[21:22:45] <mandym287>
[noparse][21:23:27] <SinkingBadges> The family laptop can't open that.
[21:23:42] <mandym287> they block heplless Gani?
[21:23:46] <Destiny> Do you see the man with the Mandy on his legs?
[21:23:51] <mandym287> xD
[21:24:05] <SinkingBadges> No, it doesn't have quicktime
[21:24:23] <mandym287> viewing pictures on the internet doesn't use quicktime. evil-laugh.wav does, though
[21:24:36] <SinkingBadges> It seems that one does.
[21:24:52] <mandym287> Not for me... :/ Your computer must be just weird.
[21:25:10] <Zeldawolfsheik> I M back after helping mom. Let me count the ways1.downloaded camera pics. 2. looked at new plants.3.fed my baby bro a gummy bear4.mashed ground beef5. watched little bro
[21:25:20] <mandym287> i love plants
[21:25:26] <mandym287> they're so cute
[21:25:48] <Linknerd09> I hate Nature
[21:26:03] <mandym287> Linknerd, are you seriously a rival?
[21:26:17] <Linknerd09> Yes. I have allergies bcuz of it
[21:26:23] <mandym287> No, not that. Ganon.
[21:26:51] <Linknerd09> Ok I dislike Nature. Not hate.
[21:27:19] <mandym287> No, Linknerd... do you seriously love Ganon? ._.
[21:27:28] <Linknerd09> Yes. Problem?
[21:27:31] <Djinn> Concerned mandy?
[21:27:32] <mandym287> yah
[21:27:41] <mandym287> i hate adding up rivals
[21:27:47] <SinkingBadges> Competition can't be bad.
[21:28:00] <mandym287> well, at least she's a cool person, so it's not going to bother me too much...
[21:28:12] <mandym287> I just feel a little chilly right now... :/
[21:28:31] <Linknerd09> I don't want to me a rival to you, Mandy. I love you
[21:28:49] <mandym287> lol Potassium, LN.
[21:29:17] <mandym287> I suppose we could call dibs on incarnations even though its all the same dude.
[21:29:29] <Djinn> We don't know about FSA Ganon
[21:29:39] <mandym287> i didn't want FSA Ganon...
[21:29:49] <mandym287> I was thinking more ALttP Ganon
[21:29:52] <mandym287> <3
[21:29:52] <Djinn> ...nobody loves FSA ganon..
[21:29:54] <Erebea> loves FSA ganon..
[21:30:03] SinkingBadges loves FSA Ganon
[21:30:15] <Djinn> Someone had to, by way of bot
[21:30:19] <Beeker> WUUVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
[21:30:19] <SinkingBadges> He's mine
[21:30:32] <Beeker> <3
[21:30:38] <SinkingBadges> Stay away, Gancakes
[21:30:42] <mandym287> [/noparse]
[noparse][21:30:45] <mandym287> x3
[21:30:48] <Glitter_brownie_bear> lol
[21:31:04] <Big_Octo> Lol, Mandy
[21:31:05] <SinkingBadges> FSA Gani is mine
[21:31:17] <Big_Octo> ALttP Gani is mine.
[21:31:19] <mandym287> I've had phases that went from primarily ALttP Ganon, to WW Ganon, and right now it's OoT Ganon.
[21:31:30] <Linknerd09> TP Ganon is mine
[21:31:31] <mandym287> I'm not too fond of TP Ganon at all... :/ Nintendo killed him.
[21:31:40] <Big_Octo> ^
[21:31:51] <mandym287> he's yours
[21:32:00] <Linknerd09> Cool
[21:32:03] <mandym287> nerm nerm nerm
[21:32:13] <Beeker> As long as no one takes TP Link~
[21:32:20] <mandym287> Linknerd: [/noparse]
[noparse][21:32:21] <Destiny> Beeker
[21:32:28] <Big_Octo> Link is ugly compared to Gani
[21:32:31] <Destiny> Twilight Princess Link is a babe
[21:32:38] <Destiny> We will have to be rivals
[21:32:39] <mandym287> Ilia has square feet
[21:32:39] <SinkingBadges> lawl opera
[21:32:47] <mandym287> IliaxEpona
[21:32:50] <Glitter_brownie_bear> lol
[21:32:50] <Beeker> And so we will.
[21:32:57] <Linknerd09> Mandy: Haha. I hate the lol word
[21:32:58] <Destiny> IliaxEpona
[21:33:06] <Destiny> Or
[21:33:16] <Destiny> IliaxGanondorf's horse
[21:33:17] <Glitter_brownie_bear> i like the cat in telma's bar- looked so cute
[21:33:25] <mandym287> xD Destiny
[21:33:26] <Maikeru> ^Louise
[21:33:34] <Glitter_brownie_bear> ya louise
[21:33:36] <mandym287> Ilia lieks beastality
[21:33:38] <mandym287> [/noparse]
[noparse][21:33:41] <Glitter_brownie_bear> lol
[21:33:48] <Destiny> She does Mandy
[21:33:51] <Beeker> IliaxLouise?
[21:33:52] <mandym287> Well, I guess if I like beast Ganon, so do I.
[21:33:52] <Destiny> Like hard core
[21:33:57] <Maikeru> I liked Ashei.
[21:33:58] <Beeker> Nah, wouldn't work.
[21:34:02] <Big_Octo> That's Mandy's favorite passtime
[21:34:06] <SinkingBadges> 9_9
[21:34:14] <Big_Octo> Looking up Gani's robe
[21:34:15] <mandym287> nerm
[21:34:27] <Big_Octo> Gani would think you a perve!
[21:34:31] <Big_Octo> Therefore
[21:34:34] <mandym287> I could hide under there and no one would ever know--except for Gani, that is.
[21:34:38] <Big_Octo> He would go with Destiny
[21:35:02] <Destiny> Gani is Mandy's
[21:35:05] <mandym287> ^
[21:35:15] <mandym287> always and forever, Dest
[21:35:21] <Glitter_brownie_bear> k
[21:35:34] <mandym287> and you gais didn't wish me a happy anniversary! =(
[21:35:35] <Big_Octo> What if Gani slapped you, Mandy?
[21:35:39] <Big_Octo> Oh wait
[21:35:46] <Big_Octo> That's not bad
[21:35:49] <mandym287> That counts as touching, Octo.
[21:35:53] <mandym287> And I want touching
[21:35:58] <SinkingBadges> Happeh Aniversary
[21:36:04] <Big_Octo> Mandy wants contact!
[21:36:06] <mandym287> you're three days late.
[21:36:17] <mandym287> his phone number is 444-4444
[21:36:19] <mandym287> like every other taxi driver
[21:36:20] <SinkingBadges> I'm always late lol
[21:36:32] <Destiny> Who doesn't like TP Link?
[21:36:33] <Beeker> Because everyone in TP is hawt.
[21:36:36] <mandym287> lolz
[21:36:39] <Big_Octo> Gani <3 Mandy
[21:36:40] <Destiny> SS Link is debatable.
[21:36:42] <Beeker> Including the postman.
[21:36:45] <SinkingBadges> Especially Thelma
[21:36:47] <Glitter_brownie_bear> yush
[21:36:47] <mandym287> those bulbos look so cute
[21:36:48] <Turo602> Because they look the most realistic.
[21:36:50] <Destiny> But Twilight Princess Link is seksi
[21:37:05] <Beeker> SS Link looks so adorable in his Skyloft outfit.
[21:37:08] <Glitter_brownie_bear> seksi man beast
[21:37:08] <Destiny> LinkBieber in Skyward Sword.. is well. ee.
[21:37:09] <Maikeru> I like the new SS Zelda.
[21:37:09] <Big_Octo> TP Link goes shirtless
[21:37:12] <Beeker> Just...*squees*
[21:37:16] <SinkingBadges> I remember I once came across a disturbing TP fanart
[21:37:34] <Beeker> Haven't we all, Sink? XD
[21:37:34] <SinkingBadges> *shivers*
[21:37:39] <mandym287> [/noparse]
[noparse][21:37:53] <SinkingBadges> Yeah, but that one made me puke
[21:37:55] <Destiny> I came across a lot of TinglexGanondorf
[21:38:00] <Destiny> I mean a lot
[21:38:01] <Glitter_brownie_bear> uh
[21:38:02] <mandym287> stop it neon
[21:38:09] <mandym287> i dun wanna hear about it
[21:38:12] <Glitter_brownie_bear> im scared...
[21:38:15] <Erebea> >.>
[21:38:17] <mandym287> tinglexfishman
[21:38:17] <SinkingBadges> It was LinkxMidna
[21:38:18] <Erebea> <.<
[21:38:19] <mandym287> end of story
[21:38:20] <Djinn> Yes, be scared
[21:38:23] <Big_Octo> Tingle doesn't deserve anyone
[21:38:26] <Destiny> Don't worry Mandy, Ganondorf is all foryou. :]
[21:38:32] <link_to_present> !ff tingle
[21:38:32] <mandym287> oh, of course
[21:38:34] Kybot uses Zeninage, throwing all his gil at tingle and causing a whopping 6908 damage.
[21:38:36] <&Kybot> Everybody watches as tingle falls to the ground, killed by the devastating attack. 568 people have suffered the same fate so far.
[21:38:38] <SinkingBadges> Midna was the he
[21:38:41] <Turo602> Tingle is the sex symbol of Zelda.
[21:38:47] <Beeker> Okaygais.
[21:38:49] <Big_Octo> No
[21:38:58] <Big_Octo> Tingle deserves nobody.
[21:38:59] <mandym287> if he doesn't want me, I'll give him the same nerm torture I gave Verto.
[21:39:00] <Beeker> Whoever you crush on, you will not any more.
[21:39:08] <Beeker> After you see this. [/noparse]
[noparse][21:39:20] <Big_Octo> Ugly Tingle
[21:39:23] Glitter_brownie_bear is wondering what is going on
[21:39:25] <Turo602> Mmmmmmm.... Tingle.
[21:39:39] <Linknerd09> >_> That pic scared me
[21:39:44] <SinkingBadges> Tingle=seksy
[21:40:01] <mandym287> you don't want to know what's going on, Glitter.
[21:40:08] <Turo602> Tingle=SEX SYMBOL!
[21:40:11] <Beeker> ^
[21:40:16] <Big_Octo> Tingle doesn't compare to Gani
[21:40:30] <Linknerd09> True that
[21:40:33] <SinkingBadges> Tingle is no single
[21:40:38] <SinkingBadges> lawl
[21:40:41] <Big_Octo> Tingle is single
[21:40:48] <Big_Octo> No execptions
[21:40:49] <Linknerd09> It Rhymed
[21:40:57] <SinkingBadges> Naw, he's got WW Link.
[21:41:08] <Big_Octo> No
[21:41:14] <mandym287> ooh mr fairy
[21:41:17] <Big_Octo> WW Link is with Tetre, you cuke
[21:41:27] <mandym287> cuke?
[21:41:34] <link_to_present> ^
[21:41:35] <Big_Octo> Tingle has . . . knuckle
[21:41:35] <SinkingBadges> Tetra like Gonzo
[21:41:30] <mandym287> what's a cuke?
[21:41:41] <Beeker> I'll give TP Link and Tingle equal love <3
[21:42:04] <SinkingBadges> They say something about them having kids
[21:42:06] <Big_Octo> The best Link is from The Faces of Evil
[21:42:14] <Beeker> Ototes.
[21:42:23] <SinkingBadges> When you spy on them in the bomb shop.
[21:42:34] <Turo602> Yeah, that seems wrong.
[21:42:34] <mandym287> oh that xD
[21:42:38] <Glitter_brownie_bear> oh god...
[21:42:47] <Big_Octo> Pedo
[21:42:48] <mandym287> SCIENCE
[21:42:51] <SinkingBadges> Watch the cutscene and cry.
[21:42:53] <Linknerd09> Math
[21:43:06] <Big_Octo> Gonzo=Pedo
[21:43:17] <mandym287> Edward from Twilight = pedo
[21:43:21] <Big_Octo> ^
[21:43:21] <Glitter_brownie_bear> yes
[21:43:32] <Big_Octo> Deku Tree=Pedo
[21:43:35] <mandym287> ^
[21:43:41] <SinkingBadges> Darunia is a pedo too.
[21:43:49] <Big_Octo> Gani=/=Pedo
[21:43:55] <SinkingBadges> He yells real hard
[21:43:57] <mandym287> Gani's a pimp
[21:44:01] <Big_Octo> ^
[21:44:04] <Turo602> lol pedo
[21:44:18] <SinkingBadges> OH OH WHAT A HOT BEAT[/noparse]