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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
"A tactical disadvantage? "

He glares at the mad mastermind...

"I'm only just warming up! I can take you down myself!"

The Human Torch curls up into a ball before his form brightens significantly and he outputs a sudden scorching BLAST of HEAT, making any attempt to get close or nab him with metal an inadvisable decision...

While Doc Ock shields his eyes from the effulgence, The Human Torch springs to his feet with the strength and agility of an experienced Hero as the heat and brightness dies down, and duplicates himself into four FLAME CLONES! They surround Doc Ock in a cautiously broad circle, and each raises their hand to fling another FIREBALL...

"My sister can turn invisible..." one of them says. "What will you do if you don't know where I am?"
Aug 26, 2023
Knowing his Digits were made to thrive in the extreme heat of a nuclear reaction, he telescopes one of his arms to max length, and swings it in a wide arc to hit all four clones in minimal time.
"Four? One? What does it matter when you're all EQUALLY INFERIOR"

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
The Human Torch underestimated the length Doc Ock's mechanical arms could extend, and only narrowly dodged to avoid a full-on blow! His clones reacted with the same speed, but their forms could not withstand the force of the hit, and dissipated as the Hero was knocked back with an exclamation:

"Holy- OOOMPH!"

The blow, albeit a glancing one, would have killed a normal man... but The Human Torch has SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY far beyond what any normal man was capable of withstanding...

"Spidey, a little help?!"

He shouted with sudden unease, regretting the brashness of engaging such a dangerous enemy all by himself as he quickly took FLIGHT again and surveyed the surroundings, shooting off a flaming beam upwards which remained flickering in the sky as a SIGNAL FLARE to alert his tardy partner...

By this time, the sounds of violent conflict had warned away everyone wise and experienced enough to know that a Hero's combatant was often deadly... realizing this, The Human Torch decided to turn up the heat...

"You've really gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs haven't you!"

He taunts the villain with bravado as he generates something with a little more punch than just a FIREBALL, powerful STREAMS of FIRE from both hands, directed towards the cunning Scientist...


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Spidey leaps into action.
Spidey has had a rough couple days, so he wants to end this quick.
Spidey chicks a web bomb at Doc Ock, which explodes, covering him head to toe.
'You aren't the only smart one around here buddy! Quick, torch, while he's tied up!"
Aug 26, 2023
Alone in the open with no lab equipment to throw in his way, Octopus has no choice but to block with his mechanical arm, seething as he feels the heat travel to his nervous system where the limbs connect. The limb stays intact but is now red hot
"You dare call me crazy? I don't blame you, no simpleton could differentiate insanity from genius!"
Taking advantage How high up Torch is, he begins to make pace towards a building with a water tower on it.
That is until he is hit point blank with a web bomb...
Undeterred by his newest distraction, he extends his limbs to break the web wrapping around them
"Ah, well if it isn't the newest victim of naiveté, how about a little warming gift, courtesy of Torch!"
Extending the three arms that aren't heated to create something of an aerial dash, he lunges to BASH SPIDERMAN WITH THE HEATED CLAW

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
Quickly, The Human Torch shoot out another FLAME WHIP, which curls around the metal limb... the ferocity of the claw's momentum knocks his balance off mid-air, but the opposing pull is strong enough to give Spidey time enough to dodge...

"Took you long enough, what were you up to, webbing up flies for breakfast?"

Torch greets his partner with a needling jab and a grin...
Aug 26, 2023
Octopus spins out of control in mid-air, finally regain his balance on his claws. Not wanting to let them unleash on him unrestrained, the Doctor lengths two tendrils out until they reach between them and throws them to other side of me so that if they fire anything at me they might risk hitting the other.
"Careful now, wouldn't want or humble hero's costume to set fire, or our resident pyromaniac to get caught in a web"


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Spiderman rushes in, faster than you'd expect, dodging claws. He viciously uppercuts the doctor sending him flying into the air. Something (docs face) cracks. He shoots out a web which lodges onto his foot, and using his own weight against him, slams him into the ground.


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
"Torch! I'll keep him in place. Can you melt his arms?"
Spidey starts by webbing his feet to the ground over and over.

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
"We're a Dynamic Duo, Doc Ock, you think this Dream Team's gonna take down each other before we send you packing? Not a chance! It's just like with my Family, we work together to beat the baddies!"

The Human Torch uses PYROKINESIS to send out a FLAME WHIP to wrap around Doc Ock's mechanical arms and heats them... to little effect...

"No good, they're too tough unless I go all out, and I can't risk that without exhausting myself or making the surroundings hazardous!"


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
"Change of plans then! Reverse bungee! Fly him up as high as you can!"
Spiderman webs between stone buildings, and kicks Doc right into the middle!
"Fly as high as you can with him, and let him slightshot back down!"
Aug 26, 2023
Doc is sent flying into the webbing, but rather than get caught, he extends out 2 tendrils and pulls a hole through the web which he can pass through effortlessly. Doc Ock does what he does best: Think.
In mere moments he formulates a plan, using his extremely powerful claws, he dashes up to a rooftop, throwing his claws through the walls to act as handholds, he makes his way to one with a water tank on top
(which if every piece of spiderman media I've consumed is to be believed those things are everywhere) And rips a hole in one, flooding the streets and the populace which didn't get far enough.
"what'll it be spiderman? me or the people, would you be able to call yourself the "friendly neighbourhood spiderman" if you let an entire block drown?"
He crosses to another roof and does the same for good measure
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The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
"Holy smokes! I wish I had Reed's reach right about now!"

The Human Torch flies with extreme speed, and wraps fleeing citizens with FIRE WHIPS, regulating their temperature to cause no harm whatsoever to the innocents they contain, using PYROKINESIS to lift them to safety with dizzying speed, starting with those closest to the ongoing disaster...

The Green Goblin

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
@Green Goblin, want to jump in on this one?

No can do buckerino. You see...

But when heroes team up, so too do villains!

Andjalo can team up with another Supervillain-Aligned player of their choice!

Got anyone in mind who fits the bill?...

...I ain't supervillain aligned.

But I'll tell you what, I'll help out in my own way. I'll throw a bag full of Pumpkin Bombs at whoever is left standing when the dust settles on this fight of yours. That way, you all lose evenly! How's that for fair? :devil:


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