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AL Sign Ups

Aug 18, 2009
It's time for me to post the new sign up for the new Asgard Legends story. The reason it is a new sign up thread? Well, let us just say I removed many old characters from past stories and left only a few. This sign up thread is also for those who read the story but never submitted a character and are wishing to do so. Use the following sheet for that. I don't know when I will start writing, but it will be soon, maybe even tomorrow, or Sunday, or I may just enjoy my weekend and begin on Monday. :P

Weapon: (You can include magic if you want, but you'll have to be a mage)
Description: (Skin color, height, weight, etc.)
Race: (Either Angelus, Human, Elf, Lycan, Mer-folk, Demon)

The spoiler contains the names of the characters that will be appearing in this next installment. Those who have a character already and wish to change a few things may also do so, just post the changes.

Name: Saga ???
Age: 1552
Gender: Male
Affinity: Dark
Story Role: Demon God, Chooser of the Fallen
Race: Demon

Name: Magatha Stargleam
Age: 955
Gender: Female
Class: Dage/Sorceress
Affinity: Dark
Story Role: Saga's sister
Race: Demon

Name: Lisa Hoopia
Age: 1209
Gender: Female
Affinity: Dark
Story Role: Goddess
Race : Demon

Name: Jzak Freiya
Age: 1350
Gender: Female
Affinity: Holy
Story Role: Goddess
Race : God/Angelus

Name: Aylin Freiya
Age: 1125
Gender: Female
Affinity: Holy
Story Role: Goddess
Race : God/Angelus

Name: Din Akera
Age: 1467
Gender: Female
Affinity: Fire
Story Role: God
Race : Demon

Name: Shiek Meindouzzaghaiya
Age: 7946
Gender: Female
Affinity: Holy
Story Role: Legionnaire Goddess
Race : Arkangelus/God

Name: Vatti Ashad
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Class: Militia
Affinity: Fire
Story Role: NPC/Einherjar
Race: Human

Name: Foxy Ashad
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Class: Soldier
Affinity: Earth
Story Role: NPC
Race: Human

Name: Eve Ashad
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Class: Mercenary
Affinity: Wind
Story Role: Einherjar
Race: Human

Name: Veeka Ashad
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Class: Ex-Soldier
Affinity: Fire
Story Role: Einherjar
Race: Human

Name: Marvin Ashad
Age: 30
Story Role:
Race: Human

Name: Rishian Kaleem
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Affinity: Fire
Story Role: Einherjar
Race : Human

Name: Damera Tomahawk
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: Mercenary
Affinity: Fire
Story Role: Captain of Elite Forces/Einherjar
Race: Human

Name: Raina Lowell
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Affinity: Earth
Race: Human

Name: Annabeth Regan
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Class: Princess/Leader
Affinity: Water
Story Role: Einherjar
Race: Human/Lycan

Name: Tekara Ki
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Weapon: Bow and Twin Curved Daggers.
Outfit: tight black pants tucked into tall brown leather boots, a white blouse, and a pendant of green jade.
Description: Light skin, 5'5", skinny and fit, Golden Brown hair, emerald green eyes
Personality: Quiet, caring, fierce, brave.
Race: Elf

Name: Kirana Alfendell
Gender: Female
Class: Archer
Role desired: Einherjar
Race: Elf

Name: Ashie Silverstar
Age: 745 (19)
Class: Mage
Affinity: Water
Role: Einherjar
Race: Merfolk

Name: Repiv Dairym
Age: 1308
Gender: Male
Affinity: Dark
Story Role: Saga's Friend/General
Race: Demon

Name: Sammy
Age: 950
gender: Female
Affinity: Dark
Story Role: Demon Friend of Saga/Magatha
Race: Demon
Last edited by a moderator:


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
OK i'm signing up,

Name: Tyson Arrant
Age : 15
Gender : Male
Weapon : Long steel broadsword, embeded with the power of light ( or fire if need be )
Outfit : Heavily armoured, shield, ( protection , duh ) golden bracelet ( for centimental reasons ) , red cape ( just felt like it ) , shades ( to look cool )
Description : Tall, brown haired, slim, messy ( ish ) hair. young.
Personality : Courageous, Strong, Determined.
Race : Human
Last edited:
Name: Dusana Moryne
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Weapon: uses dual swords, as well as earth magic
Outfit: wears a blue dress down to the knees. Doesn't wear shoes
Personality: feisty and energetic, but is almost always poised for battle, as well as kind and loyal
Race: Merfolk, I guess

Hope this works!
Aug 18, 2009
Yep, those characters work. ^^ Thanx for joining, I'll have the story up one of these days.

Also, do you peeps need a "description" option in there? If so, just add it yourselves to your submission, I will add it to the sheet.
Aug 2, 2010
Looks interesting, ill join!

Name: Serris
Age: 16
Gender: male
Weapon:Two iron knives used for stealth kills, shortsword for open combat
Outfit: red cloak with hood that is usually pulled up, leather boots and gloves, light armour underneath cloak on torso and forearms
Description: Caucaisin (i know i spelt that wrong :P), black longish hair, normal height. Prefers to use stealth over open combat, often hides in the shadows or uses the rooftops when sneaking
Personality: quiet and thoughtful, very caring, but is brutal to whomever he think is unjust or evil
Race: Human


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Sign me up!

Name: Zeri Sensia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Weapon: Sheild, Sword, Bow and Arrows, and Ninja Stars
Outfit: Dress, Necklace, Black Leggins, White Boots, White Bandana, and White Gloves
Personality: Kind, Not Afraid To Risk Herslef, A Friend To Everyone, and Very Professional at Fighting
Description: Tanish, Tall and Curvy, Long Hair(up to feet), and Silver eyes
Aug 18, 2009
All characters are approved.

Yes, Linky, the race works just fine. ;) Thanks for signing, btw.

One more thing I should have added right at the beginning. Your submitted characters may die....so I hope that is okay. Really, it's not that bad since most will become Einherjar, anyway.


Advanced Ocarinaist
Mar 29, 2011
Hyrule, where else would I be?
Here you go! ;D

Name: Evelina Brengle
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Weapon: An ageless sword with gold accents. Split at the tip of the sword so that it divides into two separate points. The hilt and guard are both made up of a single ring of sparkling gold placed horizontally (You grip inside of the ring). The pommel ends with a point.
Outfit: A long silver dress adorned with gold. A high neck-line with a flowing skirt.
Description: White skin color. Slender. Long golden hair put into a banded ponytail. Ponytail decorated with gold ribbons. Bright green eyes.
Personality: Elegant and noble. Wise.
Race: Angelus

I'm sorry that it took me so long to sign up! D: Well, it's done now, and I hope that she fits into your story suitably!


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
Repost of my old character, for more details. ;D

Name: Tekara Ki
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Weapon: Bow and Twin Curved Daggers.
Outfit: tight black pants tucked into tall brown leather boots, a white blouse, and a pendant of green jade.
Description: Light skin, 5'5", skinny and fit, Golden Brown hair, emerald green eyes
Personality: Quiet, caring, fierce, brave.
Race: Elf

Still an Einherjar. ;)
Aug 18, 2009
@Key Thanks.
@Sabel27 That looks wonderful, thank you for joining.

Peeps, as I said, I will write on the story either tonight or tomorrow. If I get busy and can't do it either of those days, then expect it somewhere in between this week's days.

Btw, sign ups are officially over.
Aug 18, 2009
He's dead atm, but perhaps he'll show up as a ghost later in time, who knows? You can either submit a new one, or wait and see what happens. Oh, and don't think much about his death, many others will die.

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