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Ask Link A Question


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Link: Think of it this way, it's getting cleaned. So... yeah.

Link, what if Navi was a person and not a fairy? Would you, you know, find her... attractive?
Jun 21, 2011
Going 2 Hyrule Castle
Because she was to scared to leave alone!!!

How can you change clothes in an instant!!!

Dang it! I got ninja'd

If you were to touch the Triforce and be granted one wish, what would you wish for?

I'd wish for Navi to shut the * up!!!!

I Gannondorf offered you half of the world, what would you say???

Ruby Link

He who started the fire
Jun 28, 2011
I have no idea...
Link: Hmm... I'd cut your hand off. :lol: I mean, I am the hero.

Link, why must you freak out whenever you get a rupee thats not green in TP? Your not rich because of a blue rupee.

Edit: Aw come on! Myriadviper42 beat me to it...
Feb 23, 2011
TORYAAAAAA! (how he screams on Soul Calibur 2) [Link: "I come from a ranch, and my boss, Fado doesn't pay me much!]

Link, what is your HONEST opinion on the difficulty of the Water Temple?

Caleb, Of Asui

Link: I sometimes wish I hadn't let Midna go... :'(

Tell me, how does it feel to be such a ladies' man whilst being so preoccupied with saving Hyrule?
Feb 23, 2011
ALttP Link: Yes, I tried dying it pink on a few occasions, but many fans did not like it so much...so yeah.

Have you ever dealt with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder while attempting to readjust to normalcy after exploring treacherous locales, facing fiends of all sorts, and saving an entire land from insanely powerful, ego-maniacal sorcerers and the like?

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