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Beginner's Mafia 2 - Windfall Island

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Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
So you're saying that it's ok to lynch Townies?

I read all the posts that are up to date now and I saw this. I hadn't looked at it this way until Zelda_8 pointed it out. I agree with Zelda_8, is it okay to lynch townies? Now mybe I'm not thinking right here but I'm not voting yet. I think I'll IGMEOY: Meego7 and vote for someone tomorrow who looks suspicious to me. I agree with the others, we need to start voting now otherwise we won't lynch a mafia.
Mar 29, 2011
And why do you have suspicion towards me??

Because of the reasons that I have stated in previous posts. Since day one your posts have been questioning. Then when you try to save yourself in your next post, you end up digging a deeper hole.


The tree hugger of Hyrule
All I know is that I'm a VT :silent:


This does not help your case at all. Why would you be oblivious to any player in this game? The only reason you wouldn't be paying attention to someones posts is because you are both mafia.

It's called arrogance. People new to the game tend to do that A LOT and just jump in with the people who are the most suspicious.

Well THP she may be inactive, but her post had not lead any suspicion. So why blame her, In fact in alot of the mafia games, she has always been like this. She is really busy, i guess. Not sure.

Homework and stupid and lame fights keep on ruining my life, so I'm just posting quick posts.

And why do you have suspicion towards me??

Well, do you see how confusing your posts are? I know this is only a beginner's game, but the fact that most people are suspicious of you should be obvious. (But I don't think you're that suspicious because you always have these kinds of posts in the Mafia games I've played with you).


Call Me Robbi :D
May 31, 2010
Some where familiar
Homework and stupid and lame fights keep on ruining my life, so I'm just posting quick posts.

Well, do you see how confusing your posts are? I know this is only a beginner's game, but the fact that most people are suspicious of you should be obvious. (But I don't think you're that suspicious because you always have these kinds of posts in the Mafia games I've played with you).

Umm can you tell me how post are confusing D: I'd rather here it from someone else than reading it my self, cause i understand it o.o ANnnd i should get off, i have to do a study guide for biology for extra credit annnd study for biology test tomorrow annd do math homework, eeh i'll do 'em later

Edit becasue of double post:

Because of the reasons that I have stated in previous posts. Since day one your posts have been questioning. Then when you try to save yourself in your next post, you end up digging a deeper hole.

Well i just looked back at the post you have posted of me. In fact, only one person has really gave much thought and i understand why. But you? You did not have any proof to why i am. Also whats wrong with asking questions, with out those, it is harder to get the right info.
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh

Caeda – 3 (Viral Maze, TheGreen, Deku Shroom)

Elfen - 2 (MikauIncarnate, Gonzo)

Zelda_8 - 1 (Meego7)

Celeboy - 1 (greengoron)

TheGreen - 1 (Zelda_8)

Yet to vote: Pocket Asian, Illmatic, jedizora, TreeHuggerPanda, Caeda, Elfen, Raindrop14, Celeboy

With 16 alive it takes 9 for a majority lynch


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
~A note ( ) from the desk of Hero of Music~

You guys... "Not Voting" =/= "Scum". Well, almost always. People that don't vote often have a legitimate reason. A scum tell is when somebody makes a vote that makes no sense, or is lacking support. Like complete bandwagoning posts. For example:

Hero of Music said:
Yeah, she's totes scum.
Vote: Baysiderulez

That's a scum tell. Not voting isn't. If someone isn't voting at all, like consistently, then there could be room for suspicion.

Oh and Elfen, you're posts are even confusing to game moderators and mentors... It might be worth it to take your time on making your posts. Same goes for all of you. Try to make the confusing aspects of your posts as little as possible, if you must make confusing posts. That'll keep things moving rather nicely.

Oh and just posting excuses in Mafia is a no no. It shows that you haven't even thought of the game since you last posted. If you don't have anything helpful to say, don't say anything. Try and evaluate someone that you find suspicious, then apologize for your inactivity. And telling us all about your homework is also unnecessary. We don't care if you have a biology test tomorrow, or whatever. If you can't post, then don't worry about it. When you are missing for long periods of time, then you should start worrying.

Might I also recommend re-reading the entire thread again (I know its a lot, but it'll be worth it)? Look for inconsistencies in posting, unnecessary information, assumptions that don't make sense, and the like. That'll help you get some ideas on who to be suspicious of.

~You may resume scumhunting.~
Last edited:

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
~A note ( ) from the desk of Hero of Music~

You guys... "Not Voting" =/= "Scum". Well, almost always. People that don't vote often have a legitimate reason. A scum tell is when somebody makes a vote that makes no sense, or is lacking support. Like complete bandwagoning posts.

I'm going to have to disagree with you there.
The way I see it, at this point (2 days away from deadline) not voting = not helping the town. If you're not helping the town out, you might as well be scum. Not voting doesn't mean 100% you're scum, but it's definitely NOT pro-town. If you're a townie, then you should act like it by trying to find scum, and lynch scum everyday, rather than not vote and sit back with your thumb up your ***.

Umm can you tell me how post are confusing D: I'd rather here it from someone else than reading it my self, cause i understand it o.o
Your syntax and grammar is wrong. It is obvious that English isn't your first language, but you're doing a pretty good job of trying to speak/type it. It's just a little difficult to fully understand what you're saying or what you are trying to say.

If you're wondering why I haven't posted, it's because I've actually been busy. I've been on everyday, but not actually long enough to post that much.
You could like... try to scum hunt?
Or claim... that would be nice, rather than claim minutes away from deadline.
Both of those would really help the town out - which is something you have not done so far - no offense to you personally.


Call Me Robbi :D
May 31, 2010
Some where familiar
Hmm well I'm at my dads so excuse my I activity. I'm also on my phone so don't patronize me. I read the post above and I'm still not sure about voting if the this gs is for for a majority Lynch ill vote. Bit tobee is a new person and don't patranize ppl for that but it can still bescummy. In my experience, and if the ppl saw me inthe first Mafia game I played I brought suspicion on me from thevery. Beginnin. That's why it is a hard vtell on voting g, especially if the way uouvare is you personality. Which bring ing. Suspension is a favorite for me. Well I can't really say for anything I ill lay down and read other post till I see something fishy

This is the only post that has me questioning on what i put... i really don't know what i was trying to say on this o.o I was on my phone, and for some lame reason, i cant see all of my text when i put it in. Also when i press next,go, w/e it posts it and i dont get to read it ):

Please any one tell me how my post have been confusing. I have read all my post and quotes of what people said about me. I can perfectly understand what i was trying to say??

Edit because of double post.

Your syntax and grammar is wrong. It is obvious that English isn't your first language, but you're doing a pretty good job of trying to speak/type it. It's just a little difficult to fully understand what you're saying or what you are trying to say.

umm actually, English is my first language. I just have really poor grammer and all that stuuf. We really have actually never learned any of this :/ nor practiced any of it. Probably the nouns, adverbs etc. the main parts of a sentence.


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
I'm going to have to disagree with you there.
The way I see it, at this point (2 days away from deadline) not voting = not helping the town. If you're not helping the town out, you might as well be scum. Not voting doesn't mean 100% you're scum, but it's definitely NOT pro-town. If you're a townie, then you should act like it by trying to find scum, and lynch scum everyday, rather than not vote and sit back with your thumb up your ***.

I don't remember saying anything about the deadline... It was more of a general statement. When the deadline approaches, then yes, you do need to vote. However, it doesn't automatically make you scum for not posting a vote. But, you guys need to place a vote. Not voting and not lynching is bad for the town.

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
If you're wondering why I haven't posted, it's because I've actually been busy. I've been on everyday, but not actually long enough to post that much.

If you aren't going to help the town then don't post in a rush and post later when you can make an eduated post because as of right now you've got the most votes on you.

You all seem so sure the 3rd party role has a nightkill ability. Not all 3rd party roles can nightkill... I linked you to the page with all the 3rd party roles, all the possible mafia roles, and all the possible townie power roles to give you some help. There may be a SK but there may not be. The only person who knows for sure is myself, and the 3rd party role. ;)

This makes me even more sure that the 3rd party can kill:P


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
Deku Shroom:

This post was made in Day 1, in the midst of everyone voting for Toboe. What I find suspicious in his defense of Toboe is that he seems to be speaking as if Toboe has already been lynched and has flipped town. It's a pretty common mafia tactic to defend a townie that's being voted for, so you won't be suspicious when the person flips town.

Another thing is he immediately unvoted his No Lynch when a couple of people started questioning why people are voting No Lynch.

There's a couple of other people I want to post about, I will post before the end of the day.

IGMEOY: Caeda, Deku Shroom

I defended her because you all flipped on her before she could even defend herself. It was obviously a newbie mistake, I mean this is beginner's mafia. Plus you all voted on an opinion? That's like saying someone must be stupid because they don't like the color blue, because it's popular and well liked. She didn't uderstand how RVS benefited the town, and said so. I'm not voting for someone for something like that.

As for changing from No Lynch to no vote, that was because as HoM had said a post or so above mine: It doesn't help anyone, it was essentially a place holder and a mistake, so like all mistakes that I notice, I fixed it. You could also say I'm suspicious for not voting in the first day, but that's because I didn't agree with the Toboe bandwagon, which some scum must have jumped on, and because there was nothing there. An RVS at this time would be random and pointless, and there were no other suspicions so I didn't vote at all.

That's my story n I'm stickin to it. Call me scum if ya want, but I can assure you that I'm not.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Ok, I think it's time to start voting.

VOTE: Elfen

Because of this post that he made:

This is the only post that has me questioning on what i put... i really don't know what i was trying to say on this o.o I was on my phone, and for some lame reason, i cant see all of my text when i put it in. Also when i press next,go, w/e it posts it and i dont get to read it ):

Please any one tell me how my post have been confusing. I have read all my post and quotes of what people said about me. I can perfectly understand what i was trying to say??

The same typ of reason Toboe used when we accused her of being scum for her post about RVSing, which got us thinking she was scum because what she said sounded scummy. Now this could be a newb mistake like Toboe's was but I'm going to keep my vote unless anyone can give me good reasons to change my mind.
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