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DSi Downloads


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
I think its possible and I think it would be a good idea. I wont be getting a DSi though. I dont want to go by a new GBA because I like playing them on my DS.

And I dont want to get a DSi and have to buy all my GBA games over again if they offer them for download. Its nice that the DSi has some new features and things but its almost to "PSP" for me.. with the camera and all that. I would get it if it had GBA slots but it doesnt.


The Geekette
Nov 25, 2007
I would absolutely love to see downloads for the DSi.

Especially Link's Awakening, Link's Awakening DX, Oracle of Ages, and Oracle of Seasons. I wouldn't want to see Minish Cap or Phantom Hourglass incorporated into a download. Although, I would love to see the classics which were converted into a handheld applied. I mean, c'mon, imagine Legend of Zelda or Adventure of Link on the DSi. I am sure that'd look incredible.

I intend to take out some money and purchase the DSi, since Tom already has all the handhelds we need to play GBA games and we have the Game Boy Player on his GameCube. I am rather excited to hear of the release in North America.


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
I really hope they have the Oracles and LA and maybe the first few too I really have to think about buying the Dsi I might just buy a whole new Ds instead of selling my old one cause I need my GBA slot and someone told me the Dsi is gonna have less power so I couldn't play it for longer than I could on my regular ds but on the upside it does have a camrera and the Download station, which I am really looking foward to(ecpecially if they have old zelda games)


Hello World
Nov 20, 2008
Hmm i might gets this when all the pieces of my DS lite chip off xD but what games would be for download and oyu might haz to pay for this shiz or something.

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