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Beginner's Mafia 3: Link's Awakening

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green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
And about the vig, I've already covered; the POINT, once again, is NOT that he was talking about the vig, but that I caught both him and you in a bold faced lie

Huh? What lie? Are you talking me saying that he is scumhunting?

I already covered that, too.

Sorry about that. I didn't understand what you were trying to say the first time.

Funny how you keep bring about points which I've already answered; changing the subject and defending him so adamantly when I called both of you out on a lie. It is possible that, like you said, you " believe he is townie", but that's no reason to pull such scum tactics when I've proven that you're both wrong. If we lynch him and he flips town then I may change my opinion on your tactics, but until then my vote stands and I think we've found our second and final remaining scum.

Nice catch, I have been mostly ignoring him too, it seems. I think I mentioned something about him a page or two back but it was just an offhand refrence and I don't even remember what I put anymore.... *goes to check*
Kind of funny how you only post a real scumhunt post after I point out that you have yet to do so, though....

So you're philosopy is that if someone defends someone and the person flips scum then the person who defended him is automatically the last member? So if Zenox flips scum then you think I am scum and if he's townie then I'm townie?


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
1: As far as you are concerned, I was refering to when you said "Zenox seems townie to me and has been scumhunting more than most of you" even though he had in fact done zero scumhunting. Though, it's easy to get confused between other people and details in a game such as this. The lie was more directed at his part in it when he knows for a fact what he's done.
2: No problem.
3: It's not a "philosophy", and it's not that simple. If I had to break it down for you, I'd say:
When one person screws up, this is noticed and proven, and another ceaselessly defends another despite the proof, then the second person knows something about the first the rest of us don't.
This has nothing to do with being mafia or not, but rather one or two characters who have advance knowledge of the other/eachother. This can be, other than mafia, two masons, a town cop and a townie she has investigated, or two cult members, among other examples. What the first is does not determine what the second is, only because we already know the second is someone who has a reason to defend the first, regardless of what that is. The first one flipping doesn't tell us who the first is, but rather just narrows down the list of possibilities.
For example: In this case, if he flips (if he's killed that is) Godfather, it's possible you could be mafia or cop (since the Godfather is investigation immune). Not counting other roles we may or may not have in this game.

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
3: It's not a "philosophy", and it's not that simple. If I had to break it down for you, I'd say:
When one person screws up, this is noticed and proven, and another ceaselessly defends another despite the proof, then the second person knows something about the first the rest of us don't.
This has nothing to do with being mafia or not, but rather one or two characters who have advance knowledge of the other/eachother. This can be, other than mafia, two masons, a town cop and a townie she has investigated, or two cult members, among other examples. What the first is does not determine what the second is, only because we already know the second is someone who has a reason to defend the first, regardless of what that is. The first one flipping doesn't tell us who the first is, but rather just narrows down the list of possibilities.
For example: In this case, if he flips (if he's killed that is) Godfather, it's possible you could be mafia or cop (since the Godfather is investigation immune). Not counting other roles we may or may not have in this game.

Well I think you were the first one to vote for him and it was because he defended someone who you accused. I just caught you in a lie saying that Zenox pressed hard for technokid's lynch but I c/p the vote tally from yesterday.

Goron Link (4) - green goron, tecknokid900, Gonzo, Zenox
Raindrop14 (1) - Meego7
Celeboy (1) - Raindrop14
Zenox (1) - Komali, Justeazy
tecknokid900 (5) - Zelda_8, FirevsIce, Goron Link, Celeboy, goomboo

He actually voted for Goron Link and backed off of technokid once he claimed. So now your vote has no evidence but since I still think you're more townie than scum I'm going to close the case because I believe that this is a town vs. town who is defending a town argument.

IGMEOY: Justeazy and everyone who voted with no evidence


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Vote Tally:

goomboo (2) - green goron, Zenox
Zenox (5) - Justeazy, Celeboy, Komali, Goron Link, goomboo
kokirion (1) - Raindrop14

Not voting - kokirion, TheGreen, FirevsIce, Gonzo,

Remember, it takes 7 for a majority lynch with 12 alive.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
Dammit, looks like I'm going to get it if I don't do this.

I'm Richard (Zelda Wiki), Prince of Koholint Island.


Why in hell would I fakeclaim a role that's that notable of a character? If I wanted to fakeclaim, I'd say something like Sale, whose only appearance in the game was to eat dog food and give you bananas.

I also think it's just about time we post our scumlists, if we have them. I doubt most of you have been keeping track

Justeasy (for damn sure, will post evidence laterz [and will follow up, though I may need a reminder :P])
Goron Link

Most of the reasonings are voting patterns, though I have other evidence for all of them. But the common reasoning behind them all is voting patterns.
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Mar 29, 2011
Well the fact that your defending yourself from being called out on a fakeclaim before it even happens is kind of odd to me. Honostly though in this particular game I don't think we can really rely on name claims because one reason why someone would be called out on their claim is for having the incorrect shade of green or their wording. But the correct shade has already been confirmed, so a name claim seems almost pointless. The only claim that would be useful to prove someone being townie is if they have a power roll, but that has already been mentioned.

So who is to say that that isn't a fakeclaim? Except you did answer that already with who you are, being a more well known character than someone who is just there for background purposes.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
Because you bastards, especially Justeasy don't believe anything I say.

I was worried you guys would say this, but I was more worried you guys would try and pass it off as a fakeclaim, so I decided to defend myself beforehand.


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
Why in hell would I fakeclaim a role that's that notable of a character? If I wanted to fakeclaim, I'd say something like Sale, whose only appearance in the game was to eat dog food and give you bananas.
Well, first I've never called anyone out on a fakeclaim, and I wouldn't have started with you with so little outside information. I've only cautioned other people to consider the possibility since Jo told us there are possibly fake claims.

That being said, you wouldn't make up your own fakeclaim, but use whatever HoM had given you, regardless of the high profile or low profile of the claim was. If you claim anyone else then there's the chance someone else really is that person. It'd be stupid to make your own up, and depending on the game mod, against the rules and some (though I can't speak for experience here on ZD) will modkill you for lying about what's in your role.

EBWODP: Just have to say when I read "Richard" I originally thought of the lost dog in OoT's Castle town. =P
And also, I find the things you say about me amusing, including how you spell my name wrong (nit-picky) and that I'm at the top of your list yet you don't vote for me (what?). I'm fine with you voting for me if you think I'm suspicious, but as it stands like that it looks like you're calling me out because I called you out, yet you still need to go back and find some real evidence against me to justify being put at the top of your list?
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Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
and that I'm at the top of your list yet you don't vote for me (what?).

No point in voting if they're not going to get lynched off. Goomboo has two, you have zero. It'd be closer to a lynch with goomboo than you, soo ... hi

the game mod, against the rules and some (though I can't speak for experience here on ZD) will modkill you for lying about what's in your role.

Here you can lie about anything you want. Hell, I could say I'm Vaati and am the godfather, despite the fact that Vaati doesn't appear at all in LA and get away with it. (Unlikely, though, as there's no way no one would catch that)

Hell, half the people in Castlevania mafia right now are lying. Jo lies about her role all the time, and encouraged me to do the same (as the bulletproof in batman mafia, she said that I should say that the only way to kill me was through lynching, which wasn't true)

Point being: lying is acceptable, which is why I'm not certain on everyone's roleclaim. Hell, fakeclaiming is a lie. Also, you want proof I'm Richard? Does anyone else have that role? Speak now if you want me gone.

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
This one is for you green goron.

Vote: green goron


You're just lucky that I don't have any evidence on you yet:P

Also Zenox's claim seems reasonable because Richard is probably in this game as will all the main characters.

Justeazy, why u don't reply to my post.


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
Well I think you were the first one to vote for him and it was because he defended someone who you accused. I just caught you in a lie saying that Zenox pressed hard for technokid's lynch but I c/p the vote tally from yesterday.
IGMEOY: Justeazy and everyone who voted with no evidence
First one to vote for him? Yes. Because he defended someone? No, it's not because he defended someone I already found suspicious. That was just the weight that tipped the scale, so to speak. As I said in the post where I voted for him, "I've been suspicious of [him] since [he] started", he was just under goomboo in my list (who I had voted for at the time) and that strange way of defending goomboo (also note he defended him them but is voting against him now; possibly important?) made me change my vote, but it's not that I only voted for him because he defended someone else, but everythng he had done prior to that, as I said when I voted for him.

As far as me lying about him pushing for tecknokid's lynch? No, that's simply not true. I never said that he had a vote in the final tally. A perfect comparison is where he just put me on top of his scum list but didn't vote for me (thanks for helping my case, Zenox). If you don't believe me allow me to quote some of these examples for you:
WOAH! Breakthrough! Idea!

VOTE: Technokid900
Votes with no evidence, and doesn't even explain what this "breakthrough/idea" was. (I know I was confused about that part, but didn't find him suspicious at the time.)
This startles me, and makes me question his alegiances. You should always post suspicions. So long as you're townie, you have nothing to hide. Are you holding out on us?

First off: evidence is the correct spelling. Second: You missed the "Idea!" part of it. That being: no evidence required.

What the fack? What do you mean by "promise to not only vote once......."? And what's with the unnecessary amounts of periods? Clear up or gtfo.
Further pushes against tecknokid for not posting suspicions, then defends himself and attacks tecknokid (again, in the same post) for not understanding his "idea" which was the same thing; a vote without his suspicions in the post.
You already implied that you did. Roleclaim/Nameclaim. You are a liar and I want some solid proof to tell me otherwise.
I don't believe you claim one bit.

My vote stands.

also, This is the correct color no matter what mafia game. So saying that ugly dark yellowish green color was taken from HoM is a lie. Mine isn't that color.
Further pushes against tecknokid, and then denies the claim when he gets it. And it's not until after both HoM and Jo come to clear up some confusion that he removes his vote.
As far as tecknokid's vote, everyone who was active at the time changed their vote and it's mostly due to inactivity after the claim that he was lynched.
Justeazy, why u don't reply to my post.
Sorry, I got distracted. Better?
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