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Game Thread [Day 5] Zelda an Orcarana of Time as Remembered by Someone Who Only Played a Little Bit of it Well Over a Decade Ago Mafia

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Fun story for those that don't know me, in my first game with Minish I pre game claimed in the sign up thread to be Minish (as a role). Maintaining that claim through the game had people questioning whether I was posting from two accounts or not (as Minish had come to NGA to play a game and was unknown there at the time). That's the type of player I am.
Was this game here on ZD?

The Cucco thing was a joke referring to my sneaking out a cucco in the sighn ups last second.
I think he's asking why didn't you throw your cucco and vote for the same person, rather than throwing your cucco at one person and vote another.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Hey! Listen!

I don't know most of you and you mostly don't know me. End of statement.


I was pretty sure you were in that one. Given the complexity and shifting nature of that game I'm not sure if it will be good for comparisons on meta or playstyle though.


Minish, SmS, and Ex are the only other names I recognize. Fun story for those that don't know me, in my first game with Minish I pre game claimed in the sign up thread to be Minish (as a role). Maintaining that claim through the game had people questioning whether I was posting from two accounts or not (as Minish had come to NGA to play a game and was unknown there at the time). That's the type of player I am.

No it was on my home forum NoGoblinsAllowed. Game found here.

The only other game I've played here is the Spider-Man cross over. Allegedly. (my doc tells me I should keep my Minish personality separate from my numbers personality for mental continuity.)
Fry Squint.png
Not sure it the "Hey! Listen" was a joke to get under our skin right off, or if Numbers forgot to continue the joke.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Vote Count:
Viral Maze (2) - Johnny, Kirino
Exlight (2) - Killjoy, SMS
Killjoy (1) - Mikey
Uwu (1) - Minish
SMS (1) - Uwu
Not Voting (6) - Jinjo, Chevy, Viral, Exlight, 15377, reki

deadline in ~56 hours


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
note: it is now day 2. Nothing has changed as a result of this. The deadline remains the same.

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