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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Sep 27, 2021
man KoD really was still going on about calling it "setup spec" five walls later wasn't he

this is putting me to sleep please people less words or at least more interesting ones

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
@Morbid Minish I didn't sign up with that name, Mickey is just picking on me. ;_;

Oh yeah, I meant what name Mikey gave you. People were using that for your name and it feels weird. Lol.

When come back.
Talk about how scared you were to look at my presence!
Remember last game? What a distance we had together.

I do remember. Sorry for bussing you so hard! Hate bussing people that are new here but it worked out in the end for us.

Their one post reads more like receipts than thoughts. They mention all the things going on (and give an excuse why they didn't mention more), and say a few things here and there are NAI, but don't take any sides, don't make any conclusions about people's alignments. Also, while town can be hedgy, I felt like the way they were being hedgy (for example with DW, saying scum might not change their mind so quick but might if they think it is easy to latch on to, negating eachother) was possibly more about making their post denser than actually progressing a read.

So, I felt it was a bit IIoA and more of "look at what I read" instead of "see what I think".

I give excuses all the time in mafia games because I'm just the type of person to feel bad about not contributing more. And it's kinda annoying that people read excuses as scummy. Tried to stop saying them for a while since people would read into it, but I don't care anymore. Like the excuse that I'm finding it hard to focus on this game. Maybe from the lack of having played in a while, maybe because I can't focus on **** anymore. Who knows.

Probably didn't include any conclusions about alignments in that post because I was trying to remember my thoughts and was having troubles so the whole post just petered out.

I don't think the thought about trying to make my post denser makes much sense. I'm always wordy, but I would not feel bad about just dropping a couple of lines as my first post.

Anyways, I think KoD is likely town here. Lots of arguing over semantics, but surprisingly I agree with KoD on that matter. Numbers posited a plan and asked others for their ideas. I think Seanzie is reaching a bit by saying that Numbers reasoning of generating discussion was bad, rather than whatever else it was that Seanzie said he should've been doing. Numbers was obviously trying to generate discussion around what the play for the hider should be. And by other players giving possible plans, you can possibly deduce if they come from a scum or town mindset, depending on how helpful to each alignment they are.

On that note I also think Numbers is town. He's been pretty level headed despite the discussion around him. And I actually like his first post. Don't recall if I've ever seen him as mafia, so he may just always be level headed in games. But this jives with what I've seen of him before.

I know that I have played with DW before, but I can't for the life of me recall any of the actual games. Kinda willing to trust Ex here on his meta reads, but also it's Ex so I don't know if I should. Lol. I like that DW has been generating a lot of discussion. It looks more town than scum. But the flip flop on Numbers is still kinda meh to me. I'll have to ISO them to get a better read.

Fext seems like he's playing like usual. Nothing stands out that he's said besides the recent post about townreading your hider claims which is actually a very good point. So I'm fine giving him town cred today for that alone since I see that coming from a town mindset and not a scum one.

Seanzie I don't have a good read on yet. Maybe partially because I keep confusing his pfp for Ex. Lol. I know he's said a lot but like, not much of it has stuck with me. His read on me was kinda meh. I did re-read my post and it was less conclusions than I thought I had, but also I did give some thoughts up until that point. The excuses and the making the post denser thing are reachy for me. I also think his issues with Numbers post is reaching. So might be leaning more scum there but will have to read all of his posts in isolation to see if anything stands out as more townie.
Sep 27, 2021
And this is why both KoD was so adamant that you didn't read my post correctly and that I haven't decided on your read yet. This one line shows that I have given strategic thought to the matter. But how many times did you bother to ask for clarity before deciding the post was just Wolfy? I'll save everybody the look back time, it was zero. You laser focused on that I claimed the discussion was of more value. I later clarified that I believed so because it holds direct tangible immediate value over a chance of mechanical clearing, which you dropped that topic immediately afterward. This speaks to you searching out a reaction to hang a lynch on only, rather than simply garnering reactions to build your reads.
suppose that is true

...is it scummy?
Dec 28, 2020
oh yeah I was gonna say this at EoD or SoD to give scum less time to think about whether or not I would say this as the Hider (I would, I come from ToS lmao), but I realize it may be better to do it now so people are prepping for it.

Remember that if you hypoclaim visiting somebody as Hider, they are "confirmed town" to you and you cannot ever question their towniness at any point going forward after you would have checked them. Any admission that they could be non-town is an admission to the Mafia of your status as non-Hider.

Pick targets with that in mind. The Hider, of course, should feel free to counter-abuse this if required.
Yeah Fext is definitely town but I’m not sure about Wind RN TBH.

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