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Game Thread Anime Mafia 2

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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Quick reads list:

funnier6 - Started out sluggish, but fell back into his usual aggressive Townie groove.
Morbid Minish - Null but leaning Town. She's playing the way I'd expect her to as a greenie without passing the buck.
Rubik - Probably one of the bigger townleans outside of Rag and funnier. I find him to be levelheaded about
The Sun Fan - Went AWOL during the end of the RVS phase. Would still like to know about this "unmentionable" thing he dropped before vanishing.
All Might - Town???
Spiritual Mask Salesman - Townlean due to the more pragmatic approach to most things. A bit offputting that he's jumping from one wagon to another, though.
Doc - Null and void. He's barely said anything during D1 outside of a brief exchange with SMS, but I'd like to hear his thoughts on current matters.
Johnny Sooshi - Hasn't said much due to the freak storm, but nothing stands out so far.
HeroOfTime - Can't tell if serious or not about the Innocent Child claim. Probably not.
DekuNut - Null. Hasn't posted enough to get a solid read.
ExLight - Eh, I wanna say Town, but slight scumlean due to his defensive nature at the start.
Laurentus - Null. Will look forward to more activity once the busy period ends.
Funnygurl555 - Leaning scum, but this could honestly go either way. Would like to know why she voted for me when possible.
Ragnarokio - Persistent townplay but the large scumlist from earlier raised some red flags in my head.
Silverfish - Null. Could go either way but his reads list was structured like a veiled attempt to blend in.
LittleGumball - guise how do I turn this thing off Pretty heavy townlean given the substantial posts she makes. Would like to see more stuff like this from everyone (myself included).
Calvin ツ - Lurking much? I can't remember, but something you said caught my eye and now I can't find it (getting late here). Slight scumlean.
Mellow Ezlo - Hasn't really contributed much outside of commenting on the controversial serious-RVS post o' mine. Could be lurking for all I know.
Sep 3, 2017
I mean, deflecting is just not addressing the issue. That's def kinda scummy.
Right thats fair but I feel like i've explained myself already with that.

Anyways, I wanna do a rainbow list of my reads so i'm gonna have to spend some time ISOing people in the meantime.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
All Might - Town??

Why would you put question marks after your own town read of yourself?

Also, I'm kinda getting information overload with this game. I read everything, but there's so much that my mind doesn't really analyze what I'm reading in a bigger context. So I'm gonna sit down and probably do an ISO later. Maybe just a handful of people at a time, so I can really start to piece my thoughts together.

I will say I don't necessarily like the FG wagon. I know she hasn't posted a ton, but what she has posted hasn't looked bad to me. I guess I'm just getting a different vibe from her than last game when she was SK. She didn't post a lot then either but there was more of a kind of defeatist feel from those posts. Whereas this time it does seem like she wants to be helpful.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
I'm not sure I get this. You don't have a read on Doc, but plenty of these others you don't have a specific read on either. I get he's posted less or equal to some on this list, but why put doc in the "for sure town" category?
it's the pool of people i want to lynch the least, which i called a town read lol. i usually read doc as scum and i'm always wrong, so now i'm trying to read him as town and see if that turns out to be wrong :^)
So youre town reading them just because and not from anything they've done?
sorta? i haven't got a reason to scumread any of them, or want to lynch any of them.
Man I'm bad at this

Vote: Calvin
LittleGumball - Interesting character. Pretty sure he's town trying to get the waffles out. Not sure I understand his reason for voting me.
basically my Big Ass List™ was a way for me to solidify my thoughts on who i'm okay with lynching and who i'm not. you were among the pool of players i was okay with lynching and you also felt the scummiest out of those players due to your reads post which felt non-commital. i would link it but i am big lazy and also big tired and it is 3:15am as i am currently typing this right now so i'm going to bed immediately after posting this
Why would i bus all might from the beginning of day 1?
iirc i bussed mezlo from the beginning last time i was scum (didn't really do me much good lmao)
Am I the only one who picked up on this? Would this count as a roleclaim? Probably not as the IC role is auto-confirmed by the game mod, as I recall.
i'm 100% sure it's a meme cuz he was innocent child like 3 times in a row
LittleGumball - guise how do I turn this thing off
:kawaii: this is my legacy now
I will say I don't necessarily like the FG wagon. I know she hasn't posted a ton, but what she has posted hasn't looked bad to me. I guess I'm just getting a different vibe from her than last game when she was SK. She didn't post a lot then either but there was more of a kind of defeatist feel from those posts. Whereas this time it does seem like she wants to be helpful.
in my onion i don't think posting differently from a SK necessarily makes you town, it just makes you not SK lmao

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Dang, haven't the chance to look at the thread and now there's like 12 new pages since my last post and more to read from before that since I mostly skimmed before.

I'm tired as hell so don't expect any more out of me until after I wake up. I'll try to catch up in the < 1 hour or so of free time I have tomorrow and post something, but if not I'll see y'all during day 2.

Normally I hate posts like this, but I feel like I owe y'all an explanation after being comparatively active during the last game.

For whatever my opinion is worth, through my brief skim I'm finding myself in agreement with those who say the fg wagon is too easy. From what I've noticed, Hero doesn't seem as townie to me as usual, Rag's reads list had a lot of scum leans but feels genuine to me, I like Rubik (just in general, he's a cool dude :)) and All Might reminds me of his typical self but his typical self makes my read fluctuate often between town and scum so idk what to think of him.

Yes, these thoughts are super quick, yes they probably suck, and yes I've missed a lot of the posts in this game and haven't given deep thought to really anything so far. Funnier if you ask me for a reads list I'm gonna throw my Gatorade at you cuz you ain't getting one until sometime during Day 2 at the earliest.

School starts next week, I've got a bunch of gigs coming up, and I work late nights 6 days a week with my one "free" day being consumed by another evening commitment so don't expect my activity to improve. At the very least, I'll try to be present a little bit, if not I'll consider asking for a sub.

Anyway hi.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Rubik - Probably one of the bigger townleans outside of Rag and funnier. I find him to be levelheaded about
Levelheaded about what?
A bit offputting that he's jumping from one wagon to another, though.
That’s actually towny for sms, he gets kinda stuck in the gate when he’s scum.
Also, I'm kinda getting information overload with this game. I read everything, but there's so much that my mind doesn't really analyze what I'm reading in a bigger context. So I'm gonna sit down and probably do an ISO later. Maybe just a handful of people at a time, so I can really start to piece my thoughts together.
Yeah I think we’ve all been feeling it. Sucks cause I don’t want the bottom third of players getting discouraged just cause a couple of people posting all the time. I think it’s be easier for all of us if we tried to focus on what we really think we can read into and not trying to read the whole game at once. Who we lynch today is more important than trying to have a read on everyone and should be the focus. If we do that, it’ll be easier to read the remaining players on day two when there’ll be a lot more dead. That’s what I’m thinking anyway, going too quickly will only get more null reads and headaches.
I will say I don't necessarily like the FG wagon
I think Silver/hero/fg wagons would be best. Do you like any of the other ones?
Funnier if you ask me for a reads list I'm gonna throw my Gatorade at you cuz you ain't getting one until sometime during Day 2 at the earliest.
I uh I like Gatorade. o-o

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
in my onion i don't think posting differently from a SK necessarily makes you town, it just makes you not SK lmao

Ya, that's fair. I just don't have any scum games to read FG off of so SK is my closest bet. And since SK doesn't care who dies and doesn't care who dies as long as it's not the 2 or 3 people who are their partners, then I'm fine reading her off the differences from last game.

Yeah I think we’ve all been feeling it. Sucks cause I don’t want the bottom third of players getting discouraged just cause a couple of people posting all the time. I think it’s be easier for all of us if we tried to focus on what we really think we can read into and not trying to read the whole game at once. Who we lynch today is more important than trying to have a read on everyone and should be the focus. If we do that, it’ll be easier to read the remaining players on day two when there’ll be a lot more dead. That’s what I’m thinking anyway, going too quickly will only get more null reads

Yeah, I think I'm gonna divide everyone into a list of those I don't want to lynch and then everyone else. Then just focus on the everyone else pile. Bout to eat so I'll do that after.

I think Silver/hero/fg wagons would be best. Do you like any of the other ones?

Of those I could maybe get behind a Silver lynch (after I look into him). Not sure where I stand on Hero yet. I know I usually read him pretty well but I'm gonna have to mull over my thoughts on him a bit more.

I'll get back to you on any alternatives I might find in my ISOs.


The game is on!
Day 1 Current Vote Tally:
Rubik - 1 (Doc)
ExLight - 1 (DekuNut)
Johnny Sooshi - 1 (The Sun Fan)
All Might - 3 (Ragnarokio, Funnygurl555, ExLight)
DekuNut - 1 (Morbid Minish)
Funnygurl555 - 4 (Spiritual Mask Salesman, Rubik, HeroOfTime, All Might)
Silverfish - 2 (LittleGumball, funnier6)
Calvin ツ - 1 (Johnny Sooshi)

Not voting - Laurentus, Silverfish, Calvin ツ, Mellow Ezlo

With 18 players alive it takes 10 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Friday, August 30th 2019 at 7:00 PM EST. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20190830T19&p0=179&msg=End+of+Day+1&font=slab&csz=1

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Hmm, after seeing the vote count I'm gonna go with this decision for now. Because I think it could make things interesting. I still need to get some ISOs done. I think I narrowed down a list of people I want to look into.


Vote: Silverfish
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