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AL Sign Ups


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Name: Arkus Razen
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Weapon, Emerald-encrusted sword
Outfit: Black silk shirt and pants, leather boots.
Description: Tired pale eyes, longish blond hair, medium-height and slim.
Personality: Laid-back, but determined
Race: Human
Other: Was a prophet in a small village. One day, he received a vision of a 'dark god' seizing control and throwing the world into chaos. He since spent his life trying to find the dark god and destroy him.
Aug 18, 2009
Alright, thanks for signing up again, Myriad. I've come to collect all the new characters' information.

It is safe to say that sign ups are officially over. Thanks to those who joined, expect your characters to appear soon. Enjoy the story. ^^
Apr 16, 2010
Name: Olivia
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Weapon: bow and arrow
Outfit: blue-green v-neck shirt, tan pants, dark brown boots that go up halfway to the knee
Description: tan skin, shiny shoulder-length brown hair with a part on the right side, dark brown eyes, pretty face, about 5'7"-5'8", thin
Personality: kind, smart, funny, loves to laugh
Race: Human
Aug 18, 2009
Okay, I'll ask you some questions later, Hero. For Damera, will you submit a new detailed character for the remake, or should I just go crazy with him? You can vm me the response if you want.

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