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Skyward Sword Impa: Yay or Nay

SS Impa: Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

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  • Nay

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Impa has been Zelda's enigmatic guardian for quite some time and seemingly the only member of the Shiekah tribe that isn't afraid to let it be known. She has also been taken for a ride under the guise of a rotund lady in the Oracle games who ultimately ends up being quite useless...

But Skyward Sword's Impa was not afraid to step into the limelight, order Link around and actually pull her weight in protecting Zelda front of house by fending off Ghirahim while Zelda made her escape, she also helped Link on his quest in the future and without her Link wouldn't have gotten close to his goal. Plus there was the whole Groose x Impa thing... (she was also quite good looking in SS too, better than her butch form in OoT)

So, Skyward Sword's Impa, do you like her do you not?


Jul 1, 2012
Impa was one of the few things I liked from SS she gave the story more depth.....The fact that she had more of a role than in any other Zelda game was good, even though I totally predicted that she was Impaz it was still a nice twist and it gave the final scene in SS some emotion!

Saying that though we still do not know nothing abt the Shiekah and we were sure it was going to be explained or at least touched upon in SS but NO nothing, but in all Its a Yay for Impa!
Feb 6, 2012
She was a really cool character who really did something for the story, so I say Yay for Impa ^^
But I have to say that I still hate the part where Impa scolds Link for being late. I didn't go through the dungeon to hear that.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Guess I'm gonna be the Devil's Advocate once more and say that I did not like Impa whatsoever, at least the young one.

In the beginning of things, she's such a rude person who condescends out the wazoo. Anyone who isn't to her standard is lowly and must bend to her will. Ghirahim was right in calling her a "goddess-serving dog" though he really meant much harsher expletives when he said that.

Yeah, later on she lightens up to Link, but not because she is a good person at heart. She hazed Link really badly, and when he finally proves himself the Chosen Hero--getting to her standards--she acknowledges him as a member of the band which fights evil.

I felt she just didn't have genuine feelings besides hate. I'd much rather her have Groose's personality in which she has a change of heart after coming to grips with reality. :I


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Guess I'm gonna be the Devil's Advocate once more and say that I did not like Impa whatsoever, at least the young one.

In the beginning of things, she's such a rude person who condescends out the wazoo. Anyone who isn't to her standard is lowly and must bend to her will. Ghirahim was right in calling her a "goddess-serving dog" though he really meant much harsher expletives when he said that.

Yeah, later on she lightens up to Link, but not because she is a good person at heart. She hazed Link really badly, and when he finally proves himself the Chosen Hero--getting to her standards--she acknowledges him as a member of the band which fights evil.

I felt she just didn't have genuine feelings besides hate. I'd much rather her have Groose's personality in which she has a change of heart after coming to grips with reality. :I

She didn't haze Link at all. Link was legitimately late to save Zelda. She would have fallen into Ghirahim's hands if it weren't for her. Impa scolded him for it, something that was absolutely called for (Ghirahim capturing Zelda meant Demise's revival), and it was doubled. was a moment designed to make us feel like we failed. And it was executed perfectly.
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena
She didn't haze Link at all. Link was legitimately late to save Zelda. She would have fallen into Ghirahim's hands if it weren't for her. Impa scolded him for it, something that was absolutely called for (Ghirahim capturing Zelda meant Demise's revival), and it was doubled. was a moment designed to make us feel like we failed. And it was executed perfectly.
But we didn't fail. SHE failed US. She clearly had the ability to get ahead of us, which is not due to our unchosenessbut rather ourlack of ninja magic. She could've opened some of the doors for us, helped us in combat, but instead just went along while we had to deal with all the traps and Lizalfos and ****.

Side note: old Impa is cool


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
But we didn't fail. SHE failed US. She clearly had the ability to get ahead of us, which is not due to our unchosenessbut rather ourlack of ninja magic. She could've opened some of the doors for us, helped us in combat, but instead just went along while we had to deal with all the traps and Lizalfos and ****.

Um... then there wouldn't be a dungeon to complete.

Lord Carlisle

He Who Shall Not be Named
Sep 9, 2012
I say nay to the OOT Impa... she barely had any speaking roles, and just seemed sort of pointless. Sure, she escaped with Zelda, but that's all she was there for... to help Zelda escape, and to fill in a slot as one of the sages. DEFINITELY the sage with the least personality. Heck, I was shocked to see her appear so late in the game after her absence.

Now, SS's Impa? Yay. She had a lot of personality, at least as her younger self, and had a much larger role overall. It actually FELT like she was Zelda's bodyguard. If Nintendo ever DOES go into deeper detail on the Shekaih, I'd like her to play an even larger role... I want her to be a kind of villain. Vaati seems to have a relation to the Shekaih despite being evil, so having Impa as his right-hand (wo)man would be interesting.


Indigo Child
Mar 25, 2012
Stuck in the material world
Impa in Skyward Sword I say is a good character. You don't see her that much, yet you find her pretty important. She does appear to not like you at all in the beginning of the game, even to the point of saying that the goddess herself Hylia chose wrong. But you later earn her trust. And I do not dare tell you more about her (for those of you who haven't beaten Skyward Sword yet :silent: ).

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
Do I like Impa? At first, no, but then she grew a little on me. Really, it was more of I learned to tolerate her. However, I must say that I do not like the idea of her. A lone sheikah whose duty is to protect the goddess's vessel. Fine with that, but like much of SS, lacking an explanation. So while Impa herself is not Nay in my book, her concept is to me. Don't know where my answer fits.


Zelda Fan Girl
Jun 13, 2010
SkyView Temple
Impa is one of my favourite characters from SS:yes: and my favourite version of her as I loved the design and the fact she does more in this game then the others.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
"Because gameplay" is not a valid argument, JJ. Gameplaywise, the lack of dungeon is bad, but from Link's perspective, it'sa good thing.

Gameplay is the heart and soul of a Zelda game. It's absolutely a valid argument.

Fine with that, but like much of SS, lacking an explanation.

The series in general does this sort of thing. You can't single out SS for that.
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena
Gameplay is the heart and soul of a Zelda game. It's absolutely a valid argument.
From our perspective, more dungeons are a good thing. But from the standpoint of Link, Dungeons are simply obstacles that slow him down in his pursuit and do not benefit him. Gameplay does not excuse anything that happens ingame, such as Impa's distrust in Link, and her unhelpfullness nearly leading to the capture of Zelda, or her second guessing the verdict of her goddess.

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