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  1. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    With the Lizard temporarily unconscious on the ground, spiderman covers him with webbing and begins to run around the lab, looking for anything he can find. He comes across multiple failed vials, and then an interesting chemical formula. It takes him a second to understand what it is before...
  2. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    The lizards eyes had narrowed back to human eyes. The antitode that Curt had made wasn't strong enough. Spiderman slips what remained of the syringe into his pocket, maybe he can reverse engineer it later to be better? HIs spider sense tingles as he narrow dodges claws and nashing teeth. He...
  3. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Hey Curt? WIth great power comes great responsibility. You're onto something amazing here! Take it from a friendly face, some tweaks and this could be the ultimate health care solution! But it starts with you not letting that beast inside be superior to your own will.
  4. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    The lizards eye open and spiderman sees human pupils. Hey doctor, did you take your own advice and have an apple a day? Seems like you got into something else? Spiderman holds his hand out to a fellow scientist friend to help him up, hopeful that this dr Jekyll Mr Hyde baloney was finally over.
  5. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    I guess it's time to stop holding back! Spiderman let loose a proper full strength punch to the lizards ribs, sending him flying away. He quickly Webbed to his body before he hit the ground, using the momentum to shoot back towards him, slammed his feet into the same spot. He then webbed him...
  6. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spidey sees that the antidote takes affect, and begins to force a shift back to human. The lizard is fighting the change and launches at Spidey who does a back flip out of the way. Spidey snacks his butt and says "Come on, let's wear you out lizard breath! Follow me". enticed the lizard chases...
  7. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    As Spidey flies through the air, he lands and rolls protecting the little syringe. He quickly read the notes on it before he was launched and the science checked out. The worst that would happen would be nothing, best case, he turns back human. Spidey webs launches himself back at the lizard...
  8. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spiderman realizes where they are. It's right near the Lizards Lab! Hey LIZARD! Spiderman checks for civilians before he dives through the window. He doesn't want to bring the danger any closer! he quickly scours around looking for something, ANYTHING he can use. As the lizard smashes into...
  9. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Jonah, HHH, what's stronger, your want to win with a win condition or how much you care for the town? We both want the same thing. If removing me from the pool is what you think will help town win go for it. Or take away one of the strongest defenses we have.
  10. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    What're we having for dinner?
  11. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Good thing I've been working on those mini spider tracking devices! *Spiderman pulls out his phone* wonder where she's headed to? Spiderman thwips through the air until he locates her, and begins to stealthily follow her.
  12. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spidey jumps after her and webs her back so she is stuck hanging mid air. He slowly lowers upside down until he is eye level with her. "Why you leaving so soon? Sorry you look a little tied up with something! A lady like you looks like she could use an escort ... And maybe provide me an...
  13. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spiderman, his morales conflicted by a beautiful person notices her dip into an alley and gives chase! "Hey get back here!" He swings after her as she runs across buildings, and after many QTE inputs he finally catches up to her, cornering her on a rooftop!
  14. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spiderman quick thwips away to make a net for the for falling civilians. Not on my watch! He successfully catches them all and quickly rushes back to Cats location! Cat, you better not have moved!
  15. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Nothing to say Cat? *Covers her neck to toe in webbing* The cops are almost here! My responsibility to town is to make sure you keep your hands clean!
  16. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Caught you now Cat! *Her feet and hands are bound* The police are already on the way. Prepare to stand trail for your crimes!
  17. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    BAD LUCK KITTY! Time to put this thief in a cage! *Spidey thwips at her arms and legs in an attempt to bind her!*
  18. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    @Freddeh Hey Mr Money Man! Amy chance I can use your lab to make an "Anti-Ock Compound" in case he gets out! I may have a way around those indestructible tentacles!
  19. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    VOTE STORM We chose to let storm go and catch Ock because there were already storm votes! Remember: town votes are worth more if I vote for someone and you do to!
  20. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    As Spidey soaks Electro he looks around. He sees the people injured in the water. "Oh no! Is there anyone around that can call for help, and maybe CHEER US ON?" Spidey thwips the people out of the water and lays them down in a safe spot on some grass. A civilian who was running by, pulls out...
  21. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    ***You can burn hotter than water. Not I. This is a correction post not a fight post.
  22. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spiderman with his arms pins, kicks his legs out hitting Ock in the face causing his grip to loosen. Spidey flips up onto the wall, pushes off and does a flying knee to Doc Ocks head. In the corner of his eye, he sees Electro enraged shooting his electricity into torch, and torch pumping his...
  23. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    "Change of plans then! Reverse bungee! Fly him up as high as you can!" Spiderman webs between stone buildings, and kicks Doc right into the middle! "Fly as high as you can with him, and let him slightshot back down!"
  24. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    "Torch! I'll keep him in place. Can you melt his arms?" Spidey starts by webbing his feet to the ground over and over.
  25. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spiderman rushes in, faster than you'd expect, dodging claws. He viciously uppercuts the doctor sending him flying into the air. Something (docs face) cracks. He shoots out a web which lodges onto his foot, and using his own weight against him, slams him into the ground.
  26. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    "HEY! WHAT HAS EIGHT ARMS AND CANT SCREW IN A LIGHTBULB?" Spidey leaps into action. Spidey has had a rough couple days, so he wants to end this quick. Spidey chicks a web bomb at Doc Ock, which explodes, covering him head to toe. 'You aren't the only smart one around here buddy! Quick, torch...
  27. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    There was an update, I had until 7pm today.
  28. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Remember this as the day Spiderman chose to save people at the risk of his own neck. I GUESS ILL GO SEE WHATS UP WITH THESE ALIENS.
  29. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    They jumped on arresting Abigail, a townie. Mafia isn't interested in helping town. I'll do everything I can to protect town.
  30. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Fair but it still feels like not a lot of info! Still worried it's a mafia trap NGL. ❤️
  31. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    There's a serious lack of information here, and the people telling me from my sources are all mafia. If a bunch of gangsters told you there were aliens attacking, would you take them seriously? I also asked for more info and was met with silence. SORRY FRIENDS THIS SPIDER NEEDS A NAP, ITS...
  32. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Is this for me to meet you?
  33. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    It smells like a trap, I've told Zinger I'm not going! Especially with the lack of response to my post 7 hours ago!
  34. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    My Spidey sense is tingling. Explain more.
  35. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    My eyes very much glazed over once I got to that article. Boring stuff. Still is.
  36. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    I know you are Bugle, so are you Jameson? Is this a motivation thing :p?
  37. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    ***if KoD is a supervillain that is
  38. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    VOTE KOD. Remember townies, a vote for KoD will count double now!
  39. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Flamey buddy, I've told you to take up pottery instead, you're practically a kiln.
  40. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Hey Rubik! A little spider warned me that Turin may not be a great guy, so I instigated that one!
  41. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Dear citizen. Why? Sincerely, Me.
  42. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Anyone else think they can take on Spidey? I've been holding back! Next one won't be so lucky!
  43. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Spidey sense kicked in just enough to avoid real damage. Luckily the masks eyes are pretty thick. Still, it hurts. It itches. When spiderman looks around only 10 seconds later, he barely catches a glimpse of a shadow in the alley. He finds the Big-mans suit. What the Big Man doesn't know is...
  44. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Damn it's like he read my mind! Spiderman looks up and notices an open window. He wip zips both sides of it and slingshots himself into an old ladies apartment. She is watching T.V. on her couch. Spiderman zooms by her. Hey there neighbor! Please ignore the sounds of punching you might hear in...
  45. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Hey buddy, you're gonna hit someone! Just give up! You can't even hit me! SPIDEY cartwheels out of the way, counting bullets out. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Rotating towards an empty street. No Spidey sense telling him someone is in danger. Good. 7, 8, 9. Gosh, how many bullets does this gun have? Woah...
  46. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    (Spidey didn't see the double post because it went on a new page. Assume this post was before the last one. My bad!) Slow motion. Tingles across the back of his neck. The tightening of Foswell's finger. A voice that's not a voice telling him with every fiber of his being, MOVE. Before the...
  47. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    Someone parked illegally here! Hopefully they have insurance! Listen here Large Guy...or was it The Biggest Dude? No! I got it! Giant Human! I've been called worse than a genetic freak. At least my taste in costume is better than yours. That hat is sooo not you. Spidey web grabs his hat and...
  48. Spider-Man

    Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

    A tingle races across spideys body. He backfips as bullets wizz by him, articulating his limbs to avoid the hail of bullets. Midair he lets loose one web strike, covering the nozzle of the gun. He lands lightly on his feet. Hey, Tiny wanna try again? I can already see tomorrows Bugles Headline...
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