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Game Thread Anime Mafia 2

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Feb 3, 2019
Dude, I'm not even sure about half the stuff you're going on about.
am I really being this nonsensical?
I am kinda surprised; maybe the pornography quote was too much, but I don't really see how else people can be this confused over what I say

I'm gonna make a larger reads list at some point, and if people are still confused, I guess I'll try to address that


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Talk about bad timing.

@All Might
the reason I didn't mention why I was scumreading funnier was I wanted to see who else noticed it
so far only really rubik did iirc
(Hero didn't mention it, for example, but quoted a few of his other posts in his reads list)
Well, you just linked to them while I was typing this up. It's not hard to imagine that most of us would pass that up because the softing was kinda nebulous. But I'm wondering if that actually is funnier's intent or if it's just a faulty connection.

am I really being this nonsensical?
Not so much spouting nonsense as much as lacking clarification in some instances.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Oh, ok, I looked back and I get it now that there is context.

Rubik askwd if he was anti-town, funniers response was "depends of how you look at it" then came the post about having no bullets. So yeah, in light of that he did admit he isn't town.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I’ve gotta go, but sunfan is not entirely wrong. He’s also not entirely right. Well I guess maybe, but I doubt it. This was a super bad time to bring it up though, makes me feel like trying to swing votes off fg.
Feb 3, 2019
I’ve gotta go, but sunfan is not entirely wrong. He’s also not entirely right. Well I guess maybe, but I doubt it. This was a super bad time to bring it up though, makes me feel like trying to swing votes off fg.
ya I don't wanna lynch fg that much is true
but you know how I play with third parties (again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so this kinda feels likes its uh
not a good look for you


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Frankly I figure 3ps are worth giving any vigs a night to handle on their own. Bad to waste d1 lynching one because they don't have any connections to other players that yield information.
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