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  1. HeroofScotland

    MM-3DS Let talk about the changes in Majora's Mask 3DS[Spoilers obliviously]

    Originally I thought I was going to hate almost every change in the game, but after an hour or so I didn't really mind any of them. It's still the Majora's Mask I grew up with, now with enhanced graphics and better Zora controls. The only thing I'd say is a problem is the Bomber's Notebook. Not...
  2. HeroofScotland

    Breath of the Wild What if Zelda U had no magic meter at all?

    That could just be a meter showing your shield's durability or anything else that has ever been represented by a meter in a Zelda game.
  3. HeroofScotland

    Breath of the Wild What if Zelda U had no magic meter at all?

    I don't see why the absence of a magic meter would diminish the game's quality to some people. In my opinion, no, I don't want the magic meter back. It limits certain items for me. Usually I won't be using any items that consume magic if they aren't required to proceed because, well, they...
  4. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda Do You Want ALBW's Item Meter Be Implemented for Future Zelda Games?

    Only for magic items. One cool thing I like to do in Zelda is preparing for a dungeon, but in ALBW the only thing I needed to do was re-stock my potions and fairies which kinda deminished the value of rupies, even if you needed them to rent/buy items.
  5. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda What is your least favorite item?

    Maybe that's the reason Adult Link can't use it in OoT.
  6. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda What is your least favorite item?

    Actually, you could get one or two Heart Pieces with the pictobox.
  7. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda Do Lands Exist in Other Timelines?

    Maybe Koridai is a canon land in the Zelda world...
  8. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda What is your least favorite item?

    Deku Nuts. Did anyone seriously use those things? I always had a full stack to be honest :/
  9. HeroofScotland

    General Classic Unlimited Wallet

    No. I hate seeinng that I have a large ammount of money and it just gives me the urge to go buy stuff. With an unlimited wallet the game would just pain me even more.
  10. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda Link's Awakening Vs A Link Between Worlds

    Why even compare the two? The only thing thay have in common is that they're Zelda games on a hand-held. I think LA vs OoS/OoA would make more sense. Anyway, I vote for ALBW since it's just better crafted.
  11. HeroofScotland

    An Underrated Mario Kart Like Game for Playstation: CTR.

    Not surprised, I stole my copy from a friend just because I needed something new to play on my PSX. It's a kart racer based on Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, okay at best.
  12. HeroofScotland

    An Underrated Mario Kart Like Game for Playstation: CTR.

    Never played CTR even though I played the original trilogy. To satisfy my racing needs on the PS1, I had Walt Disney World Quest Magical Racing Tour (what a mouthful).
  13. HeroofScotland

    Majora's Mask What's Your Opinion on Majora's Mask HD/3D?

    I like the idea, but people need to shut up about it.
  14. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda Poll: Do You Want to See an Explorable Ocean/s in the Next Zelda Game?

    I'd like the ocean to return. Especially when The Wind Waker was the only game in which it really felt like you were going on an adventure. Seeing all of the islands in the distance, stealing from ships, finding treasure and extra equipment... It was all really well executed except for the...
  15. HeroofScotland

    Breath of the Wild Why is Realism Bad?

    Realism isn't bad when it's done properly, I don't think video-game designers realize that there're more colours than brown and dead green in the real world though.
  16. HeroofScotland

    General Zelda Favorite Link Hair Color

    Brown, if Myiamoto wants Link to be me he should have brown hair (I could go on on how I'd like a "customizable" Link in Zelda games).
  17. HeroofScotland

    Is One of Nintendo's Main Problems That It's Too Familiar?

    This may be the case, but remember that everytime Nintendo stepped out of their boundries everyone got on their case. Most notably being The Wind Waker, Skyward Sword and Metroid Other M.
  18. HeroofScotland

    "Iwata Isn't Nintendo's Problem. It's Miyamoto."

    But the Wii only had a difference of 300 GFLOP/S when compared to the PS3 and 360, while the Wii U reaches 1000 GFLOP/S of difference when compared to the PS4 and the One, so yeah, it IS that underpowered when compred to the Wii (of course I could be wrong since I'm pretty oblivious to this kind...
  19. HeroofScotland

    "Iwata Isn't Nintendo's Problem. It's Miyamoto."

    Not really, the Wii was at least more powerful than the PS2 and the Xbox, the Wii U is pretty much on the same level as the PS3 and 360.
  20. HeroofScotland

    "Iwata Isn't Nintendo's Problem. It's Miyamoto."

    An unique console doesn't need to be un-appealing in terms of hardware. The Wii is a good example of such, the only reason it didn't get more 3rd party support was it's lack of HD.
  21. HeroofScotland

    "Iwata Isn't Nintendo's Problem. It's Miyamoto."

    Nintendo's commercial failures have nothing to do with Miyamoto, while he may be getting a little "rusty" recently, it's the lack of 3rd party support that's hurting Nintendo. And my guess is that it has something to do with the Wii U's hardware and that (as far as I'm aware) has nothing to do...
  22. HeroofScotland

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Currently playing MGS 2 HD.
  23. HeroofScotland

    Ideas for a New Metroid Game

    On the other hand, you're less likely to miss something in a 2D plain than on a 3D one. The first time I decided to 100% Prime 1, I had many frustrations when I was missing one missile tank which happened to be behind a breakable wall with no visual clue whatsoever.
  24. HeroofScotland

    Ideas for a New Metroid Game

    Last I checked, Prime 2 sucked and Prime 3 was okay. Prime 1 is my second favourite Metroid game though.
  25. HeroofScotland

    Ideas for a New Metroid Game

    Let me word it better: When Legends was released the Playstation analog controller wasn't even an year old. When Other M was released we had games with analog controls since 1996.
  26. HeroofScotland

    Ideas for a New Metroid Game

    I can. MegaMan Legends was released in 1997 while Metroid Other M was released in 2010. In Legends' case it's archaic, in Other M's case it's just bad.
  27. HeroofScotland

    Ideas for a New Metroid Game

    1 - Make a game that makes the Prime series cannon, while Other M not so much. 2 - It should be 2D. 3 - I wouldn't want it to be as "confusing" as Super Metroid, I like the way Zero Mission told you where you needed to go, but didn't exactly tell you how to get there. 4 - I want it to...
  28. HeroofScotland

    A Link Between Worlds To Those Who Have Beaten the Game

    I had a little over 3000 rupees and 7 deaths when I first beat the game. I didn't know about the wonders of minigames at the time.
  29. HeroofScotland

    A Link Between Worlds Why Do Just the Lorule Dungeons Get Their Own Unique Songs and is Moldorm Easier?

    It's called a throwback, Nintendo loves them. EDIT: Moldorm is a joke thanks to the hammer which can stun him, and since you're required to get it in order to proceed in the Tower of Hera, there's no way you can miss it.
  30. HeroofScotland

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Well, I could think of many things that annoyed me today, but if I had to pick just one, it'd be my little brother deleting all my PS2 save files.
  31. HeroofScotland

    A Link Between Worlds ALttP, ALBW, and the Masked Followers: A Great Theory That Might Explain Everything!

    I think it's just a world growing alongside Hyrule as it's counterpart. I know it's a very stupid theory, but maybe the people who live on a parallel Eart have been playing "The Legend of Hilda" this whole time, and only now got to see Hyrule.
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