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Any Acclaimed Games/series You Dislike?

Jul 6, 2011
I hate Sonic CD, don't ask why. I also didn't like Banjo and Kazooie. I always thought it was boring and it was my first 3-D platformer. The first two Pokemon games were good, but after that they were just boring and repetitive. Resident Evil 5 was garbage, it was exactly like RE4 but even worse. Can not get into Tomb Raider. I don't like Modern FPS. Old FPS games were fast paced, non linear, had secrete rooms, colorful stages(with an exception of GoldenEye), different enemies, epic boss fights, health packs, a lot of interesting guns, a lot of skill was needed and if you died you had to start at the beginning of the level. Bioshock is a lot like the old FPS. A lot of these modern FPS are slow paced, you have to stay behind for most of the gameplay, dull graphics, same enemies and no boss fights and a lot of luck. The only thing people care about is multiplayer.

UPDATE After playing some Halo 3 ODST, I think not all FPS are bad. I'm starting to get into the Halo series now.
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Sep 1, 2010
For me, CoD really gets on my nerves. One is released EVERY year, and practically nothing is changed. It's the same old rehashed stuff! And somehow people buy it. *facepalm*

On the Nintendo side of things, I never really got into Paper Mario. I watched a friend play the original, and it looked kind of boring. I rented Super Paper Mario, and I really, really hated it. It just wasn't fun!

Also, I'm not that big of a Sonic fan, probably because I haven't given the series a good chance. I'm sure the old stuff is fun, but the new Sonic games are just bland and boring.

I could never really get into any fighter games, either, other than SSB, since games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat just don't appeal to me.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
CoD, definitely. Worst thing to happen to the FPS genre ever.

Final Fantasy. Soooooooooooooooo booooooooooooooorrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggggggg. And usually I love RPGs.

And... thats all that comes to mind.


Feb 24, 2010
Never really got why so many people loved Kingdom Hearts. Plot was a serious mind****, and I found the gameplay bland and repetitive.
Apr 10, 2010
Halo - I like First Person Shooters in general, but never liked Halo. I just prefer realism over sci-fi.
Madden NFL - I'm a huge NFL fan and a huge videogame fan, but I just can't get into football videogames. I did like the NFL2K series though before Madden became exclusive.

Never really got why so many people loved Kingdom Hearts. Plot was a serious mind****, and I found the gameplay bland and repetitive.

I liked the original, but then they went needlessly crazy with the plot from the second game on.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Well, I dislike Call of Duty, for the same reasons that many have posted. In general, I don't really like FPS games, but I do find single-player FPS games tolerable. I see little redeeming quality in MMOFPS games, though, because experienced players have too great of an advantage over new players, and there's little chance of becoming established unless you're just naturally good.

Call of Duty in particular irritates me, because it seems like it doesn't try to innovate at all relative to other series, and is the most generic, shallow, and popular manifestation of something I don't like in the first place.

Another series I don't really care for, is Guitar Hero. While I don't feel the disgust for it that I feel for Call of Duty, I still feel the game is generic, shallow, and popular. It just involves playing some of the notes to a popular song with perfect timing, while listening to it being played. Also, the gameplay is repetitive and lacks a true story or sense of interaction. You just play notes.

Finally, I don't care for Dance Dance Revolution, either. I really don't see the appeal of dancing in real life and trying to use that movement to influence a video game. This may have something to do with the fact that I'm not really a dancer. But in any case, I feel that it shares many of the flaws of Guitar Hero, although I do have to give it bonus points because it DOES actually teach you dance moves.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Call of Duty-The first 3 games weren't really anything special and then when Modern Warfare hits it gets big. Sure It was decent the first time around but it still wasn't spectacular. The series is just horrible period. The fan base isn't what makes me hate it because that's just plain moronic. Who hates a series because of other people? Sure I hate the fans too for being so idiotic and blind but I have my own reasons for disliking the series. First off, the campaigns are whatever when it comes to the actual gameplay, but the story and characters suck. You, the player aren't even the main character. It's one of the guys in front of you. WTF? The stories aren't even appealing and are just plain dull. The physics in each game need work but yet I see no improvement from one game to another. It's just copy and paste with new maps and weapons. And the lame cheap knife animations seriously need to change. It doesn't even look like you're stabbing someone. And then there's the stupid DLC maps that only morons buy. Seriously, doesn't this game come out every year? Why do people constantly buy maps just so they can go on and buy the same game with very minor tweaks a year later? It's not like people even give a rat's a** for the campaign. They just want to earn cheap kills every day and gloat because they know CPUs are too tough for them. So why pay 60 dollars plus DLC for the same experience? I don't get it. Call of Duty has a lot of potential to be a good FPS but it never reaches it. It stays in the same place from year to year. I mean come on, you say you want a realistic shooter? Then play quality like Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the Rainbow Six Vegas series.

Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Insert cheap music game here-Seriously, all you do is hit the matching colored button with the note to music with a toy guitar/instrument. And while you're doing that you see these horrible character models that don't even match the singer/band singing and playing to the music. For such a cheap quality game you'd think they could offer better visuals and realism. Didn't we have a game where you match the the buttons to whatever is on screen before? You might as well do that and listen to your own music instead of paying more money for extra music and for another game. The games don't even require real instrument skill. So what's the point?

I also see people disliking good games because it's not "their style" or because of "fanbases". Really?....Really?......REALLY!? I can understand if it's not your style, doesn't mean you have to hate it or call it a bad game. And fanbases? WTF? Seriously? You can't have your own views anymore because of other people? That's just a poor excuse to dislike something. I guess I'm not seeing many valid points here.
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Halo, of course. The animation was horrible, to begin with, and when I play games I want the music to be loud enough and go right along with the gameplay. This was not so, and it ruined the immersion for me. Koji Kondo, thankfully, realized it and put exhilarating music to the battles which made it as if we were always in an actual fight with, say, a Moblin or a Bokogoblin.

Also, Super Mario Sunshine. It was just a bunch of jumping around and some of the levels were unbeatable--especially that aggravating Sand Bird one. All chances of beating the game seemed hinged on it, so I just gave it up.


Stardust Crusaders
Feb 15, 2010
Seasons in the Abyss [Minnesota]
Two game series come to mind when people say overated, those games are Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Now I admit that the old Final Fantasy games for the SNES were pretty darn good but when it came to the 3D games I just found them dull, boring, and not that much fun to play. Final Fantasy games all ways seem to be overated and not that fun to play. I remember I picked up Final Fantasy 8 one day and I started playing, 10 minutes and got bored with it. Kingdom Hearts, oh how my friends try to make me like/understand this series. I will never understand it, it seems overly complicated and as Austin put it the plot was a total mind****, is that really a good way to attract people to a game? This sereis also suffers from fanboys and fangirls always clammoring over it and that really bugs me. I just really dislike both these two series.
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Aug 2, 2010
I just really hate the Zelda series, I don't see why everyone love them, they are compleate crap.

Calm down, calm down, it's a joke. :P

But really, I really think that CoD shouldn't be getting all the publicity it gets, it is pretty obvious that it's going the way of Guitar Hero.

It's all Activision's fault.

Modern Warfare 1 was great, but Treyarch played it too safe and made an almost carbon copy of CoD4 - minus the setting.

Modern Warfare 2 was when then series really went downhill. The singleplayer had nice cinematics, but it felt too much too much like a movie, and the Multiplayer was just pure crap.

Black Ops' campaign had a somewhat compelling story, but the gameplay was litteraly just point shoot, run, shoot, rinse, reapeat. The Multiplayer was just MW2, but more balenced, and still boring as hell.

Zombies? Accually really great. But to keep up with the community, you need to buy every single overpriced map pack, for 4 crap Multiplayer maps that you're not going to spend 10 seconds on, just for that one Zombie map.

For 15 dollars.

With 15 dollars I can buy a used 6th gen game that's probobly 10 times as good as Cod Blops.

And it's not like the new maps are even that great, they're just set someplace else as the last map, with a couple new gimmicks and even more rooms.

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Modern Warfare 3 will be one of the last CoD games.

Phew. End rant.
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Jul 25, 2011
In the US
I could not get into Red Dead Redemption. I found it boring and I know it is suppose to be a good game but I did not like it.

I liked the Halo series but when I was playing Halo Reach it was fun at first but it grew old and I have yet to finish it. I don't really care for the Halo series anymore.

The Madden games where fun at first but over time it became dull and not fun. I know they added new things to it but it didn't make any difference to me. I lost interest in the series.

Modern Warfare 2 was a good game, to me, at first but when I was playing through it I started to lose interest in it. I never played it again and never beat it.
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Feb 25, 2010
Super Mario 64, Galaxy 1 & 2. Fan boys, get your shotguns ready. Horrible controls. Sunshine was much better.
Call of Duty WoW and BO. Treyarc(sp?) is not a good developer. What about IW? MW is one of the best games for the PS3, and MW 2 is awesome too.
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Jul 22, 2011
Super Mario 64, Galaxy 1 & 2. Fan boys, get your shotguns ready. Horrible controls. Sunshine was much better.
Call of Duty WoW and BO. Treyarc(sp?) is not a good developer. What about IW? MW is one of the best games for the PS3, and MW 2 is awesome too.

I can understand that you just don't like SMG 1 & 2, but saying that they have horrible controls is quite confusing.
Jun 14, 2010
Need for speed racing games i never really liked too much, along with a lot of other people i think. In fact, I dont really enjoy any racing series with the exception of mario kart =P. Or maybe i should say i dont like realistic racing games. That could be because I cant drive yet and dont really have the feel for them but I think its just because I truly suck at them lol.

There are also a lot of game series that i have respect for but dont necessarily enjoy... such as (dont kill me) early legend of zelda games. I totally have respect for the franchise and the impact it has had on pop culture but when i try to play them i just cant help but want to do something else...

So the i guess in the end i dont really dislike any popular game series, because i believe they earned theeir fame, but i certainly dont enjoy some.
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[the.Jumping.Bean] ~
Dec 15, 2009
New Hamster!
If anything, Pokemon bugs me. I am going to join the group of people who say the game was good when it started and it was. However, with recent Pokemon games, it bugs me. Dunno why. I guess it's the Pokemon species, gameplay, or what.

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