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  1. Sun'sSong

    General Zelda When Was the Last Time You *seriously* Played a Zelda Game?

    The last Zelda game I played seriously was Majora's Mask last week. I never finished MM because my collectors edition broke, and I finally got a new one. (I'm already in Ikana) Now you mention it; I'm also a bit bored by OOT, I love the game but I just played through it too much. I borrowed...
  2. Sun'sSong

    Skyward Sword Impa: Yay or Nay

    She was a really cool character who really did something for the story, so I say Yay for Impa ^^ But I have to say that I still hate the part where Impa scolds Link for being late. I didn't go through the dungeon to hear that.
  3. Sun'sSong

    What is Your Hylian Name?

    My real name: Sibela Ulfhasen, that just sounds weird.. My username: Nayru Loyahl, this one sounds a lot better ^^
  4. Sun'sSong

    Which Zelda Title Will You Not Play Again?

    Phantom Hourglass, just because of that dreadful Temple of the Ocean King.
  5. Sun'sSong

    General Modern Ever Written a Legend of Zelda Story?

    I actually wrote one not long ago and I have idea's for a new one. But I'm not going to post them online anytime soon. (Probably never, knowing me) It's just something I like to do in my spare time.
  6. Sun'sSong

    What Would You Do If...

    I would hit the front button of my alarm clock (because that's probably why I'm awake) and go back to sleep. If it's still there when I wake up again, then my most likely reaction is a weird sleepy face for the next ten minutes to come, followed by freaking out when I'm finally awake. Hopefully...
  7. Sun'sSong

    Do You Use Your Name or Link's?

    I always use the name Link, because giving him my own name would be kind of weird since I'm a girl. I also think that Link is just the most suitable for him, and I'm kind of used to it since I've never used another name.
  8. Sun'sSong

    Spoiler The Chekhov's Gun

    I knew it immediately, I even tried some items to make the eye appear. (I thought it was like blowing up the eyes in Dodongo's Cavern x-D) Okay, I know that wasn't smart, that man made clear enough that the eye was missing, but I'm just curious. So when I finally found the stone I knew...
  9. Sun'sSong

    Peanut Butter Gamer

    Never heard of him actually, but I have to say that he's really funny. But I disagree with him on his list though.
  10. Sun'sSong

    Places You'd Like to Live in OoT

    Lon Lon Ranch, just because I love that place.
  11. Sun'sSong

    Spoiler Where is the Snow ?

    Yeah you're right. When I finished SS I really missed an ice area. I know that it won't fit in the main area's, because of their theme, but there was plenty of space in the sky. There was nothing to do, so I think it would've been nice if there was something like a mini-dungeon. Well, that is...
  12. Sun'sSong

    Who is Your Favorite Link?

    I read it, and it was sure pretty interesting. My favorite is the Hero of Time. He has been through so much (and I guess after MM, a lot more might happened) The masks were awesome, I grew up with him. And most importantly, I like his story the most, also that he was mentioned a lot in WW was...
  13. Sun'sSong

    Skyward Sword FYI a Game Breaking Glitch Has Been Discovered

    This glitch fits for me. I always talk to people when I come past them. So if I did the Thunder Dragon's part first, I guess I would have to start all over. Well I'm glad I just started with the Faron Woods, because I wanted to do it in order. Luckily I'm now informed.
  14. Sun'sSong

    Voice Acting In Zelda Wii U

    I don't want voice acting in the series, If it would happen I could life with it but please don't make Link talk -.- He's a link between the player and the character, so I can connect a lot better with the game if he doesn't talk. It gives me the space to give my own opinions. Also I don't...
  15. Sun'sSong

    Least Favorite Zelda Game

    - Least favorite: I guess I have to say PH, I liked the story and the other elements, but I never finished it because I got so annoyed of the Ocean king temple that I never wanted to get in again. It's too long, and really annoying. - ST was also a game I hated because of it's slow train and...
  16. Sun'sSong

    Between MM and TP

    I still think Nintendo is keeping some space for a future game about the hero of time. So that Link traveled on and got into another adventure, and learned some new tricks in there. Maybe he finally finds navi after that. But I think Link becoming a Stalfos is cruel. His form is a golden wolf...
  17. Sun'sSong

    First Experiences with the Silent Realms

    Well, I wasn't really awake when I read the explanation. So I stepped out of the circle and the music started to play. It was scary, I saw the Guardian walking through me, and my face was like O.O Really scared I picked the tear and after my time was over they came after me. I still needed one...
  18. Sun'sSong

    What Was Your First Zelda?

    I was seven years old and my dad bought us a N64 from a friend. He showed us some games to choose from, he showed me zelda Ocarina of Time and when I asked what it was, he told me it was a game with a green dude and you can run around. Unfortunally I got stuck after the Deku tree, so I...
  19. Sun'sSong

    What Zelda Game Did You Have Fun Exploring in the Most?

    I have to go with WW, I was always sailing around the Sea to find islands, And every island had it's own secrets. I just loved that freedom :) In SS they had the space to hide some big secrets, but there was really nothing to do up there. I spent some time on flying around but there weren't so...
  20. Sun'sSong

    Favorite Skyward Sword Dungeon?

    I just loved the Acient Gistern. It was an complicated and big dungeon, and I just loved the creepy underworld with the annoying zombies. And the boss was great! Skyview comes second, it was a nice dungeon that was a great one to start with.
  21. Sun'sSong

    Spoiler What Do You Think SS Was Missing?

    Well yeah there are some things I'm missing in SS: - First, were are the redead's? The enemies in the Acient Gistern came close to redead's. But they still missed some things. They're my favorite enemies so you can understand I'm sad that they aren't there =( I don't miss only redeads, I had...
  22. Sun'sSong

    Did You Know That... (Demise)

    Wow I didn't knew that! I should try it out when I got the time. But it's still a weird idea that you can stop lightning with just a bug net xD
  23. Sun'sSong

    Poll: Favorite Minor Character

    I loved scrapper, he was so funny. I also liked Batreaux, but I choose Scrapper, just because he carried the stuff I had to bring ^^ (And Gondo did the upgrades for my items)
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