giving PR cover in the form of a legacy read (If I'm the hider I target X tonight) is definitely great.

As for nitpicking semantics, idk, are you? The setup is clearly known so that's a nonissue. Right? Good. That leaves the idea Numbers' put forth of having everyone give cover for the PR so they can openly play that way which is a boon. Do you have a problem with that? Because if that's your entire "setup spec" in a nutshell, then lololololololololol. There's absolutely no reason to not give the hider cover.

And you just confirmed to me that you are not reading Numbers' post correctly. Cool. Now the major question for me is if you're doing it maliciously or are just incorrect town. I'll ruminate on this because surely you wouldn't intentionally play like that. Right? Yeah.

Discussion for discussion sake is always good no matter what. Hard pass on your philosophy. Also, me lying to you about my background and it affecting you is lawl worthy.

His post isn't rand!wolf especially since your perception is coming from a place of not understanding his post correctly; however, if you truly believe what you're selling, then that is just a point in your favor of being wrong town. I can live with this.

Yes, you explained it was a vibe, then went on to offer that a NAI topic, Numbers' post, came from a rand!wolf more so than a town player. Very insightful (not).

It's ok, I don't need you trying to coach me.

This ties back into what Numbers' directed to you in a previous post. Your use of "setup spec" when talking about actual game play is the issue. Numbers isn't *speculating* about the setup because the setup is already known. What Numbers is doing is offering a *good* strategy for town to follow wrt to utilizing cover for the PR. I do not see this as "setup speculation", but if you do then more power to you. And if you think that is strictly scummy, then lol alright cool. Hard disagree, but you do you.

Really? Because that's what it looks like when you've, at length, talked about "setup spec" wrt to Numbers' post (which isn't even setup spec, but a sound strategy; however, at this point it is entirely confusing what you are focused about wrt to Numbers since you can't seem to makeup your mind about his post being either setup spec or strategy -- but I'm chalking that up to you just being wrong so honestly it's already resolved on my end wrt to you).

For clarify, since you are not being clear, Numbers' suggestion that hider play like how some cops/sheriffs play via "If I am hider, I target X," when going into the night is the strategy. I don't equate any of that to "setup spec" since it's not about the setup even though that seems to be the case in your mind.

How? Don't know. Don't care. The game is being played, and it is a work in progress by all. You throwing out "vibes" is just weak and evasive and distasteful. That's my gut reading on you.

Inconsistent? I thought it was pretty consistent of me when I pointed out how I don't see DW and you being scum/scum, and then going on to focus on you for your misrepresentation of Numbers' post. Huh, you must've missed that somewhere. Oh well.

I am no longer going to engage with you because this is a prime example of a discussion that is not good. I don't think you're listening to me, and I don't want to argue for arguments sake.

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